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"I'll be fine Paige honestly." Wayne assured Paige for the thousandth time as they dropped their bags off where they needed to. While she had been grateful if the fact that they were on the private plane Tony Kahn had rented for the wrestlers and their families she couldn't help but still think at the back of her mind that he wasn't going to make it through the flight.

"You sure you'll be able to...." Before she could finish Toni interrupted her.

"You know you really are a dumb idiot but Paige.... You picked a good dumb idiot." Wayne chuckled slightly trying to hide the groan that slipped out at the end. Toni and Juice both looked at him. "Are you sure flying is smart for you?"

"Honestly gonna be uncomfortable no matter what Love so might as well go back home to watch a bit of fun." He was still unaware of what was to come all he knew was she was going to be a part of All In, in some capacity. Toni nodded before looking over at Paige who was watching Wayne out of the corner of her eye.

"Well come on then let's not waste time." Paige gently took Waynes hand. He looked over at her for a moment not used to the action. As their eyes met a small smile appeared along her lips. He followed the three wrestlers through the small airport to the gate where everyone else was waiting.

"How do you think you're going to do this flight looking like that?" Britt asked Wayne as he and Paige sat next to her and Austin.

"Honestly done flights looking worse than this." He commented. Britt looked him up and down before shaking her head. They all knew the amount of ribs he had broken, his left eye had swollen just about shut from swelling and the cut above it. A bandage was wrapped around his knee while his right wrist was in a cast. His left arm was in a sling to heal the injury he had to his collarbone.

"You really are a bloody idiot aren't you?" He chuckled at Saraya's words.

"I am as much as an idiot as you are a country bumpkin." She threw a gummy bear she had been eating at him causing him to laugh even more.

"Fucking Geordie." He laughed a bit longer before groaning as the pain in his ribs returned. They all looked at him. Wayne's face turned unreadable.

"Wayne...." Paige said under her breath as she saw him start to shut down at all the people looking at him. "They're simply worried about you Geordie. Nothing more, nothing less. We're all like one big family even though we have our fights here and there. Best get used to it." He nodded at her quiet words.

Though Wayne continued to be silent Paige could feel him gently playing with her fingers. She knew he liked to keep to himself she just never truly expected him to shut down like he had by people simply looking at him.

"Alright Geordie?" Wayne gently squeezed Paige's hand.

"Got you. I'm perfect Doll."

Paige carefully watched Wayne as he sat down on the bed in their hotel room. She knew he was uncomfortable but was trying everything in his power to keep her unaware of it.

"Wayne...." His eyes met hers and she knew he was shattered. She moved closer to him, her hands carefully cupping his face as she stepped between his legs. "No lying...." He nodded at her words. "What's going on?"

"Just hurts Doll. Couldn't get comfortable on the plane. Don't know how comfortable I'll be on this but it is what it is. Would rather be here with you than alone back home." His hands landed along her hips before she was gently pulled into him. As his arms wound around her waist, his head carefully tucked into her neck. Her fingers instantly found their way into his hair.

"You take everything you need to?" He nodded.

"I have. They're not working much but it is what it is Doll." He could hear her sigh as her nose buried into his hair. "It's alright though. Some rest should do me well." Just as she nodded they heard a knock at the door. Paige carefully moved away from Wayne before going to answer it.

"Anna?" She questioned as she let the other woman in. The second she noticed the tears in Anna Jay's eyes she was pulling her into a hug. "What's going on Love?" Anna instantly began to sob into Paige's shoulder. Wayne curious as to what was going on carefully stood, rounding the corner before his eyes met hers. She was just as confused as he was. Knowing that this was something she was going to need to deal with he carefully moved into the chair in the corner of the room. When he groaned as he sat Anna pulled away looking at Paige confused. A light laugh escaped her lips as she wiped the tears from her friends face. "Anna, this is my boyfriend Wayne." He raised an eyebrow at her words before it quickly fell as Anna turned to look at him. He gave her a slight wave a slight smile along her lips.

"I-I... I'm sorry. I didn't mean to...." Paige shook her head.

"You're not bothering us. Honestly Love. But what's going on?" Anna's head fell back into her shoulder as she sighed. "Jack?" She nodded at Paige's words.

"He's being a fucking jungle jerk." Wayne laughed before just about instantly groaning. "He okay?" Anna asked as she pulled away turning towards him.

"Oh I'm alright love. She just crashed my bike." He said nonchalantly. Paige extended her middle finger towards him before he chuckled. "Well we got ran into so it's not fully her fault."

"Wait what?" Anna asked before she looked between the both of them.

"On the way to Dynamite we drove up from Florida. We were nearly there when a car ran a light and hit us." Paige was being stared at by the other woman who was in complete shock.

"And you're here?" Anna asked getting a nod from Paige.

"I'm perfectly alright. Was lucky enough to have had him on the back. He took the brunt of it all." Anna looked over at Wayne.

"So how in the hell are you here?" He chuckled.

"Pain meds, mixed with the desire to see her at Wembley. It's a hell of a combo." She could see the visible injuries but had no idea about the amount of ribs he had broke.

"He's as nuts as you are isn't he?" Anna asked Paige who nodded as she laughed. Her next words were said with no care that Wayne could hear them.

"That he is. But he's a good kind of nuts."

Next Door Hayter (Jamie Hayter X OC)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя