Date Night (Vision x Male!Reader)

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CyrusLarkin and a few others wanted another Vision, so yeah :3 Oh and you are Pietro's best friend. Like he almost loves you as much as his brother. Hehe and you are Tony and Steve's adopted son. (M/n) is Male name incase someone didn't know. Oh, and Pietro flirts, a lot. The pic is kinda what I wanted the outfit to look like.

Warning; Yaoi Smut, or gay boy sex, no like no read.


~~~ Reader POV~~~

"Come on! Get up!" Tony yelled in at his (h/c)'d son. (M/n) groaned and rolled over and softly hit his dad in the arm. "Noooooo! I wanna sleep!" The young adolescent groaned as he sat up. "well that's just too bad, because Vision needs to see you. " I got up immediately and got dressed. I put on a red button up shirt, black slacks, a black dressy vest, a black tie, a pair of grey socks, Some black loafers, and a charcoal grey fedora. I turn around and face my dad, "Well, am I sexy?" My dad snorts, that asshole. I love him but now he's just being mean. "Well, if I said my son was sexy, I would be a pedophile and into incest, sooo a how about no." Dad says, his iconic sarcasm just pouring out of his mouth.

I give him the look. Yep, the look. I laugh and shake my head at my dad's obnoxiousness, I love the man, but jeez. "So old man, what does he want?" I ask my dad. "Hey, I'm not old, Steve is. And your fantasy boy toy wants to speak with you about something along the lines of, oh I don't know, a date?" My mouth hangs open as he finished that sentence. Vision wanted to go on a date. With me. What the fuck.

I mean I wasn't gonna say no, but like, he has Wanda, and I thought they were a thing. Guess not. I nod my head back and forth slightly, taking in the information that was given to me. "Well, if you excuse me good sir, I am gonna curl up into a ball and fanboy." I say as I turn around, but my dad grabs me and drags me into the kitchen, where non-coincidentally, Vision was leaning against the marble kitchen island, wearing a sweater over a white button up shirt, a pair of khakis, and some loafers with white socks.

I see his face light up, his bored face light up with a small smile. i lift up my hand and give him a small wave, and a nervous smile. "Well, I will leave you kids alone. But no sex, We eat in here." Dad teases as he walks out of the room. I sigh loudly. "It's not like you and Papa don't do it on the counter Dad!" I yell back at him, and like the manchild he was, my dad flipped me off. I smile and shake my head, "Love ya too old man!"

I turn back to Vision, I can tell he is embarrassed, I am too. "Well...umm...hi?" I ask..or say, whatever. He looks over into my eyes, his pale green eyes shine, they are so beautiful. I could look into them forever. "Well. I...I umm...I know I was only born a few months ago, and I am adjusting to life slowly, but i was wondering if you would give me the honor of accompanying me on a date." Vision ask as he walks towards me, and kisses my hand, like a gentleman-- uh gentelandroid? I blush and try to speak, but nothing comes out, so I nod, like nod really fast.

I hear him chuckle, and he kisses my hand again. He stands up straight, "Well, I look forward to spending a lovely evening with you." And with that, he walks out of the kitchen. I wait until he's gone and jump up and down, squealing a little. "Mister (M/n), your father has requested me to inform him about your date tonight." Jarvis tells me. "Sure J, I don't mind, just please don't interrupt us." I tell the AI. "Yes sir. Oh and Mister Stark request that you do not, and I quote, "Fuck on the Kitchen table, or the couch." I exhale and lightly bang my head on the fridge. I stand up straight, and walk out, but not before saying, "Tell Daddy dearest I said to go fuck himself.

~~~~~~~baby time skip~~~~~~

I walk back to my room, just to see Pietro, my Sokovian friend. "Hello (M/n), how are you?" He ask me while rolling over onto his side, resting his chin on the palm of his hand. "I'm fine, you?" I respond to him with a question. "Are you sure? Are you sure you didn't fall from heaven? Because your face is pretty messed up!" I give him a glare and he laughs. I smirk and move closer to him. I straddle his hips, leaned down and whisper, "You say I'm magic, so for my next trick I need a condom and a volunteer~."

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