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"Don't you bloody touch my feet." Toni immediately stopped as Paige and Britt's heads snapped towards the bed. Wayne's hands slowly came up before rubbing his eyes. Paige's knees went weak at the site, carefully she was held up by Britt. "Who the fuck are you?" All three of them stopped.

"Oh bug off Wayne." Toni retorted as he simply stared at her.

"How the fuck do you know my name?" He snapped back.

"Wayne...." His head snapped towards Paige who had tears in her eyes. She could see the sheer confusion in his eyes.

"Daddy!" Before any of them could stop her Riley ran to the bed climbing onto it before smashing him into a tight hug. They could all tell just how uncomfortable he was at the action as his hand barely touched Riley's back. Britt gently squeezed Paige as she could hear a quiet sob slip from her lips. Britt spoke quietly only for Paige to hear.

"We'll figure this out."

Paige was silently watching Wayne as he walked into their house. He had been released after spending a few more days in the hospital and while he hadn't regained his memory he had slowly begun to understand what had happened. Paige couldn't help but be grateful of the fact that Britt was watching Riley as she saw Wayne move to sit on the couch his head falling into his hands. Without saying anything she went to sit on the other end of the couch. A long breath escaped his lips as his hands ran through his hair.

"I feel like I should fucking remember all of this but I fucking can't." Carefully she moved closer to him her hand landing along his back. Another breath was released by him. "I'm sorry L-Love." She could hear him hesitate at the last word almost as it was unnatural for him to be saying.

"Doll...." Their eyes met for a moment. "You've called me Doll since the day we met." A nod came from him.

"I-I'm...." Her head shook.

"You don't need to apologize Wayne.... You can't help it...." She said quietly knowing the doctor had told them Wayne remembered everything up until about a year before he had met Paige. While it wasn't the best thing to hear they were confident that his memory would return with time and routine. "Honestly.... I'm just.... I'm happy you're home." For the first time his arm gently wrapped around her pulling her in for a light hug. She almost instantly melted into him. Neither pulled away instead he carefully leaned back into the cushions bringing her with him. "You don't...."

"Want to Doll...." He replied quietly stopping her words as his hand gently ran along her back. "You look shattered and can only imagine it's from me...." His words were soft and for the first time his walls went down. He knew he could trust her he just didn't know why. Everything had been explained to him but it was still hard to understand. He had gone from thinking he was single with not a care in the world to having a fiancé, daughter and a son on the way. His entire world had been rocked just like hers had been when he woke up without his memory.

"I just.... I just don't understand it Geordie...." She said quietly.

"Neither do I." He replied with a sigh. As he began to relax he could feel her hand running along his stomach. "I just.... I don't understand why the fuck I know I can trust you but don't know why. It makes no fucking sense. Like I feel like I should be taking you up to bed so you can rest but I don't want to overstep. Feel like I don't fucking know up from down and left from right." He admitted to her before she looked up at him. A sigh left his lips as their eyes met.

"What Wayne? You can talk to me. You always have." She said softly before her lips pressed to his jaw. His instincts made him lean into the action as another sigh escaping his lips.

"It's just frustrating...." He replied as he relaxed into the cushions. As she got comfortable she couldn't help the fact that her head moved to rest along his chest. Her ear pressed to his chest and as his heartbeat filled her ears her eyes closed. "Just sleep Doll." His quiet words came as he could feel her adjust trying to stay awake.

"I don't want to make you uncomfortable." Gently he squeezed her as his arm settled around her body. Wayne's response was quiet and careful.

"You're not in the slightest Paige." Paige's head tilted before her lips pressed against his jaw.

"I love you Geordie." The words came out of instinct from her and she could see him stop for a moment. Before her head could go back to resting along his chest she could feel his fingers hesitantly move to her chin. Their eyes met as his hand moved to cup her jaw. "Just do it." She said as she could feel him hesitate. Seconds later his lips found their way to hers. Neither skipped a beat. Their lips moved perfectly in sync like they hadn't missed a day.

Paige couldn't help herself as Wayne's hands fell to her hips she moved to straddle his lap. Her hands tangled in his hair as she deepened the kiss. She could feel him pull her even more into him careful of her now protruding bump. Just as his hand slipped to her ass they both felt something. He pulled away his eyes meeting hers who was just as shocked.

"What was...?" Just as he questioned it, it happened again.

"You felt that too?" He nodded as she pulled slightly away from him, carefully staying in his lap. As his hands steadied her he could see one of her hands press against her stomach. "I-I.... I-It was...." She grabbed one of his hands before pressing it where hers hand been. Their eyes met as he could feel a kick against his palm. Tears began to well in Paige's eyes before she was gently pulled back into him his arms wrapping around her carefully. "I'm sorry Wayne...." She said through tears. "I-It's the first time he's...." She stopped as his lips pressed against her jaw. Wayne's quiet words were said into Paige's ear.

"Don't ever be sorry for that Doll."

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