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"You're an ass.... That movie was bloody horrid." Paige couldn't help her laughter at Waynes words. She had video called him once she was back at her hotel room. While he had headphones in to keep quiet, she didn't care knowing that Anna would be gone for awhile as she had gone to party.

"Frozen is a classic Wayne." She commented before she saw him roll his eyes.

"Maybe to you. But to me, I'm zoning out every time." She could see him adjust before she noticed Riley asleep next to him.

"Well aren't you just embracing dad life." He chuckled at her words.

"She gave me no choice...." He said as she saw him looking over at the young girl. "She wanted to watch another movie so I put on cars.... Needless to say she fell asleep and I still haven't quite figured out how to move her without waking her up."

"Have you even tried?" His eyes met hers and she knew his answer. "You've got to try at some point."

"I will.... Eventually." Paige laughed lightly at his words. "I'm still getting used to it all." He said quietly.

"You look tired...." She could hear him sigh as he nodded.

"It's definitely hard doing this all alone. Don't know how Lex did it." His hands ran over his face before she saw him rub his eyes. "I.... Thank you for earlier Doll. I was fucking freaking out...." He paused as their eyes met. "I cannot wait until you're back."

"You still haven't learned to speak little girl have you?" He chuckled as he shook his head.

"I'm getting better but it's still slow." He said with a slight smile along his lips. "No Anna?" He questioned earning a shake of her head.

"She went to the bar." When he shot her a slightly confused look she spoke before he could ask what he wanted to. "Didn't feel like it. Wanted a chat with you." He chuckled a genuine smile along his lips.

"Sure Doll...." Just as she showed him her middle finger Paige could hear the door open. "Everything good?" Wayne questioned as he saw her expression change. That's when he heard the sniffles on the other end. Carefully he got out of bed knowing he was going to actually have to speak. As he moved Paige's phone was set down and she instantly went to Anna who had tears in her eyes. "Alright who's ass am I kicking?" Wanye commented loud enough for both of them to hear when he could hear Anna break down in tears.

"Nobody's Wayne." Paige almost instantly replied.

"Oh come on Paige...." When his words came out like a whine Anna couldn't help her laugh. After a few minutes the two women appeared on his phone screen. Paige let out a breath when she saw that he had moved from his bed to the couch. The last thing she wanted was to have to explain Riley to Anna. "Alright.... What's going on?"

"Jacks just being a jackass." Anna said as she wiped tears from her cheeks. He raised an eyebrow. "You can...."

"No he bloody cannot." Paige interrupted her earning a laugh from Wayne.

"Come on Paige. I could do it so nobody would even tell it was me...." Paige was unamused.

"He would...." She replied back earning a laugh from both Anna and Wayne.

"That little bitch wouldn't think twice about snitching on me." When he saw Paiges glare he stopped. "Alright fine. I'm not going to do anything."

"Good because I'm going to kick his ass." Waynes laugh echoed around his quiet house.

"So I can't but you can? That makes sense." He commented as Anna laughed. "W-What are you going to do? Throw him to death?"

"I'm going to hang up...." Paige warned. Wayne bit back his laughter.

"Fine. Fine. Just...." He stopped his head turning as he heard footsteps. "What's up?" Anna's laughter stopped as the two women heard quiet words.

"W-Why did you l-leave?" Waynes phone was instantly set down as he saw the tears in Riley's eyes.

"I was talking with Paige. I'm sorry little love." He gently scooped the young girl up as Anna gave Paige a questioning look. Neither woman could make out the quiet words that were said by the young girl but Wayne almost instantly answered. "You can see Paige." He grabbed his phone shooting Paige an apologetic look as the two of them appeared on her screen. When Riley noticed Anna her face buried into Waynes shoulder her, hand grabbing at his beard.

"Riley.... This is Anna...." Paige's words were careful. Slowly Riley looked back at the screen. As Anna waved she got her first good look at the young girl. Anna almost instantly knew that the she was Wayne's daughter. "Anna this is Riley." Anna gave the young girl a smile which was returned hesitantly.

"Anna's one of Paige's friends little love. No need to be shy." Wayne reassured Riley who nodded before burying herself back into him. "W-We should get back to sleep. I'll speak to you later Paige. Anna.... No more crying.... Fuck him." Paige shot him a slight glare at the curse word causing him to chuckle.

"Speak later Wayne." She said before she hung up the phone. Paige sucked in a breath before she turned towards Anna.

"I.... You know what.... Honestly I'm not even going to question it. Obviously is something big. If you want to tell me feel free. If not, I still support you. He's too good of a guy to leave over a kid that he probably had no clue about." Paige was just about baffled by the fact that Anna was so calm about it all. "Paige.... We both saw how he was. He treats her like that.... Can only imagine how he treats you.... Not going to bash him for being a good person." Anna was almost immediately smashed into a hug.

"Thank you. I.... You honestly have no idea how bloody freaked I have been to say a word about this to any of yous." Anna returned the hug before she spoke quietly into Paige's ear.

"I'll always be here for you just like you've been for me."

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