Cuddle Puddle :3

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Request from MicayahSmith :3 Main Character is Reader


'Stupid Corn! You stole my wife Mrs. Potato! Time to die!' Mr. Potato Head saaid as he picked up a stick and hit Corn with the stick.

"No don't hurt him!" (Y/N) yelled out as she fell off the couch. "Owww motherfucker that hurt, stupid mahogany floors.." She grumbled as all the Male Avengers plus Bucky and Loki rush into the living room and crouch around her in a circle. "Oreo you ok?" Steve asks, concern laced in his voice. "Yea just had a weird dream plus fell off the damn couch." I groaned as I rubbed my head.

Loki's hand turned slightly blue and rubbed my head. "Hmmm thanks Loki.."I say as lean into his cool touch. I see him smile and finishes rubbing my head. "Aww (N/n) it's ok, vhat vas zhe dream about?" Peitro says sliding his feet against mine so we could play footsie. "I don't know it was really weird...I think a stalk of corn was dating Mrs. Potato Head and Mr. Potato Head got pisses and started to beat Corn with a stick, then I woke up." I explain trying to push Peitro's feet but he made me slide a couple of inches.

"...Umm ok then.."Bruce says. "Well in her defense (Y/N) showed the Toy Story movies to Steve, Thor, Loki, Bucky, Pietro and I." Vision explains. "Hehe Thor cried a lot." Loki said chuckling. Thor pouted. "You did to brother, especially when the purple bear told his backstory." Thor said smirking at Loki. It was Loki's turn to pout. "Hehe it's Ok Loki, I think a sensitive guy is very cute." I say patting his head. He smiles a little, then gets up and goes to the kitchen, and just his magic to bring back a bunch of my junk food and candies. "Well (Y/N) I think Loki and all of us had the same idea, we will have a little sleepover and a movie marathon." Clint says as he bring a bunch of blankets and pillows.

"Yay!" (Y/N) says as she spreads out a bunch of blankets with Clint, Tony, Steve and Bucky. Then Loki uses his magic put put some mattresses and pillows everywhere. "What movies?" I ask the many men in the room. "Dumbo!" Thor yelled. "THOR INDOOR VOICE!!!" I shout, but I turn on the TV and I put in The Lion King. I crawl between all the guys and we have a hugs Pile of limbs and cuddles towards me.

After a few hours om movie watching everyone falls asleep before me, and I chuckled. "Sweet dreams boys.." I whisper as I fall asleep between Bucky and Loki.

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