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AN- Slight Mature Warning.

Paige couldn't help her smile as she looked at Wayne. For the first time, outside of being alone with her, his walls were down and Toni and Juice were able to see who Wayne truly was. Toni was also getting to see why Paige fell for Wayne. Though he was gruff and could rub you the wrong way very easily, he also had a very large heart, he just didn't know how to show it.

"Saraya's hit the nail on the head with him." Toni said to Paige as they walked behind Juice and Wayne who were chatting about wrestling. "He's an absolute bloody teddy bear even though he looks like a grizzly."

"I've been telling yous that all along." Paige said with a laugh. "I'll give it to yous in the beginning though. He was a bit of an ass. Still can be. But he's definitely changed."

"It's nice seeing you happy." Toni said honestly before Paige nodded. "Can I fuck with him?" Paige raised an eyebrow at the blonde before nodding. "Hey Teddy!" Wayne and Juice both turned around looking at Toni confused.

"Who the fuck are you calling Teddy?" Wayne asked as Paige bit back her laughter.

"You...." He rolled his eyes at the blonde.

"Don't you even fucking start. I'm not a damn teddy bear." He replied as Paige moved closer to him. She lightly laughed as she moved to lean against him. "You're an ass...."

"I am not. You're a bloody teddy bear. Stop fighting it." Wayne shook his head, rolling his eyes as his arm draped over Paige's shoulder.

"You are a Teddy...." Toni commented as Juice finally broke his unique laugh breaking the tension.

"Yeah come on Teddy.... Just admit it." Juice was laughing through the entire statement.

"I fucking hate you all." Paige tiptoed her lips pressing to his jaw. "You're an ass." He said into her ear.

"But you love me." She said as she pulled away.

"You're bloody lucky." Toni and Juice were laughing at their interaction.

"Come on yous. Let's go to Harry Potter World." Wayne chuckled at Toni's words.

"You realize the one in England is better." He commented before she rolled her eyes.

"I don't even want to start. For years I have wanted to go to the true one but I never have the time. Let me have my fun here." He laughed at the blondes words before he saw Paige looking at him.

"You know I never picked you for a Harry Potter nerd." He laughed at his girlfriends words.

"I am not. Do I mind watching it? Not in the slightest but I don't know the shit word for word like Toni probably does." Toni hit his chest as she walked past him. "Ow...." He joked before Toni gave him a proper slap across the chest. "Oh you fucking wanker." Paige shooed Toni away as she laughed.

"Now he didn't deserve that but by god was that a good one." When Paige looked up she could see Waynes jaw tense as he glared at Toni. The blonde noticed his look and turned away getting Juice to move along with her knowing Paige would want to handle it without a viewing party. "Wayne...." His line of sight moved towards her as they slowly followed Toni and Juice. "Toni can be an ass but you don't need to glare her into an early grave. Did she take it slightly too far.... definitely...." Toni looked back an apologetic look along her face. Both women could see that his face had softened slightly, his glare gone but his jaw still tense. "But it's Toni. Fuck with her later. It's what we all do. Just be happy you aren't on the brunt end of that during a match. Swear she's slapped my tits off...."

"Because you haven't done the same to me...." Paige extended her middle finger towards Toni who laughed. "But I am sorry Wayne. Shouldn't have gone that hard." Wayne gave Toni a short nod before Paige hit him lightly in the side. She heard him let out a quiet huff before he spoke.

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