Loki x Reader x Deadpool

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"Yo (Y/n), do you have any Chemichangas?"

"No I don't dumbass! Plus of I did you'd be stuffing your Goddamn fatass with all my food!

"What's your problem (y/n)?" Wade asked the moody girl. "My tummy hurts and it has since I ate all those Ice Breakers Watermelons from that stupid dare i did." The (h/c) girl explain as she held her tummy. "Oh, well then. Sawwy" Wade apologized. "Its fine Wade, just no more dares to where I might shit on someone or something."

Just as the odd conversation ended, Loki walked into the room. The Asgaurdian Trickster walked over to the smaller (h/c)women. "Hello my little Queen, how have you been?" The black haired trickster asked (y/n). "My tummy hurts because Wade dared me to eat a whole thing of Ice Breakers." the cute women said as she pouted and cuddled into her Princes side. Loki looked over to Wade with a scowl. "Why did that idiot tell you to do that?" he asked, his glare never leaving Wade. "Hey in my defince she dared me to get drunk and only eat beans. Do you know how much i threw up?!?!?!" Wade exclaimed. "I don't care about you Pool of Death, I only care for my maiden." Loki said as he looked away smirking.

"(N/n) your dating an asshat." Wade stated. "I know but he's my asshat Wade. And your my big bwoda." (Y/n) said cutely. "Awww!!! Its so cute!!! I'm keeping it!!" Wade says as he hugs (Y/n). Loki got jealous, and I mean jealous. Once Wade let go Loki pulled (y/n) into his lap and kisses up and down her neck. (Y/n) gasped as she felt his cold, soft lips met her warm, smooth, soft neck. She squirmed and mewled as she tried to get out of her lovers lap.

Wade stood there staring at the two, wondering if he should heave or not. 'Meh, (y/n) will still love me.' Wade said to himself as he walked into the kitchen, got a big bucket of water, walked back, and threw the water onto the Asgaurdian Prince and (Y/n).

"Eeeeeeeekkkkk!!!" A girly scream cam from a certain raven haired dumbass.

Guess who screamed xD

If you want me to change da ending I will just pm meh. Though I might take some time to write/respond

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