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"Alright. You know me. No judgment, no anything. Just talk and I will do my best to try and help." Renee said to Paige as the two sat down. They were out in the arena, sitting high above the ring where Dynamite would be held later, away from any prying ears or eyes.

"So everything with Wayne and I has been going swimmingly until a few days ago. Not that it's not going well there has just been.... Shall we say a bump in the road." Renee took a sip of her coffee as she looked over at the younger woman. "Well.... It's not a bump in the road it's a fucking tree blocking the road." The blonde raised her eyebrow. "You already know his story right?" Renee nodded. "Okay thank god because that would've made this even longer." Both women lightly laughed.

"He's definitely an interesting one. But is good for you. So what's the bump in the road?" Renee asked before she saw Paige take a deep breath.

"He has a daughter." Renee's mouth dropped. "He had no idea about her until Friday." The blonde blinked still completely shocked. Paige slowly took a sip of her coffee giving the other woman a chance to digest what she had just said.

"How old?" Renee asked quietly still in shock.

"She's four. He met the girl five years ago. They 'fucked around' for a bit and then she disappeared without a word." Renee shook her head.

"So he didn't even have a chance to get to know her...." Paige nodded at the blondes words. "That's awful. Why all of a sudden did he find out?"

"That's the tree in the road. His ex.... Passed away." Their eyes met.

"How is he taking it all?" Paige sighed.

"He's been very quiet. Appreciative but just quiet. Not that I mind because his focus has been completely on his daughter. Neither one of us have the slightest idea of what to do. He's trying to learn as fast as he can but I can't help but think he's getting too in over his head. He's refusing to ask for help because he doesn't want to be a burden but he is being a fucking idiot and says he doesn't need it." Renee chuckled.

"Because he's too proud like any man. Jon for a week said that he knew exactly how to change Nora.... That entire week I was fixing the diapers right after he changed her. None of them will admit that they don't know what they're doing. You've got to tell him. Trust me when I say I'm still learning how to take care of Nora. There's still a learning curve. But day by day it gets easier. Especially when you realize you were that age once. It's scary as fuck. I can't even imagine how you feel right now but I give you a lot of credit for sticking around. I don't know how many people back there would in your situation." Paige nodded.

She knew that this was going to be something a lot of the women wouldn't understand but thankfully she at least had one.

"I would say talk to Marina. She knows a bit more about kids her age. If you want advice on girls though I would ask Bryan or Christian. They would definitely know a bit more. Maybe not how to handle you exact situation but would know a bit more. I'm still getting Nora out of the terrible twos." Paige laughed lightly.

"Thankfully she really has been a doll. She's still trying to understand why she's with him instead of her mum and still hasn't quite figured out who I am and why I'm there but I think slowly it's becoming normal. Felt awful leaving them though." Renee lightly laughed before her hand moved to rest along Paige's arm.

"You will trust me. The times that we have to leave Nora takes us nearly an hour to actually leave the house because we're crying more than she is. It's different when you find out what the new normal is when there's three instead of two of you. Took Jon and I the longest time but we finally got it. You get into a rhythm. Slowly you all will figure it out and get comfortable it's just going to take some time. You've just got to make Wayne realize he has to let you help." It was almost as if on cue that Paige's phone started ringing. She answered it immediately when she saw it was Wayne.

"Oh thank fuck. I need help." The words came out quickly and she looked over at Renee before putting the call on speaker.

"You've got Renee and I, Wayne." They could both hear him let out a breath.

"I.... What the fuck girl shit do I do with her? I'm at a bloody loss Paige. Feel like I'm boring the living shit out of her because I have absolutely no clue what to do. We've gone for a walk. She fucking ran me ragged outside and now she's begging to do something but I'm clueless." When Renee laughed he groaned and Paige knew he was about to hang up the phone.

"Wayne don't you bloody dare." He huffed and she knew she had stopped him.

"What kind of toys have you got?" Renee asked him before it was Paige's turn to laugh.

"Everything from the girls toy aisle that she looked at twice." Renee couldn't help her laughter. She could already tell the young girl had Wayne wrapped around her fingers.

"This isn't helping...." He commented before Paige spoke up.

"Wayne breathe for a second and let us think would you. You're freaking out over nothing. She's probably hungry more than anything." It was Waynes turn to laugh.

"I bloody wish. She's already eaten four times today. Kid eats more than me." Both women couldn't hold their laughter at his words. "Oi you little wanker that's my beard." They could both hear that his voice had raised just that bit too much. "Fuck me." He muttered before they both could hear him set his phone down. "Little Love...." Though his voice was quiet they could still hear him. "I'm sorry. That just hurt."

"I didn't mean it." Renee couldn't help the quiet aww she released when she heard the young girls voice.

"I know little Love. I'm sorry for yelling." There was a pause and Paige knew that he was wiping the tears from the young girls face. "You tired?" There was a pause. "No.... Then what's wrong?" Another pause. "If you don't tell me I'll get it out of you."

"Don't tickle me...." Her statement was said through laughter. "Don't...." The laughter got louder. After a few seconds his laughter joined the young girls.

"Don't tickle me!" Paige couldn't help her smile as she heard the exchange. She knew he wasn't ticklish was just appeasing his daughter.

"He's fucking adorable." Renee said quietly not wanting her voice to be heard over the speaker. After a few more moments of laughter they could hear Wayne finally pick his phone back up.

"Alright...." He cleared his throat quietly, his tone returning to normal rather than the one he used to talk to his daughter with. "So what do we do?" Though the question was meant for the other two women they could hear the young girl respond.

"Can we watch a movie?" Wayne carefully adjusted her in his arms before answering.

"What movie?" Renee had to bite back her laughter. She knew that he was about to be tortured by a children's film.

"Frozen." Wayne could hear both Paige and Renee's laughter.

"What's that?" Paige answered for the young girl.

"You're gonna love it. Put it on Wayne."

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