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"Hey Doll.... Would you mind giving me a hand with something?" Wayne's asked Paige. She joined him in the bathroom before her eyes landed on his side. He had taken his shirt off and had a large cut in his side.

"How in the...?" She began as she moved closer to him inspecting it more. It was nearly four inches long but thankfully didn't look too deep.

"Old man can't ever fight fair. Hence why it was us surrounded. He thought that I wasn't in the club anymore and that I would get myself in more trouble getting me out of his hair because he apparently thinks I'm still in his life when he hasn't been in it since I was four because he was kicked out of the club." She looked up at him for a moment before he sat down on the edge of the bathtub. "He's had it out for me since then because they all saw how shit of a father he was and that mum was doing it all so they gave her the choice and she said she wanted him gone." Her eyes met his as she moved closer. Her hand came up gently running through his beard before he leaned into her. "Honestly wish I could just leave it all and never look back but that unfortunately will never happen. Would be too much of a target to everyone else if they knew I was alone." Her arms wrapped around his neck causing him to sigh. "I never wanted to bring you into any of this. Wanted to keep you as far away from it as I could."

"Geordie it really isn't that bad. Honestly all of that was quite enjoyable." She said commenting on the time they had spent at the bar drinking with the rest of the club.

"Doll.... That's the part they want you to see. The shit that draws you in. Then you get sucked into the other side of things and that cannot happen." He pulled away slightly so his eyes could meet hers. She knew he was serious. "The club is not the sunshine and rainbows everyone makes it out to be. It. Is. Dangerous. This...." He motioned to his side. "Is nothing compared to some of the shit I'm forced into. Slowly I've been getting out of it but there's no getting out of it fully. You always get dragged back into something." His eyes were on hers. He needed to make sure she was fully listening to him. "I don't want you involved in any of this. You don't want to be involved in any of this."

"And if I want to be with you." Her words were bold and caught him off guard. Both had gone into this not wanting a relationship but it had all but come to that point.

"Then I'm stepping back and they're going to realize that I'm not going to do any of the bullshit they want me to do." His hands landed along her hips before she was pulled into him. "You have no bloody clue how long I've wanted to call you mine." His lips pressed against her jaw. She turned her head instantly connecting their lips. She pulled away a few moments later before her lips slipped to his ear.

"You're mine Geordie." He groaned as a smile appeared on his lips. He pulled her in for a hug his lips pressing against her shoulder.

"That I am Doll." She pulled away carefully her eyes meeting his.

"Let's get that cleaned up yeah?" He nodded before she moved away. Paige looked for a first aid kit while Wayne carefully watched her. He hadn't expected her to respond the way she had but he wasn't going to push her away. When she finally found the supplies she turned back towards him. He was still watching her cautiously. "Geordie, I'm not one to scare easily. I know the risks and I am going to be the first one to say if my career ever gets jeopardized I will walk but I trust you." He nodded at her words.

"I'll speak to who I need to once we're back home. Make it clear and if they don't like it I'm walking Doll. You. Are worth it." She moved closer before her lips pressed to his. He pulled away gently, his lips slowly slipping to her ear. "I can't wait to treat you like porcelain." He was pulled into a hug as she lightly laughed.

"Because you already don't?" He chuckled as she gently pulled away. He was handed the medical kit before he held it up so she could look through it. She found what she needed before looking at him.

"Do what you need to do Doll. Little alcohol never hurt anyone." Her lips pressed to his jaw as he heard her rip an alcohol wipe open. He adjusted carefully so she had better access to his side. A slow breath was sucked in as she cleaned the cut up with the wipe. "Don't worry about a bandage. Too big to bother with it...." She rolled her eyes at him before she pulled out a roll of gauze and tape. "You really are bloody perfect." He said as she finished bandaging him up. She shook her head laughing lightly before she put the kit away.

"I'm far from it Geordie." He tried to protest but she stopped him by extending her hand towards him. "Come on. I want a cuddle." He groaned jokingly. "Oh bug off you. You love it." He chuckled softly as he took her hand. When he stood he nodded.

"I bloody do. But only with you." Their eyes met for a moment before she felt his hand tangle in her hair. He carefully pulled her in for a gentle and slow kiss. Her arms wrapped around him as he gently lifted her off her feet. Her hand tangled in his hair as her face buried into his neck. He carried her towards the bed before moving to sit on it his back leaning against the headboard. "You're gorgeous." He said quietly. Paige's lips pressed to Wayne's jaw before she spoke quietly.

"And you are so fucking handsome Geordie."

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