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Was requested by fanfic__obsessed hope u like it. Oh and I'm gonna be in the fanfic again and I will be my real age of 14 ;p Also the picture is being a dick so here is the link oh and Jhonny is 16 or 17 


"Abbie!" I jolt awake and fall out of my bed and onto the mahogany wood floor. "OW! Dad what the fuck I was sleeping!" I shout at Daddy Tony as one of my sheets lands on my head and covers my body. "Hey no using fuck at 7:00 in the morning, only I can do that." Dad says as he throws the sheet off my head. "And I was having such a good dream too! Wade and I were playing games then I threw a angry homicidal Aunt Nat at him and he was runin' like hell!" I say as I get up from the cold, wood floor and open my closet and pic out a cute red dress, a black leather jacket, a pair of black combat boots, and a pair of cool tights.

"Meh I've had better. Once I had a dream where Steve and I had wonderful sex where we did this sexy position an-" "Dad, Shut the hell up and get the fuck out of my room!" I shout as I throw a flip-flop at him as he runs out laughing, shutting my door. "Ugh I do NOT wanna know about my parent's sex life, I already hear them at night..." I say to myself as I get dresses. Once I get dressed I walk out of my room and into my favorite room in the Tower, the kitchen. The best fuckin' room in the Tower, I mean that fridge is like my best friend, it always has the best food. I walk in to see Papa talking on the phone. "Yes Director Fury.... Ok I will tell the other Avengers.....Ok by-" "HI UNCLE NICK!!!!!" I shot into my Papa's ear as I eat some pancakes. "Be quiet child I'm talking about important stuff....and Director Fury says hello. Ass I was saying..." I zoned out after that and I ate. I watch Papa get off the phone. "Well we are going to have some guest for a few days Abbie." Papa says to me as he steals a bit of a pancake. "Cool who? Is it Mr. Phil, That one chick who works for Uncle Nick....Oh is it Stan Lee?" I ask excitedly.

"Hehe no, it's the Fantastic 4, although I have not met them yet, Tony has and he says they're....interesting to say the least. They are coming over at in three hours so be on your best behavior, Ok?" Papa says, smiling. "Ok Papa but can I play with your Shield?" I ask. "Sure just don't try to break as many things as last time, you almost destroyed all of Tony's suits and he was pretty mad." Papa says laughing. "Heh why do you think I did it?" I say, grabbing Papa's shield as I walked out.

~~~Time skip cus I'm lazy :p ~~~~

"Sir, the Fantastic 4 are here." Jarvis announces. "Thanks J, let them up will ya?" Dad says as he tries to find something to eat. "Yes sir....they are in the elevator we speak." Jarvis says. "Abbie go get the newbies." Dad tell me. "Sure old man." I say as I walk to their rooms. "Hey! I'm younger than Steve so shut it ya little asshat!" Dad shouts, but I know he was kidding, it was kinda out thing to call each other names like that. I open the door.

"Эй Фантастическая 4 здесь, получить ленивый задницы, или я надеру тебе по яйцам и или сиськи.*" I say to Peitro, Wanda and Vision. "Да Да кроха, теперь мы знаем, уходят или я дам вам самый худший noogie вы когда-либо имели.**" Peitro replies back in a playful tone. "Да сэр!***" I say as I walk back to the living room.

"Hello Tony, good to see you." A tall-ish man with brown and white hair says to Dad. "Good to see you too Reed." Dad tells the man known as Reed. "Oh Natasha, it's been too long." A women about Aunt Nat's age says as she hugs Aunt Nat. "Yea Susan, it's been what, a year?"Aunt Nat says. Uncle Bruce walks to another dude with brown hair, but this dude has a broader build. "Hi Ben, what have you been up to?" Uncle Bruce ask. "The usual, beating the shit outta bad guys and boxing." The man says.

As I get even more confused a guys who looks just like my Papa talks to Peitro. "Hey...Hey....WILL YOU ALL SHUT THE FUCK UP AND TELL ME WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON HERE! AND WHY DOES THAT DUDE LOOK LIKE PAPA!?!?!?" I shout. Everyone looks at me wide eyed. Then that Susan chick starts to laugh. "Wow Nat, she sounds kinda like you." Susan chuckles. "Yep, I have taught her well." Aunt Nat says, also laughing. "Abbie I told you to act nice, and that was rude."Papa tells me. "Well sorry but one one was listening to the only teenager in this room while she was trying to get your attention." I grumble.

"Haha wow Tony you certainly raise a girl with a lot of fire in her." Reed says to Dad. "Ugh I hate my life..." I say as I walk back to the kitchen to make my self a sandwich. That Doppelganger followed me. "Why are you following me?" I ask him at I take a bite of my Grilled Cheese. "Because your cute." He says to me. "Heh flirting won't get you anywhere bub." I say as I take another bit. "I wasn't flirting, I was just stating the obvious." He says. "Well since your very protestant I'm Abbie Maria Stark-Roger, you?"I say finishing my Grilled Cheese. "Storm, Johnny Storm." Johnny says with a smile. I blush a little at his cute smile. "Is it wierd that I think your cute but you look like my Papa?" I ask him. "No, I'm just the better looking one." He says with a smiles as he kisses me softly.


Did you like it???? Oh and here are the Translations in Russian: 

*-Hey the Fantastic 4 are here get lazy ass or I'll kick you in the nuts and or tits.

**-Yea Yea pipsqueak, now we know go or I'll give you the worst noogie you've ever had.

***-Yes Sir!

(Edit) Wow the way I changed it is odd but I like it better hope you guys do too :3

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