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"Everything good Doll?" Wayne asked as he saw Paige walking into his garage. She nodded before she took a seat in the large chair in the corner. Almost immediately she was curling into the cushions. He eyed her curiously, she didn't look like her normal self. He set what he was working on aside before wiping his hands. As he moved towards her she looked at him. "What's going on?"

"Nothing." He knew she was lying when she looked away.

"Come on. Let's go in." Her eyes met his. Though they had been speaking for nearly two weeks with the odd kiss here or there she had never been into his house.

"Would you mind...?" He raised an eyebrow at her before she nodded confirming what he was thinking. Carefully his arm slipped beneath her leg as the other steadied her along her back. When he lifted her she all but melted into him. He immediately felt how warm she was.

"Fucks going on with you?" He asked as they walked into his house. She took in her surroundings. She had expected his house to look beat up and run down but it was the opposite. As he went over to the couch she expected to be set down but instead he sat down with her still in his arms.

"I think I caught something when we rode home like wet dogs." He chuckled. His hand ran gently along her side when he felt her shiver.

"Feels like it. Sorry Doll." He said quietly as he relaxed back into the cushions. Without any hesitation his arms wound around her as she melted into his warmth. "You slept at all?" She shook her head. "Take a nap. I'm not going anywhere." She slowly nodded as her head tucked into his neck. As his one hand moved to rest along the curve of her ass she could feel the other gently smooth her hair.

"This is so comfortable." Her words came out in a near groan as she adjusted carefully. He could feel her arms drape around his midsection before her lips pressed against his neck. "Thank you." He could hear the sleep flowing through her voice. She would be asleep in minutes.

"Don't fight it Doll...." He tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. "Just sleep." She slowly nodded before his hand slipped to her thigh gently running along it. She got heavier and heavier along his chest and he knew she was asleep.

Though Wayne easily could've slipped Paige off of his lap he opted to stay in that position. His arms protectively wrapped around the sleeping form as her nose buried into his skin. He fought the sleep for nearly an hour before he finally gave in when he felt her hand slip to the back of his neck pulling him into her more. The second his nose buried into her hair he knew that he would be falling asleep. His arms carefully tightened around her as he drifted to sleep.

"Geordie...." The words were said into his ear but barely got him to move. "Geordie." Her voice was louder but he still didn't move. She tried to wiggle out of his arms only to have them tighten around her. "Geordie you're bloody crushing me." The second he realized what she was saying he released her.

"Sorry." The words came out of his mouth quietly. She could tell he was still trying to shake the sleep. When her hand ran through his hair a sigh escaped his lips. "I didn't hurt you did I?" Her lips brushed his cheek.

"Not in the slightest. Was just starting to get a bit tight." He nodded at her words before his tired eyes opened. When her fingers ran through his beard his eyes closed again.

"You're gonna put me to sleep." He groaned before she lightly laughed.

"And...?" His eyes opened before they met hers.

"You're the one that needs it not me." She laughed lightly as she relaxed back into him. "How ya feeling Doll?"

"Still a bit cold and achey but better. The sleep definitely helped." His hand gently ran along her back, a long sigh escaped from her lips as her head moved to rest along his chest.

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