Q&A Answers :3

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Welp, time to answer your questions :D

@TitaAlanis ask: Yeah...who do ya like in life and avenger?

Also i hope i'm not being that personal you but have you ever had a horrible past that you thought you could forget but still haunts you every night and day?Also my crush is Frank castle and can u plzzzz!!!!Do one he might not be an avenger but still can you do one with me and him!?!If it's too much I'm so sorry

A: No, not really. Also, I don't really like anybody Irl, the guys are douchebags at my school, and I shall be starting High School so yeah, more douchebags...yay. As for Avengers... I love Tony, Steve, and Loki.  And yeah I'll do Frank, I don't know who he is, but that is why we have Google.

@GiaNicole Ask: My question is have you ever liked someone who doesn't like you back and you can't stop yourself from liking them, cause i need some advice.

A: Yeah, but he's my friend. I said I liked him in second grade and he rejected me. After a few days we were back to normal and everything was fine. But when we started Middle school we had like no classes and I didn't know his number so we lost touch a bit. But that's my experience, yours might be different!

@Midnightdevil101 ask:  How did you find wattpad?

A: A Smutty Stony fanfic ;D

@ck221B ask: How did you join the Marvel Fandom?

A: The !st Iron Man movie :3

@pokemongirl31 ask: Out of the Avengers who would you:

Date?Bff?Slap into next week?Prank?

A: I Would...

Date: Loki or Steve. Maybe Bucky.

Bff: Tony, all da way. Or Thor, we would all be stupid together, but Tony has the expensive stupid while Thor is the stupid-stupid.

Slap into next week: Loki. I love him but I will slap his bitch ass.

Prank: He he...everyone.

 @schist_happens_ Adds- Sleep with: All the dudes but bruce and Vision.

@aNotSoCoolGuy ask: What other fandoms do you like?

A: Pokemon, WTNV (Welcome To Night Vale), Harry Pothead, and Anime. I like too many animes to name them all...I Reverse Harems are my bea. Examples are Uta No Prince Sama and Kamigami no Asobi. I also love Skyrim and Dragon Age: Inquisition, and Fallout 4.

@Wolfstar1048 ask: If you had to date, kiss, marry, and have kids with any one of the Avengers and friends, Who would you choose?

A: I would never kiss my friends...eww. But from the Avengers I would...

Date: Read the other question for this.

Kiss: All of dem.

Marry: ....Shit this is hard...I would have to say Steve, Tony, or Loki, cuz they are my babies.

Have Kids: Either Tony or Loki, cuz I have Dirty Blonde hair and Blue eyes so the combinations would be cute.

@schist_happens_ ask:

How many fandoms are you part of? - Lots

How old are you ?- I will be turning 15 September 19th

Where are you from?- Allen, Texas

Ok, so I have no more questions. Hope you all liked it and see you when the next One-Shot comes out!

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