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"Wayne...." Renee's words got Waynes attention. "I have a huge favor to ask you...." She started before he turned and saw Nora in her arms.

"Gimme her. I can balance them both." He could almost immediately see the grateful look on the blondes face as she carefully passed him Nora. They both stopped for a moment as Riley stirred slightly before her face buried back into Wayne. Both of them knew it was only a matter of time before both children were asleep. "Could you do me one favor though since I have no hands." She nodded. "Mind texting Paige to let her know that I'll be walking around."

"I fucking love you." She commented knowing that he was going to walk around to get them both fully to sleep. He chuckled as he nodded.

"Still owe you for the bar a few weeks ago. Let me know when you want her back." He commented before he carefully turned and started to walk down the large hallway backstage. Renee couldn't help but be grateful of Wayne as she saw Nora's head move to rest along his shoulder her eyes closing just like Riley's.

Slowly Wayne walked down the hall quietly hushing the two young girls as they began to fall asleep. He knew the best course of action was to get them as far away from the pyro before the show started. As he walked he passed Toni and Paige who laughed and shook their heads at the sight of him.

"Good luck if the pyro wakes them." Toni commented and both women could see him holding back his glare.

"If it wakes them you're getting one of them. I can promise you that now." She laughed as she flicked him off before the two women continued back on their way down the hall knowing they were both needed for the first segment with a match to come later. "Your ass looks nice Paige." He could hear Paige laugh as she continued down the hall. He chuckled softly continuing down the hall until he finally found a quiet part of the arena. As Kris Statlander noticed him the two exchanged a smile.

"You get stuck with the little ones?" She asked quietly as she warmed up for her match later that night. Wayne carefully leaned against the wall, nodding as he did. "Little Nora's the love of my life but I don't think I've ever met the other little beauty. Who's little one is she?"

"She's mine." He replied quietly with a smile.

"I don't mean to pry but you're with who? Don't think we've ever had a proper introduction but I know I've seen you around." He chuckled as he nodded.

"I've been dating Paige. Also my name is Wayne but you can call me Geordie if you'd like. Think we may have been quickly introduced but knowing Paige she probably pulled me away before we got a proper introduction." Kris lightly laughed.

"My name is Kris and she does have a tendency to do that doesn't she." Wayne chuckled at her words as he nodded.

"Sorry for bothering you though. Don't want them waking up from the entrances." She shook her head at his words.

"Don't worry about it honestly. I'm back here for the same reason. Hate warming up in all the commotion." He chuckled.

"You know Paige says the same thing then winds up being right in the middle of all of it when she's warming up." Kris laughed at his words.

"Now that's typical of her." Wayne nodded as he chuckled. Carefully he adjusted Nora and that's when they both saw her hand move into his beard. "My lord that is adorable." Kris commented.

"It is until the other one does it and then I won't be able to move." It was almost as if on cue that Riley's hand found its way into his beard. "And now I'm stuck." Kris was biting back her laughter.

"Can I please take a picture to show Renee and Paige?" He chuckled as he nodded. She took the picture of him before lightly laughing as she showed it to him. Both girls were tucked into him, sleeping soundly. Their hands were buried in his beard while their heads were comfortable resting in the crook of his neck. They just about mirrored each other. "Alright I am not just sending this to them. I'm sending it to all the girls. This is just too adorable."

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