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As the sun began to set during their walk of the zoo Paige could see Riley's head move to rest along Waynes shoulder.

"You tired little Love?" She questioned the young girl softly who nodded. "We should probably get her home Wayne." He nodded at the words knowing that it would be difficult to get her home if she were fully asleep.

"I don't wanna go." The words came with a sob as the lack of sleep caught up to Riley.

"Little Love the zoos about to close." Wayne tried to reason only to get more tears from her. His eyes met Paige's.

"Come here little Love." Riley didn't even hesitate to move into her arms. Waynes lips pressed to the top of the young girls head as Paige gently rubbed her back. "We can come back Love but you need to rest."

"But I don't wanna." Riley pouted as Wayne and Paige exchanged a look before carrying her back towards the motorcycle. At the exit to the zoo they could both hear Riley fully break down into tears. "I don't wanna goooooo!" She cried through her tears.

"We'll come back little Love. I promise." Wayne tried to diffuse the situation but it wasn't working.

"Please Mum!" The words all but stopped Paige in her tracks. As his head snapped towards Riley he could see the older woman simply staring at her. "Please Mum. I don't wanna go." Her eyes met Paige's as she pleaded with her.

"I-I...." She couldn't form a sentence still shocked at what the young girl had called her. Her eyes met Wayne's begging for help.

"Little Love I promise you we will come back another day and we'll bring Uncle Juice and Aunt Toni as well Love." A defeated groan escaped Riley's tired lips before her arms crossed and she buried back into Paige. As the two adults continued their short walk to the bike Wayne could still see her processing what Riley had called her. "Little Love where do you want to sit?" She buried even more into Paige at his words.

"I'm staying with Mum." He could tell he had made the young girl angry, but knew it was mainly from how tired she was.

"Alright little Love." His eyes met Paige's for a moment. "Are you...?" She nodded.

"I'll be fine holding her." Her voice was low almost as if she was expecting Riley to realize she was not her mother. "We've gotta get your coat and helmet on little Love." Riley nodded at Paige's soft words. Gently the young girl was sat down on the bike before Paige helped get what she needed on. Wayne was watching the two carefully almost as if he was waiting for another meltdown to happen. "You sure you want to sit with me and not your daddy?" Riley nodded at Paige's words after both of them had all of their gear on. "Come here then little Love." The young girl didn't even hesitate to climb into the older woman's outstretched arms.

"You both good?" Wayne carefully asked warning a nod from Paige. "Let's get back then before she goes fully limp on you." He moved closer to her his lips pressing to the top of her helmet. "I love you."

"Love you too Geordie." She could see a smile along his lips before she could see him looking down at Riley. "What's up?"

"I'm just thinking how I can make it easier for yous since I know damn well she's going to fall asleep...." He said and she could all but see his mind working. "Little Love.... Come here for a second. Paige has got to get her jacket off." Paige shot him a confused work before he carefully maneuvered a protesting Riley from her arms. "Take it off. Grab mine but don't zip it. I've got a plan."

"Alright...." She said before she did as he had said. Once she had the jacket on he carefully handed her Riley before zipping the jacket up so it was around the young girl keeping her in place.

"Yous gonna be okay like that?" Paige almost immediately nodded as she could feel Riley all but curling into her. "You get too hot let me know."

"You know I will." A small smile appeared along his lips before he nodded and slipped his helmet on.

"Let's go then Doll." He said softly. She nodded before following him onto the bike. They could both feel Riley adjust between them. "You good little Love?" Only a nod came from the young girl. One of Paige's arms carefully stayed around Riley as the other moved so she could gently squeeze his hip telling him that they were both ready.

"Mum?" Once again the young girl made them both stop.

"Y-Yes little Love?" Paige couldn't help the crack in her voice. Neither one of them knew what brought on the recent change in Riley going from calling her Paige to mum.

"I love you." Paige's words caught in her throat as she looked down at Riley. Wayne carefully turned to look at Paige and could see tears just about welling in her eyes. This was the first time Riley had said those three words to either one of them. Paige's eyes met his and she could see a smile along his lips. Even though she had been the one to have been told them first she knew that he wasn't mad about it.

"I love you too Riley." There was no hesitation in Paige's response. The words flowed effortlessly. "I love you both so much." Waynes helmet gently tapped against hers earning a smile from her. "Let's go home Geordie." He nodded at her words before finally starting the bike. She could see him hesitate as he went to put the kickstand up. "I've got her and I'm not letting go of you. We'll be alright." Slowly he nodded and she could tell he was still hesitant. "What is it Geordie?" She could see him trying to come up with an answer.

"It's nothing Doll." She knew he was lying.

"Wayne...." He looked over his shoulder at her and then down at Riley who was now fast asleep before his eyes once again met hers. "You just realize you're stuck with me whether you like it or not?" He laughed lightly at her words before responding.

"I knew that from the day I met you Doll. I just.... I really don't deserve you. Y-You.... You're just so amazing with her.... I...." Paige squeezed Wayne's side stopping his words before she responded.

"Wayne.... Like I said before and I'll say a thousand more times. I love you both. Yous are stuck with me."

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