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"Geordie come here...." Wayne raised an eyebrow at Paige's words before moving towards her. She had been getting her hair and makeup done for a taping a Dynamite.

"What's up Doll?" She pulled him down to her height before her lips firmly pressed to his cheek. His head turned looking at her confused before she grabbed his jaw so she could look at his cheek.

"Nope that one's not going to work." Britt commented causing Paige to groan. Wayne was looking between the two still confused.

"I'm taking out Toni and they want me to kiss her cheek and leave a mark." Paige said once she read into his confusion. "That colors too light...." She said as she wiped the lipstick from his cheek.

"Do you have to test it on me?" Paige bit back her laugher as she nodded. He groaned before carefully leaning against the empty chair next to her. "Fine. You're just getting all this off me once you're done." She nodded a smile appearing along her lips.

"You're so whipped." Toni commented as she moved to sit in the chair Wayne was leaning against. Paige grabbed his front jean pocket pulling him towards her. His jaw was tense as their eyes met. The look in her eyes told him everything. He let out a breath, as his anger disappeared.

"Lean against the counter between Britt and I. Shouldn't have to move there." He nodded at her words before he went to lean against the makeshift counter.

For the next twenty minutes the three women compared the different lipsticks. Multiple different shades and styles trying to find the right one.

"Oooh that's tingly." Paige commented as she applied the next one. "Come here." Wayne had slowly begun to get annoyed by the whole process. While he understood the reasoning he was just getting tired of having lipstick all over his face.

"We almost done?" He commented into Paige's ear as her lips pressed to his cheek.

"Hopefully...." He sighed as he pulled away before his head turned so they could all see the mark left. She gently squeezed his arm before he leaned against the counter once more. "I like that one." Paige said.

"So do I. The color is so bright." Toni said as Britt agreed. The three looked at it for a few more seconds. That's when they saw Waynes cheek start to swell.

"Is he...?" Britt trailed off as he took a breath in before turning towards the mirror.

"Did that have cinnamon?" The words came from his lips as his eyes met Paige's. Toni grabbed the lipstick, quickly looking at the label.

"It did." Without any hesitation Paige grabbed a makeup wipe and quickly got it off of his face.

"Since when are you allergic to cinnamon?" She asked Wayne who chuckled.

"Since I was a kid. Isn't as bad now though. Ten years ago I'd have been on the ground by now." All three women and the makeup artists looked at him. "I'll be fine." He said as he went to lean back against the counter. Paige shook her head.

"You really are mental." She commented causing his eyebrow to raise as their eyes met. "You tell me you love me but not that you're allergic to cinnamon."

"Never came up." He commented as his hands found their way into his pockets. "Probably shouldn't be your Guinea pig anymore though Doll." She lightly laughed as she nodded before she got the lipstick off of her lips.

"And I probably shouldn't wear this. Toni we need to find something else." The two other wrestlers agreed.

"Yeah I'm not being held responsible for you putting him in the hospital." Wayne chuckled. "You look like you've gotten your ass kicked." Toni commented as she noticed his eye starting to swell.

"You sure you're good Geordie?" Paige asked before he nodded. "I swear to god if you're being stubborn I'm stabbing you with the thingy."

"An epipen?" She nodded as he laughed. "Fine by me. You'll probably stab yourself and wind up worse than me." She flicked him off as he continued to laugh.

"I swear if you are lying...." Britt began. "We're all stabbing you with it."

"Well that would kill me." He commented before she threw her empty water bottle at him. "I'm fine though. If I weren't I wouldn't be talking. My face will probably swell a bit more and then that's it. I'll take something when we get back to the hotel." Paige eyed him. "If my other eye swells shut you can stick me with the thingy."

"You're an idiot." He chuckled at her words.

"I am not." He replied. "Got a thingy right here in case it gets worse." He said before he pulled an epinephrine pen out of his pocket and showed it to her. Instead of putting it back into his pocket he handed it to Britt who immediately started reading it. "I trust you Doll but those are so fucking...." Before he could finish his statement Britt stabbed him in the leg with it. "What the fuck!"

"Thank you." Paige and Toni said at the same time. He teetered for a second before Britt steadied him.

"What the fuck happened to his face?!" Saraya asked as she came up to the three.

"Oh fuck off country bumpkin." Paige hit his side causing him to fall into Britt. "We wanna not abuse me while my heart feels like it's bout to explode." All four women looked at him confused before they could see his hand come up to his chest.

"Get him on the ground." Britt said quickly before they were helping him down.

"I'm getting someone from medical." Toni stated before quickly walking away. Though Wayne wanted to protest he couldn't. His hands ran along his face as he took a deep breath. When Britt's hand came up to his neck, he immediately moved away from her.

"Stop it Geordie." Paige warned him before he looked over at her.

"Her hands are fucking cold what do you expect." Her face instantly softened before Britt's hand moved back to check his pulse.

"His heart is fucking racing." She said while looking at Paige.

"That's why I didn't want you to actually use it yet." He commented before Britt hit him in the side.

"You needed it you bloody wanker...." Saraya commented. "Your face is fucking double."

"I was fucking fine. Now I feel like I'm having a heart attack." She flicked him off.

"You're not fine." Paige commented.

"No duh." His reply earned the hit to the side he got from her.

"Oh thank god." Britt said as she saw Toni and a member of the medical team come up to them.

After nearly twenty minutes, they were told it was a normal reaction to the epinephrine and were told to keep and eye on Wayne. As he moved to sit in the chair that was once occupied by Britt he could see the four of them looking at him.

"So what have we learned?" He laughed as he saw all four women flick him off. "Absolutely nothing.... Britt you're buying me a new one." Britt hit his arm before she hugged him. "I'm not dying." Wayne commented before Paige spoke for all of them.

"Might not be but you did scare the shit out of us."

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