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Both Paige and Wayne were startled awake by a loud crash in the house at nearly two in the morning. He was the first out of the bed.

"Go get Riley and call the police. I'm going to figure out what the fuck that was." His words were said quickly before he just about ran downstairs. Paige didn't even hesitate she grabbed her phone before quickly moving into Riley's room locking the door behind her grateful of the fact that the small child was still sleeping. Her ear pressed to the door as she heard Wayne's feet hit the squeaky floor board at the bottom of the stairs.

"I'm giving you one fucking chance to get the fuck out of my house." His words were loud and cold.

"Now why would I do that son." Waynes fist balled at his fathers words. "I came to meet my granddaughter."

"That's never going to fucking happen." Wayne spat back as he turned. It was then that he felt a cold piece of metal press into his stomach.

"I suggest you change your attitude." He knew that by now Paige had called the police so it was only a matter of time until they showed up.

"And I suggest you get the fuck out of here." He took a step forward. He knew his father well enough to know he wouldn't do what he was threatening. "You aren't getting anywhere near her." When his father tried to take a step forwards Wayne roughly shoved him back against the wall behind him knocking the wind out of the older man. That's when Wayne felt an arm go around his neck. He tried to fight it until he felt cold metal press against his throat.

"Try me." Waynes entire body tensed as he immediately recognized who the threat was from. "Where is she?"

"You can kiss my ass if you think I'm fucking telling you." He could feel the knife dig into his skin drawing blood. Wayne stopped for a moment as he swore he heard the squeaky floorboard. Before he could even try and fight to get away from Clark, Paige smashed a chair over his back. The second Wayne saw the knife on the floor he kicked it away before turning his fist smashing directly into Clark's nose.

Wayne could see Paige retreat back up the stairs as she saw Waynes father get back up from off of the ground. No matter what she was going to make sure that Riley was safe. Paige's breath caught in her throat as she heard Wayne fighting off both men. As much as she wanted to help she knew she had done all that she could've against men their size.

It was less than a minute later that Paige could finally see flashing red and blue lights outside of the house. She held her breath as she waited in Riley's room.

"Paige open the door." She released a breath at Waynes words. Slowly she undid the lock and pulled the door open. His arms were immediately around her his lips firmly pressing to her jaw. She pulled him into the room before his foot kicked the door closed. No words were needed. "Thank you."

"If you think I was going to sit there and let that happen you're nuts Geordie." His lips pressed against her cheek as he nodded. "I love you."

"I fucking love you too." As her arms wrapped around his neck she could feel him wince.

"You need to get checked out." He shook his head.

"I'm fine. I need this more." She knew exactly what he was talking about. His only concern was that they were both alright. "How in the fuck did she sleep through all of that?"

"Because she's sleeps like you." She commented before he nodded. "We're moving."

"Fucking please. Right now I would move to Alaska and not give two fucks." She nodded before they both heard a knock at the door. Wayne almost immediately tensed before he pulled away from her. Paige however was the one to step around him and answer it. She could feel him protectively press into her back as she did.

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