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"What the fuck do you mean you didn't say anything?" Toni's voice raised and Paige explained to her what happened after All In. "Have you even brought it up since then?" The brunette shook her head as both the blonde and Britt shook their heads. "Why?"

"I-I didn't know what to say." Anna who heard Paige's words laughed.

"You say it back. He clearly loves you and those don't seem like words a guy like him just says. You feel the same way right?" Paige nodded slowly. "Then say it you idiot. He's not like that last idiot.... What the fuck was his name again?" Toni went to say it but Anna stopped her. "Honestly doesn't even matter because who the fuck even cares about him anymore. Wayne is Wayne. The idiot who will take the brunt of a car crash for you and then travel to another country that weekend to watch you cheer on your best friends. That is not the type of guy to use those words like a penny."

"Bloody hell I fucked up." Paige said as her head fell into her hands.

"No Love you didn't." Saraya began. "Ronnie did the same thing with me back in the day. Said it at the completely wrong time when I absolutely was not expecting it and I did the same thing. Except I was stupid and felt the same bloody way but kept it to myself for months. Finally told him when he all but exploded because he couldn't stand that I had just about given him the cold shoulder since he said it without even meaning to. Stupidest thing I've ever done and honestly Love like Anna said. It's Wayne, that bloody grizzly bear has become all but a teddy bear for you. You don't want to fuck that up, so just be honest with him and don't make him wait months because trust me you will regret it."

Paige thought about Saraya and Anna's words for the next few days. By the time she had gotten home from All Out she had an idea on what to do. As she pulled her car into her garage she could see Wayne carefully watching from his. As he leaned against the frame of his garage door she moved towards him.

"Morning Doll." She tiptoed her lips pressing against his instantly. His arm wrapped around her lower back and she could feel the fact that he no longer had a plaster cast along his wrist, only a brace. She slightly pulled away so her eyes could meet his. A slight smile appeared along his lips but she could tell he was holding back. When his eyes left hers she moved to carefully press her lips against his jaw.

"You want to go for a ride?" She could see his eyebrow raise at her words.

"You sure you want to?" She nodded as her lips pressed against his jaw once more.

"As long as you can handle it." He chuckled before she felt his lips along her neck. This time instead of creating a mark, his lips were slowly pressing along her skin as he pulled her in closer.

"I'm good as long as you're okay with driving." She nodded as her arms wound around his neck. "You sure. Don't want to rush you back into it."

"I'm sure Geordie. Actually want to take you somewhere." His lips lingered along the spot where her neck met her jaw. Just as she thought he was going to make a mark he spoke.

"Where would that be Doll?" She lightly laughed.

"Wouldn't you like to know...." He nodded as she laughed even more. "You'll see." She started. "Just have a little faith in me would you." He chuckled a small smile appearing along his lips as he gently pulled away.

"You know I do." Her hand carefully ran along his side and for the first time in the past few weeks she didn't feel him flinch. "I'm good to go if you are. Have actually felt good these past couple of days." She raised an eyebrow at him. "No lies Doll." She gently grabbed his beard before pulling him down to her height so she could connect their lips. When her hand moved from her beard to his chest she felt him wince. "That's the only thing that's still a bit sore."

"You sure you want to get on a bike then?" His eyes met hers.

"I'm half and half on it. Probably would be a bit more comfortable in your car." She studied him for a moment before slowly nodding. "You need to change or anything Doll?" He asked when he noticed she was still in the outfit she had worn from the airport.

"I probably should. Want to come over while I do Geordie?" She could see a slight smirk along his lips as he chuckled.

"Come over you say...?" Paige's eyes met his.

"Don't you even." Wayne immediately started laughing. "I'm dating a bloody child." The second the comment came out she could see his face fall, his laugh immediately stopping.

"Was just poking fun. You do, you. I'll be here." There was no emotion in his tone and she could tell she had touched a nerve.

"Wayne...." He was doing everything in his power not to look at her as his jaw slightly tensed. "Oi, wanker. Stop this bullshit because I was just poking fun too. I've missed you, you bloody idiot and don't want to spend the day at each other's throats over a bloody comment." When his eyes met hers and she saw the fire in them she grabbed his jaw knowing exactly what needed to be done. "Wayne. I love you. I bloody froze because I didn't know what to say. But I do bloody love you. I love you so fucking...." His lips were against hers instantly stopping her words.

"I'm sorry. I love you." The words were said against her lips. As she deepened the kiss his arms wound around her pulling her into him. When he pulled away his head fell to her shoulder as her fingers threaded in his hair. "Fuck me Paige you had me sitting here for a bloody week thinking I did something wrong and fucked shit up. I mean I know it wasn't the right timing in the slightest but fuck. I don't say those words. Haven't wanted to until I met you...." His words stopped as her lips pressed to his jaw.

"I'm sorry Geordie. Truly. I'll be honest with you it had been a long while since I have said those words to someone that I actually love. I didn't know what to say until I got some sense smacked into me because the last time I said them the guy I was with wound up cheating on me." She stopped as she heard him chuckle.

"That would never happen." Her lips pressed against his jaw once more.

"I know Wayne. I just didn't think I was ready to say it again. Until I met you." His head turned before his lips connected with hers. "I love you." As Waynes words slipped from his smiling lips he could see a smile form along Paige's.

"I love you Paige."

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