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"Wayne...." Paige's words were quiet. They had just gotten Riley to sleep and all she wanted to do was finally have a proper conversation with him about everything. Before another word was said Wayne's arms were around her and she was lifted off of her feet. Her legs and arms wrapped around him as his arms carefully tightened around her.

"I-I.... Can you not do that to me again...? You had me thinking something was wrong with you." Her arms tightened around him as his truthful words.

"You're not mad?" He chuckled as his head shook.

"Not in the bloody slightest Doll. I'm so fucking happy. I just.... It's still sinking in. But.... I can't bloody wait Paige." He said as his lips pressed to her jaw. Her head turned before her lips captured his. "I love you." He said quietly.

"I love you too Wayne. So bloody much." His lips pressed to her jaw once more before she could feel him move towards the other bed in the hotel room. "What...?" She trailed off as she was set down gently on the bed. Their eyes met as her shirt was pushed slightly upwards. She couldn't help the tears that formed in her eyes as his lips pressed to her stomach.

"No wonder why you've been running away so much if you're tearing up over this." He said softly before his lips pressed to her jaw. Instantly he was pulled into her before her face buried into his shoulder. "No hiding it anymore Doll. Just let it out." Gently he turned so she could properly bury into him. He smoothed her hair and slowly rubbed her back as she cried into his shoulder.

"I-I-I just...." His lips gently pressed to her temple. "I guess I expected you to act different. I-I'm sorry Wayne."

"Don't be Doll. I can only imagine how much everything's messing with you right now. Just know that you're not doing any of this alone anymore Doll. I'm going to be glued to your side." She looked up at him before his lips pressed to her nose and then gently met hers. "I love you Paige...." Their eyes met for a moment. "Both of...." Tears began to fill her eyes. "Oh Doll." Gently he wiped a tear that slipped down her cheek.

"I can't bloody help it.... I'm sorry Wayne." His head shook as he lightly laughed.

"Don't be." He said softly as their eyes met. "I love you."

"I love you too Geordie." She said before settling back into him. He could feel her being to play with his shirt before she spoke. "I've got an appointment when we're back home."

"To...." She nodded. "I'm going with you." He said instantly.

"You bloody better." He chuckled lightly before his lips pressed to the top of her head.

"Wouldn't have it any other way. I'm going to all the appointments Doll." His arm gently tightened around her as he could feel her face bury into him.

"I don't bloody get why I'm like this. It's getting so annoying Wayne." She said quietly.

"Because you've got a little fucker in you that's playing with your emotions. I don't care Doll. You can cry, you could scream, you could be a giddy idiot. I don't bloody care. As long as you and the little one are healthy and happy that's all that matters." Her lips met his and he could tell she was using it to keep from crying. "You don't have to hide it anymore Doll."

"It's just so stupid Wayne." She said with a groan before falling back into the pillows. "I can't bloody control my emotions." His lips pressed to her jaw before she could feel his hand soothingly move along her stomach.

"Blame the little one." Their eyes met and as she looked at him like he was crazy he simply laughed. "It is its fault...."

"It's not an it." His eyebrow raised. "It's a baby."

"No shit Doll." She hit his shoulder causing him to lightly laugh. "You don't know if...?" Her head shook.

"Not yet. I don't know when exactly we'll know but I don't just yet. Haven't even had a proper scan yet. Just the bloodwork. I.... I wanted to wait for you." Their eyes met for a moment. "I.... I'm sorry I waited so long to tell you."

"How long exactly did you wait Doll?" She sheepishly looked away.

"I found out after we came back from our trip." She looked back and could see the slight hurt in his eyes. "I'm sorry Wayne."

"You were terrified of my reaction weren't you?" She hesitantly nodded before she could feel his lips along her jaw. "I'm sorry Doll."

"Why?" She questioned as he pulled away so he could properly look at her.

"Because I've been so busy with Riley that I didn't even realize what's been going on.... It's been a month and you've been bloody terrified to tell me about it and that's to no fault of your own.... I...." Her lips pressed to his.

"Wayne stop...." His lips found hers for a brief moment before he could feel her hands cup his face as she pulled away. "It was my bloody emotions getting the best of me thinking that you'd run the second I told you." He couldn't help himself and instantly started laughing before she covered his mouth to drown it out so he wouldn't wake Riley up.

"If you'd even remotely think I'd run you're bloody mental Paige. I put a fucking ring on your finger.... Something I'd never thought I'd do in a million years. You're stuck with me till I'm ten feet under." Paige's eyes met Wayne's before it was her turn to laugh except he muffled the laughter with a kiss.

"I love you Geordie." She said as she pulled away slightly. Her lips trailed along his jaw as he responded.

"I love you more Doll." Her eyes met his. "Don't even try right now."

"I'm pregnant. I've got two votes. We...." Paige could see his eyes light up. "Love you more." Wayne almost instantly replied getting a bright smile from Paige.

"I love yous equal."

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