Flirty!Avengers x Reader

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Boop. This might be a bit short, sorry. I just have a lot on my plate lately, I really am trying to write everyday for you guys though. Also this is in 1st person again! Sorry, when I tried to write it in third person it didn't go well. And I'm sorry it sucks, I really tried, but no ideas came to me.


Today was a good day. I woke up in a good mood, unlike yesterday. Yesterday was fucking weird. Like, weirder than a bunch of grown adults acting like children, playing with their superpowers. Wanna know what happened yesterday, it is...


"Hey (Y/n), do you work a Domino's?" Tony asked me, wrapping his arms around my waist. I gave him a look of confusion, "What?" I asked the taller, brown haired man. "Because you've gotta fine pizza ass." Tony said to me in a flirty tone, that usual shit faced grin plastered on his face. He pinched my ass. I just stated at the older man in front of her. I sighed and gave him the look. "God Tony, you are so stupid." I mumble, moving a piece of (h/c) hair out of my face as he cackled. 

I shook my head and started to walk away, entering the kitchen. I saw Bruce sitting at the table, eating cereal. "H-Hey...(Y/n)?" He ask me, getting up from his chair. "Yeah Bruce?" I answered his question with a question. "Wanna spoon later?" He said, putting his bowl in the sink. I double taked and looked at him with wide eyes. He just blushed and held out his spoon. I burst out laughing and get a spoon from the drawer and hit his spoon with mine. Then we had a spoon fight. Yep, much adult we are.

After the little encident in the kitchen I went to the training room and found Thor and Loki. They look at each other and grin. Oh God. Please no. Please. I walk over to the weights in the corner, ignoring the two manchildren snickering like school girls in the corner. I bend down to my toes, because you always need to stretch kiddies. Then I felt a presence above me. "I love wearing my helmet everywhere, and I love getting horny in bed" Loki's smooth, deep voice lingered in my ears. I jumped back and backed away, nervously laughing. I felt my back hit something firm, but not hard. (Gof that sentence...) I look up to see Thor, smiling, well more like smirking. "Don't worry Lady (Yn)... I'll guard your ass." (You get it? Cuz he's Assgardian. No....God I hate myself...)

"God damn it, not you too Thor!" I shout and storm out of the room, hearing the loud laughs of the two men. I run to the terrace and let out a big, long, sigh. I look at the beautiful sunset over New York. A big smile crosses my face as I see Clint, He will understand, won't he? I mean he's married, so he won't do anything...right? I hug he birdman and sigh. "Oh my God Clint, you will not believe what has happened today! So like I was just minding my own business until...Clint? Are you even , listening?" I ask the archer. Then he leans up too my ear and whispers, "I'm an expert marksman. I'll hit your spot every time (Y/n)?" I look at him in surprise then slap him. "You have a wife and kids you ass!" I yell and walk away from the assassin.

I walk into the game room and see Pietro and Wanda playing Mario cart. "Hey guys." I said as I picked up a random manga from the shelf and began to read it. "Hey (y/n), come here really quick." Pietro said as he paused the game. I groaned, got up, walked to them, and sat down. "What?" I asked in a rude tone, because I could really care less. "When we have sex, you won't even see me coming." Pietro said a wanting tone. I look to Wanda with a pleading look. She just smirked. "Pietro stop it! If you keep it up we can't have a threesum!" I just stare at Wanda, my mouth open. She closes it and just smiles. I just get up and walk to the living room and flop onto the couch.

I hear Steve and sigh. "Stevie why is everyone being weird today?" I ask my blondie. "I don't know (Y/n). But I do know one thing." He says, poking my stomach. I laugh at this. "And what might that be Mr. America?" I ask the tall blond. "That I have the endurance of 10 of you." He says with his innocent smile. I just flip him off and walk to my room, and see Natasha sitting on my bed.

"Nat, I swear to God if you do a dirty joke too I will beat you." I threaten my red headed friend. She just smiles and takes a drink of her water. "Well, actually I made a bet with everyone to see if they would all flirt with you." Fuck. My. Friends. I groan and face plant my bed. "Whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy though!" I exclaim as she sits by me. "To see if they would actually do it. Plus we made a bet. If everyone but me made a pass at you, I owed them each 100 bucks. If they all did not complete the challenge by the end of today, they will be our slaves for a month." She explained to me. "So did they win?" I ask her.

"No, because Vision is on a mission today."

"Yay! Fuck you Tony, you're my bitch now!"

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