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"Geordie.... Can we do something crazy?" Wayne stared at Paige for a moment.

"I swear if you say-." He was cut off.

"I'm not talking about changing the paint color again." His eyebrow raised.

"Go on then." He said as he fought back a smile.

"Let's get everyone over here and...." She could see something change in his expression. "Wayne...."

"What?" She moved closer to him grabbing his beard before she studied him. "Whats the issue Doll?" He questioned again when she didn't answer.

"You just.... I.... I don't know." His eyes met hers for a moment and while he wanted to study her he could see her doing the same to him.

"Paige...." Her hands slipped to cup his face.

"You just.... Looked off. I.... I don't know how to really explain it.... I-It's probably just my pregnancy brain Geordie." His hands met her hips before she was gently pulled into him.

"If somethings wrong I will tell you Doll. You know that.... I've got a bit of a headache starting so you're probably just seeing that." He admitted. "Now what crazy idea did you have?" Her chin moved to rest along his chest as she looked up at him. She could feel his hands slip to the sides of her protruding stomach before gently running along her exposed skin.

"Bloody hell I love when you do that." She said as his hands slipped to the lower portion of her stomach and he lifted taking some of the weight off of her.

"I know." He said with a light chuckle.

"Okay so.... Back to my original thought...." She began before her lips quickly pressed to his. "So you know how my mums coming in next week?" His eyebrow raised as he nodded. "What if we use Toni and Britt's skills to plan a wedding...?" When he chuckled her eyes snapped to his.

"Oh Doll.... I've already been using them." He could see tears for in her eyes.

"You're so bloody perfect." She said as her face buried into his chest. "How did you know-...?" He cut her off.

"Because at this point I know you better than I know myself." He said as his thumbs soothingly ran along her stomach. "Can text them both if you'd like Doll. Sure they would love to tell you what they've got." She looked up at him and instantly one of his hands moved to wipe a stray tear from her cheek before quickly returning to her stomach.

"Text them Geordie." His lips pressed to hers quickly. Before his hands could move she caught his wrists. "Would you mind just giving me a few more minutes of this.... You have no bloody idea how good it feels."

"Course Doll. Just tell me when to move." Her head fell back into him. "I love yous." He could feel her lips along his chest.

"Love you too Geordie." His head dipped before her lips pressed to her jaw.

"You know.... Had you asked me a few years ago if I'd ever want to get married, you'd have met the curb.... But now.... You have no idea how bloody exciting it was planning the stupid little shit-...." He was cut off by banging on their front door. Both of them exchanged a glance as they knew it was too loud to be from any of her friends. "Stay here." He said before he carefully pulled away and turned. She ignored his words and followed him her hand landing along his back as his hand reached for the doorknob. His head snapped back towards her.

"It's my bloody house too and it's probably one of my idiot friends. Just open it." His jaw tensed for a moment before he pulled the door open. Immediately he was confused by the man standing in front of him. Paige pushed Wayne aside as an excited scream escaped her lips. His jaw tensed slightly as she embraced the unknown man in a tight hug. "Oh Geordie calm your tits...." She said as she turned to introduce the two men. "Wayne, Will.... William this is Wayne think you can assume who he is to me." Will Osprey let out a laugh as his hand extended towards Wayne.

"Nice to finally meet you bruv. Paige has told me a lot about you." Though a handshake was exchanged Paige could still see the confusion along her fiancés face.

"Geordie I've told you all the stories about William here. He was the one that let Toni, Juice, a few others and myself stay with him in Japan." Waynes eyes met hers before the realization hit.

"Great to meet you mate." He finally said to Will before Paige immediately dove into a conversation with her old friend. The two walked into the house leaving a confused Wayne by the front door. Toni who was walking up the driveway couldn't help but laugh.

"Get used to it Geordie. That's what they've always done. They'll get bored after a few hours and finally realize there's other people there. Plus it's been.... Hell probably three years since they've seen each other." He nodded at her words before he was passed Riley who instantly was hugging him. "Little one had a bit of a rough night, last night." His eyes met the blondes. "Honestly was going to call you until Juice got her back to bed."

"What happened little Love?" Wayne asked Riley softly. Her head shook as her arms tightened around him. Toni could see his face fall slightly before her hand landed along his arm getting him fully into the house. "You don't need to tell me little Love. It's alright. Just know I love you." Riley nodded at his words before his eyes met Toni's. "So.... Paige is finally down for the cause." Toni all but stopped in her tracks.

"Wait.... Does that mean...?" He nodded before a squeal escaped her lips and both he and Riley were smashed into a hug. "I'm calling Britt. Oh I can't fucking wait!"

"That's ten dollars." Wayne choked down a laugh trying to hold it together as Riley's hand stuck out towards Toni.

"Since when do I owe you ten dollars?" The blonde questioned back.

"You said that you can't fucking wait and daddy said that fucking was a bad word." Wayne completely lost it as the young girl swore. As Toni did everything in her power to keep it together Paige was the one who stepped in.

"Riley did we not tell you never to repeat the bad word."

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⏰ Last updated: May 18 ⏰

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