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Paige hadn't spoke to Wayne in nearly two weeks. She was still angry at him for taking over and running from the police. As she walked out of her house the one morning she could see him pulling into his driveway. His eyes were on her. When he saw she was still glaring at him, he sighed. He pulled the bike into his garage knowing that it still wasn't the time to talk to her. He had tried that once before and had just gotten yelled at.

He turned his bike off and by the time he walked out of his garage he could see her getting into a car. She could see him looking at Juice who had been driving his jaw tensing.

"I am not fucking with that." Juice commented with a laugh before Toni laughed from the backseat. She had asked Toni to get into the back to see if Wayne would have any sort of reaction and he did just that. His face turned cold before he turned on his heels and walked into his house. Even though all the windows and doors were closed in the car all three of them could hear him slam his front door shut.

Hours later Paige returned but this time it was Toni driving the car. She walked up to her front door and could feel Wayne behind her.

"So I go and do something you agreed to and you go and fuck some other dude." His voice was cold as he grabbed her hip.

"I agreed to do that when you were driving. Not when I am." His grasp tightened along her skin.

"My bike. My rules." She turned around and her eyes met his before her glare matched his.

"And I told you Wayne. You put my career on the line and I'm gone. What you fucking did...." He took a step forward trying to intimidate her but it wouldn't work.

"Because you don't think I was trying to stop you from that...." He stopped her immediately. "Paige you don't want to get stopped with me. You get stopped with me and there goes your career."

"Then why the fuck am I even with you." For the first time the entire conversation his eyes softened. To her it seemed as if she had almost stabbed him in the heart. He backed up. He didn't say a word. He simply walked away. "Wayne...." He didn't stop. Instead of letting him walk into his house she followed him stopping him at his doorstep. Her hand hooked into his waistband and he stopped.

"Let. Me. Go." His tone was as cold as the look he gave her. When she didn't do what he wanted he turned. His eyes were locked on hers. "I gave up my fucking life for you. We didn't stop then because if we did any chance of me fucking getting out would've gone down there. You think I wanted to do that? Think I wanted to scare the living shit out of you and give up two weeks of talking with you? If you do you're bloody stupid. I don't like doing it either but shit like that gets back to the club. It goes back to the club I get dragged into more shit because they have to make sure I'm not a fucking snitch. I step away, only have show up for their fundraising events and I'll stop every fucking time. But I couldn't do that then."

Paige's eyes met Wayne's, though his look was still cold she knew he meant every word he had said. She took a step towards him and his hand came out to stop her. She didn't even hesitate her fingers laced with his. His eyes flicked to their hands before going back to hers.

"I'm sorry." She pulled gently on his hand and he didn't even hesitate. She was pulled into a tight embrace. Her arms wrapped tightly around his neck as he quickly returned it. "I truly did not mean for that to come out like it did." He nodded into her shoulder as his arms tightened around her. All he had been craving the past two weeks was an embrace from her.

"I'm sorry too Doll." Her lips pressed to his jaw before he used his foot to push his front door open. She didn't even hesitate to jump into his arms as his hands slipped to her thighs. Her legs wrapped around his waist as he carried her to the couch sitting down on it with her in his arms. She didn't even hesitate to melt into the embrace.

"So you're out?" He shook his head.

"If I were fully out I'd be a target. I am just stepping away from anything more than fundraising. I don't need to be involved in all the bullshit they're into. Done enough of that shit in my lifetime." She looked up at him. He was still very vague in the details of what he had done in the past. His eyes met hers before he sighed. "Doll I would tell you but honestly you really don't want to know."

"Did you ever go to jail?" He nodded at her question. "For what?"

"Smuggling." Her eyes went wide. "Before you think it was something bad, I was bringing in a bunch of meds from Canada for my nan. Didn't have the right paperwork and they threw me in jail. The other times were just simple drunken bar fights but there was one time I was showing a friend one of my guns thought it was empty and it wasn't, went off and hit a police car. Another reason why you really don't want to get pulled over with me. They see that on my record and it's instant guns drawn." She was staring at him. Carefully his hand came up pushing a stray piece of hair that had fallen into her face behind her ear. "I told you I'm complicated Doll."

"No guns." He nodded. "No drugs."

"That's not even a question. Was only prescriptions for my sick nan. " She nodded at his words.

"No bar fights." His eyes met hers before he chuckled.

"I'm going to be honest Doll. I can't promise you I won't but I think with you I'll be fine." He leaned forward his lips pressing along her jaw. She took advantage of his position and her arms wrapped around his neck her lips finding their way to his cheek. "Anything else?"

"Nobody else." His lips lowered to her neck pressing against her skin gently.

"Hasn't been and won't be." Her arms tightened around him.

"That was Toni's husband. She's one of my best friends. The blonde. I wouldn't do that to you." He nodded. "I just wanted to see your reaction."

"Yeah it wasn't the prettiest Doll." He said quietly. She laughed lightly before her lips met his jaw.

"You scared the absolute fuck out of Juice with a look and I've always thought he's had a screw loose because nothing scares him. The things he does in the ring honestly are mental but one look from you and he was running." Wayne chuckled lightly as he leaned back into the couch. Paige carefully came along with him, her head moving to rest along his chest.

"I broke the bloody door frame." She looked up at him. "Things been a bit busted from the start but I hulked that bitch Doll." She flicked his nose before his eyes met hers. Paige's next words brought a smile to Wayne's lips as he laughed.

"No hulking shit."

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