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"Finally...." Paige groaned as she collapsed into the couch. She could hear Wayne chuckle before she felt herself get pulled back onto her feet. "Noooo I just want to sit and...." He had her off her feet and over his shoulder before she could truly protest. "Wayne put me down!"

"Would you relax Doll." His words came as she heard the sliding door open. "We have a better option than the couch now." He said before she was set down on her feet.

"All of our clothes are still packed." He chuckled.

"And when has that stopped us?" He said with a smirk. "Remember your first time on the bike?"

"But we don't have anything to change into." The smirk didn't leave his lips.

"So...." She rolled her eyes before she could see him stripping down to his boxers. "I'll dig into the clothes boxes when we're done but right now you better get out of those before I throw you in."

"If you even think about it." He laughed as he moved towards the hot tub. The second he was within the hot water she could see his body just about melt into the seat.

"Come on Doll." She could just about hear how relaxed he was as he pushed the button to start the jets. Their eyes met and he had a smile along his lips. "This is fucking wonderful."

"Alright I'm coming." She finally gave in before she could see him watch as she took of her shirt and pants leaving her in a bra and underwear.

"Bloody hell am I lucky." He said as she finally got into the jacuzzi. She turned before she didn't even hesitate to sit in his lap. "You're so fucking hot." Her lips pressed against his.

"Says you." He chuckled as he felt her all but melt into him. "You're so right though. This feels amazing." His lips pressed to her jaw.

"I know Doll." His arms loosely wrapped around her as they both enjoyed the warm water. They sat in silence for the longest time simply enjoying the time they had to unwind after the hectic day of moving.

"I've got a question for you Wayne. It's something I've been thinking about for a long while but I want your opinion on it all." His lips met her shoulder.

"Go on Paige." He said softly.

"I.... With everything with Riley and all that has happened. I.... I've been thinking a lot about what you said. That if something happened to you what would happen to her. I...." His hand ran soothingly along her side trying to encourage her words. "You know I would fight for her like my life depends on it because fuck me it does. But I just can't help but think.... Would it actually work? I..."

"No matter what if something happens to me Doll she's going to you. I've already put it in writing. If something happens to the both of us. Then she goes to Toni and Juice." She turned before their eyes met.

"When did you...?" She questioned.

"Like two days after the break in when I talked with my friend that's a lawyer. I've made a will and everything, I couldn't leave what would happen to her up in the air anymore." Her lips pressed to his cheek. "But what was your question Doll because I know it wasn't that...."

"I...." He could tell her words were caught in her throat.

"Paige. Ask." He had a feeling where she was going with it but he wanted to hear it from her.

"Wayne.... I'd like to adopt Riley. If you'd let me...." When he chuckled she turned as he nearly saw her heart break.

"No. That chuckle was not a no. Don't you dare go giving me that look. That laugh was because do you truly think you need to ask me that Doll. Of course you fucking can. Swear she's taken to you more than she has me especially recently. I'd be absolutely mental if I'd say no Paige." She turned to straddle his lap and could feel his hands move to rest along her hips.

"Are you sure?" He chuckled as he nodded.

"Yes Paige. I'm more than sure. Riley would be more than lucky to have you as her mum." Her lips almost instantly pressed against his. "I love you."

"I love you more Wayne." He shook his head before his lips found their way to her jaw.

"Not possible Doll." He said as his arms wrapped around her midsection. "How did I get so fucking lucky?" The question was asked as she leaned into him her arms wrapping tightly around his neck.

"I could ask you the same thing." He chuckled at her words. "It's the truth Wayne. I'm so bloody lucky to have you. You seriously do not realize how perfect you are. You are the only reason I have stayed sane, I truly do not know what I would do without you."

"I'd have lost my mind without you Doll." She couldn't help her laugh as her lips met his jaw. He could feel her head move to rest against his shoulder and couldn't help the fact that he relaxed back into the seat even more. "Like truly with everything with Riley and all the other little shit shows sprinkled in between if I didn't have you by my side through it all I'd have driven my head through a wall. I truly could not thank you enough for it all Doll because you really are the best thing to ever happen to me."

"I love you Geordie." His lips met her shoulder before pressing to her jaw.

"I love you too Doll." The two enjoyed the silence and cuddle for the longest time. Finally when Wayne could feel Paige start to fall asleep he carefully stood with her in his arms. "Shall we find some clothes and head to bed?" She tiredly nodded. As she shifted she could hear his soft words. "I've got you. You don't need to worry."

"I know. I'm just cold." He chuckled softly as he felt her legs wrap tightly around him. One of his hands stayed along her thigh keeping her in place as the other wrapped around her midsection. A sigh escaped her lips. "Thank you Geordie." His lips pressed to her cheek gently before he carried her to their room. Without any hesitation he grabbed a spare blanket in the corner of the room and wrapped it around her. "You're so perfect." She said as she was gently placed down onto the bed. His lips pressed to the top of her head as he tightened the blanket around her.

"Just give me a second to find us clothes and then I'll get you warm." She tiredly nodded at his words before she felt his lips press to her jaw. "I love you."

"I love you more Wayne." For once he let her win as he went to dig through the boxes that were scattered around the room. Finally he found a box with his clothes in it. Knowing she wouldn't mind he grabbed her a pair of his shorts and a shirt before grabbing some shorts for himself.

"Come on Doll. Let's get you out of that wet stuff." She groaned before she stood and the blanket dropped from around her shoulder. He had to bite back a groan as she took off the remaining bit of clothes she had on. The second he had slipped the shirt over her head she just about collapsed into the bed. "You alright in just that?" She nodded before he chuckled. "Alright then Doll."

"Would you just come and cuddle?" She groaned before she could hear him laugh. Wayne quickly changed before Paige felt the bed dip next to her. As his arms wound around her, she sighed. His warmth almost immediately spread to her as she melted into him. "So bloody warm."

"I love you Paige." Wayne said quietly before he felt her lips press against his chest and then jaw. Paige's next words were said right before she fell asleep.

"I love you more Wayne."

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