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Paige watched as Wayne's jaw tensed when he heard a motorcycle coming down the road. They had been out back of her house chatting while watching the waterway that was behind their house. She hadn't expected him to stay as long as he had but she wasn't going to kick him out. She had truly been enjoying the conversation they had been having.

"Stay here." His tone was serious as he looked at her making sure she understood his words. She nodded before he stood and walked between their houses to the front of his. The engine cut off right as her line of sight of him was blocked off by his house.

"What Skip?" Wayne knew the sound of the other man's shitty bike anywhere. His arms crossed over his chest as the older man got off his bike.

"I need some cash." Wayne chuckled.

"Told you last time I'm not giving you shit anymore. Go find someone else to filch off of." Skip was in his face but Wayne would never back down.

"You owe me." The two men were forehead to forehead.

"I don't owe you shit." Wayne's word were said through gritted teeth. His fist balled as he was pushed. Before he even attempted a swing he stopped noticing that there was a car pulling into Paige's driveway. Just as a brunette exited the car she could see Wayne and Skip forehead to forehead once more. The horn sounding when she locked her car drew both mens attention towards her. She quickly walked to Paige's front door ringing the doorbell.

"Maybe I'll go ask that neighbor of yours...." Wayne snapped his fist connecting hard with Skip's stomach.

"Get. The. Fuck. Out. Of. Here." Skip was pushed towards his bike. The older man retreated instantly, the crappy engine roaring to life before he took off. Wayne collected himself before turning back towards his house. His eyes met Paige's before he looked at the brunette behind her. His eyes went back to Paige's before they narrowed slightly. His jaw was still tense. The entire look told her one thing. He didn't like it one bit that she didn't listen to him.

Wayne disappeared into his house before Paige turned around. Britt almost immediately raised an eyebrow at her.

"Don't you even start." Britt laughed at the other woman's words.

"I won't. At least not right now. But all I'm going to say is I'd think about staying far away from him. That looked like something that happens all the time with him." Paige looked over at her before they walked into her house.

"Honestly I don't know. He seems like ones who's set in his ways but also doesn't want to be.... But you know me. I'm just looking for fun. He's a nice chat so that's always a perk. Anything more than that though. We both know that'll never happen." Britt laughed as she nodded.

"Well he looks like he could be some fun. Dangerous fun. But fun." Paige smirked as she nodded.

"I'm driving him absolutely nuts right now. You have no idea." Britt looked her up and down before chuckling.

"Looks like it." She commented with a smirk earning the laughter she got.

"Wanna chat out back?" Paige got a look from the other woman. "It's safe back there I promise. No idiots starting fights." Britt laughed before nodding. As they got out back they could hear music blasting inside of Wayne's house.

"So tell me what you've done?" Paige chuckled.

"Honestly think he's the type that rarely gets turned down...." Out of the corner of her eye she could see Wayne walk out the back door of his house. He still looked pissed. What appeared to be a cigarette was placed into his mouth before he lit it. "So he's been making little advances that aren't so subtle that I just deflect." Britt chuckled. "Then this morning needed help with the bloody medicine. Well we were supposed to go for a run but he all but stopped me...."

"As he should you stubborn idiot." Paige rolled her eyes.

"Look. Was just trying to see if he was serious about what he had said yesterday.... But back to the story. So he stops me and I invite him in he offers to help me with whatever I need so I tell him he can help me with that." Britt raised an eyebrow at her. "I'm trying to show him where it's hurting and I'm struggling, so I tell him and I swear he kissed me on the cheek."

"Oh he is playing you at your own game." Paige laughed as she nodded. She looked over and could see Wayne watching them curious as to why she was laughing. He couldn't hear any of their conversation could only see their reactions.

"So then he hits that bloody spot on my back and it nearly took me down, well he caught me before I went to the ground and bloody hell...." Britt raised an eyebrow. "Honestly Britt I could drown in his scent and I wouldn't give a fuck." Paige could see Wayne flick the cigarette putting it out as it fell to the floor. As he turned he noticed her looking at him. A slight smirk appeared on his lips before he tipped his head and walked back inside. She had just given it away that they were talking about him.

"Looks like someone just got caught." Britt commented before Paige laughed.

"If I did so be it. Just means more fun in the end."

Paige walked out of her house a few hours later with Britt in tow. The two had plans to go to dinner together. As they walked to the car Paige's eyes met Wayne's. He had three men around him, as she looked at their vests she could see a different logo on the back. Her eyes went back to Wayne's and his look said it all. Get the fuck out of there. The two women exchanged a glance before quickly getting into Britt's car. The brunette didn't even hesitate she turned on her car before quickly backing out the driveway.

"Remind me again why you live here?" Britt commented before Paige looked back in the mirror. She could see the three men advancing on Wayne. She was almost grateful of the turn that the brunette took. It stopped Paige from seeing what was about to happen. Her next words came quietly.

"I'm starting to question it now."

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