Nap Time (Vision x Child!Reader)

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TitaAlanis requested this. Hope you like it. Also Tita is in the story, she shall be the child. Drawing is by me, It's really bad, sorry. Also not a lot of ideas came to me today. so sorry if it sucks Tita!


It was a normal day for Vision, well as normal as a day can get for a red dude. He was drinking his cup of hot coffee, reading the newspaper, a normal morning. Until he got a call from Tony. His phone buzzed, and he saw his contact picture for the rich playboy, it was a picture of when he was drunk. He slid the green call button and held the phone up to his ear. "Yes Tony, what may I do for you?" The red skinned android asked. "Hey Carrot Top, can you take care of Tita for us, it looks like the mission will take longer than we thought." Tony told the android.

Vision looked at the small brunette 4-year old sleeping on the couch. She snuggled she Tony and Steve dolls that Wanda and Natasha had made her since her parents are on missions a lot of the time. "But Tony, Tita was looking forward to see you and Steve today, she even made me help her make little cupcakes for you when you get home." Vision exclaimed in a worried tone, this didn't happen often, and when it did, Tita would cry for hours. "I'm sor-- shit! Gotta-" Then the call ended.

Vision sighed as he moved to sit over by the little girl. He looked over to her, and patted her head softly. Tita shifted, laying her head on his right leg, holding onto her "Daddy" and 'Papa" dolls. Vision smiled at the little girl that was using his leg as a pillow. "Daddy... come home....soon..." Tita mumbled as she held onto her Tony doll tighter. Vision sighed again, wondering what to do. He knew she took long naps during the day, so he got up carefully and went to his bedroom to get a book. He looked through his bookshelf and found Eragon. 


He ran to the living room to see that Tita's bleeding hand and a broken vase. He quickly picked up the four year old and put her up on the counter top, wiping up the blood on her hand with a wet cloth. "I d-didn't mean to! I j-just wanted to fix the vase so when Daddy comes home it will look pretty!" Tita explained as she wiped her tears.

He smiled at he and kissed her forehead as he cleaned the gash on her hand. The he put some alcohol on it, and wrapped it with medical tape. HE picked her up and put her in a chair next to a plate of grilled cheese he had made earlier. "There all better, now you stay and eat this while I clean up the vase, Ok?" He told the her as he went to clean up the ceramic pieces that were scattered on the brown mahogany floors. The last piece Vision picks up picks his finger, but her levitates all the pieces into the trashcan and shuts it. Then he feels a tough on his pants, and sees Tita holding a Band-Aid. Vision chuckles and bends down holding out his finger, letting the little girl cover up the small wound with the bandage.

"Hehe I'm a doctor!" Tita exclaimed excitedly, then Vision picked her up and gave her a little piggy back ride around the tower. "Hehe! Hey Uncle Vision?" Tita asked the older man. "Yes Tita?" He answered. "When Will Daddy and Papa get home?" She asked him as he got her off his back.

"Well ugh....your fathers said that the mission they are on might take a few more days." Vision informed the small brunette. She looked down, and a look crossed her face, a mixture of sadness and disappointment. " have me to play with! And I think that's pretty amazing!" Vision says in a happy tone, trying to cheer the little girl up. Tita still looked glum and went to sit on the couch, dragging her Tony doll in the ground. "Ok, time for the secret weapon." Vision says smirking, and starts to tickle the little girl.

Tita laughs, rolling on the couch. After a few minutes, she gets tuckered out and lays on Vision chest, he is laying on the floor. "Hmm...thanks Uncle Vi...sion..." Tia says as she falls asleep. "Your welcome Sweetheart." Vision whispers into the little girls hair as he too falls asleep.

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