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As Paige was dropped back off at her house she could see Wayne's garage still open with the light shining outside. She waved to Britt who quickly retreated back to her side of town before going towards the open garage. As she walked in she could see Wayne working on an engine his head down.

"I thought you said nobody fucked with you." His head snapped towards her before his eyes narrowed at her. She could see bruising under his left eye but other than that he looked untouched.

"They don't." He dropped the tool he had in his hands on the table next to him before he grabbed a rag wiping his hands off. As he advanced towards her she could feel herself being pressed against a toolbox. "I thought you realized when I told you to stay put I meant it." His words were slightly cold.

"I didn't...." He knew what she was implying.

"No. Fucker thinks I still owe him for bullshit that I've paid double back to him. He's just a loser who begs for drug money every other day." His eyes were locked on hers. "But that doesn't mean the fucker isn't going to try something with you hence why I didn't want you anywhere near him. You or your other friend. He finds out who you are and that yous have money and it's not going to be pretty." She looked away for a moment only to feel his hand on her chin forcing her line of sight to meet his. "I need you to get one thing through your head Doll, I'm not here to fuck with you. What I say isn't a joke. You want to wind up fucked and dumped on a curb then by all means go off and do whatever you think you can do here. But if you want to actually feel safe then listen to me. Understand?" There was no hesitation as she nodded. "Good." He pulled away as his face softened.

As she collected herself she could see him watching her. It was almost as if he didn't want to have to scare her but he needed to. She needed to realize that what she was doing was going to lead to something bad happening to her.

"I'm sorry. I just don't want to see anything happen to you." For the first time his words were soft and genuine.

"So what is this?" She asked changing the subject as she finally composed herself.

"Engine for an old bike I'm putting together. Got my baby over there but this is just a shiny old toy." He said as he looked at her. "You really don't care about all this shit do you though?" When she shook her head he chuckled. "You ever ride a bike?"

"A push bike yes. But one of those.... Never. Always wanted to though." He chuckled as a smirk appeared along his lips.

"Could always make that dream a reality." She looked at him before shaking her head. "Oh come on Doll. Why not?"

"Because I don't fancy killing myself. I wouldn't even know the first thing to do." He started laughing before she looked at him confused.

"If you think I meant let you drive you're fucking crazy. Crazier than I thought." When she turned lightly red he smirked while chuckling under his breath. "You can ride on the back though.... Long as you're okay with the rules."

"What rules?" She asked as her confidence returned. He chuckled lowly.

"First things first, you have to wear a helmet. Don't need anyone knowing it's you on the back. Second you don't ride with anyone else...." She nodded at his words. "And last and most important...." He eyed her. This was the rule the club stood by and if she wasn't okay with it he would never bring her along. "We ride fast and only stop for lights." Her eyes met his.

"So you don't...?" He shook his head.

"Only lights. They never chase us. Not worth their time or ours. I've stopped once got just about strip searched on the side of the road and had my bike crushed for doing absolutely nothing. We don't stop." His eyes met hers and he knew she was still thinking it all over. "Doll I can promise you one thing. As long as you're with me you'll never get caught." Something came over Paige and for a moment she was bold. She nodded before she saw a devious smile appear along his lips. "Look at that. She's starting to learn." She rolled her eyes at his comment.

"You just best not get us into a situation where we're getting chased." He chuckled.

"That won't happen Doll. Trust me." Her eyes met his and she nodded. "But there's no way in hell we're going until your back is better. Not gonna have you falling off the back."

"I'll be fine. I'm not a bloody Barbie." He chuckled before she got bold and shoved him. She caught him off guard knocking him slightly backwards and she could tell he didn't like it. The smirk along her lips wasn't helping as well. "See?" His eyes narrowed at her before he took a step towards her once again pressing her against the toolbox. Without any hesitation his body pressed against hers as his hand slipped to her back. His palm trailed down her side before his fingers came to rest just along the spot he knew was hurting her.

"This...." His fingertips ghosted along the area causing her to wince. "Says otherwise Doll." His hand slipped to her hip. This time his lips boldly pressed to her jaw. She had to fight the urge to turn her head to his lips landed along hers. "I don't want to hurt you." He said into her ear. "I have no intentions of doing that. You just need to realize it. I only want to keep you safe and maybe have a little fun." Before he could pull away her lips landed along his. The action said exactly what he needed to know. She wanted the same thing. As he pulled away his arm slipped around her back. "Looks like you might not be the Doll I thought you were...." Paige laughed as her arms draped over Wayne's shoulders. Her nails dig into the back of his neck before pulling him closer. This time it was her low words into his ear that cause him to bite back a groan.

"I am far from it Geordie. This is only the start."

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