Chapter 1-When Stars Come Crashing Down

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Legacy, to me has always been a loaded word...a broad term or for a long time it WAS. My name is Paul Stanley...yes THAT Paul Stanley the once Starchild, the founder of Kiss or so-called co-founder. A once legendary and mighty band, the 'hottest band' in the world. No one for the longest time knew that it was all built on fucking LIES, because of 'my' Demon: Gene Simmons. At first, in the early 70s things were great...sure Gene was an asshole I'd thought, arrogant but so was I....arrogant I mean, but we started getting famous and things changed or really revealed what had been there all along.....the Demon was ironically a demon, a monster, started abusing me...hurting me, so many hazy painful nights, I was monies, my royalties taken...EVERYTHING was taken. I had nothing, and the world didn't know.... i was hidden, while Gene paraded 1000s of women before one knew either that we were a couple, but I though loved him or so I thought.... i was fucking wrong and so damned naïve......

Things came to a head, when of Christmas of all times I miscarried because of Gene, and I that HURT, yet I stayed still too afraid to let things GO, to run until weeks later in January of 1983, ironically January 20, 1983, otherwise known as my 31st birthday.... oh, the irony. However, it is this night, broken...afraid and after a huge fight where I had PLENTY of bruises to show that my fate changed once again and would lead me to meeting my love, my husband: Mick Mars and finding my place at his side and in the world's most notorious band: Mӧtley Crϋe.

My body is throbbing with pain, things are eye is swollen shut, I am sure.... all I know is I've had ENOUGH, finally....and it's taken far too long......another smack, rocking my head to the side, a snarling demon.... who I snarl back at, sobbing at the same time....

"ENOUGH!!" I roar, "Gene...damn you, j-just damn have everything, you've taken EVERYTHING from me. Our life, my money, and you can have it." I hiss, "The Starchild is no longer your hidden shame, your bitch.... I...."

Gene menacingly backing me into a corner, and I can feel myself tremble and I am bidding my time....

"You are ONLY good enough to make money, and i...have my image to maintain after all. You didn't need a baby to ruin things, getting you all fat and ugly." I let out a pained, shuddering sob.

"S-Stop.... please..." But Gene doesn't listen.

"Where would you go? You really think you can walk away from Kiss? What about Eric and Vinny? Their livelihoods..." Gene has me pinned under him. he leans in to hiss in my ear, "I won't let you ruin that...." and it is HERE I knee him where it fucking hurts him howling in pain and I knock him out cold and I take off, running...running as fast as my pained feet will carry me, and I realize some things: one, I can barely see from not just my lack of vision but from my tears, two, I don't know where I am, 3: what the HELL am I gonna do now?, 4....its Freezing, 5...I'm not wearing shoes.....and I am quickly meeting the ground.....mercifully, unmercifully....i no longer darkness takes hold......

Blood running down my thighs.... searing, stabbing pain....and the realization that I will never hold my baby in my arms, after all my Demon says it would be a freak like me......then this scene fades and others take shape: On stage, the lover.... the secrecy, the Starchild...the make-up, energetic, energy over time that is artificial. And my 'mask' truly becomes a mask.... the world having no clue what I truly look like, not that I'd want them to know....

I conclude I must be dreaming....

Things begin to get strange.... hazy pictures of happiness, of love....and a pair of blue eyes, that remind me of the moon somehow.... long raven hair, shiny and straight like the wings of a raven.... a stranger, but it's not real...its NOT, but then why does it feel real?

Maybe this time, I won't wake up.... maybe, this star has well and truly fallen....

 maybe, this star has well and truly fallen

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-Mick Mars alien and his Crϋe to the Rescue-

Stars rise, Stars fall...stars Shine.... they burn, they feel pain.... they can be caught. In my case, or as it would ultimately turn out, they can be resurrected...thrive and find true love. It took a long time to get there, I never knew that fateful January night just how much my life would change, that I Mick Mars would be rocked to my fucking core. That and I and the rest of my band, my family would find a broken and fallen star....

I don't know how or fuck it, I do KNOW why I have a bad feeling and maybe there is a reason I agreed to get trashed with my bandmates: Nikki Sixx, Vince Neil and one Tommy Lee. It's cold, and I wanna get warm....and drunk, pain shoots up my spine and I stiffen as the four of us walk along and I stop suddenly, holding my arm out......

"Stop.... you guys hear that?" I ask, hearing a low groaning sound.

"Hear what dude?" Tommy cocks his head quizzically. I glared and sighed.

"Somethings wrong.... gotta be, I know that look. Maybe we should find out, Mick has reasons, I am sure." Nikki pipes up, his gaze knowing...his eyes sharp.

The three of them follow me as I follow the low groaning noises and stop short in shock, a human sized body, trembling...shivering, covered in bruises....and the stranger isn't wearing shoes, I approach cautiously, hearing the footfalls and gasps of the others.

"Fuck...oh fuck.... who the fuck did this?" Vince whispers.

I drop to my knees and gingerly brush the strangers raven curls back and I realize they, HE seems very familiar.

"Call for help, hurry." I urge and I hear running footsteps, Tommy's footsteps and I feel Nikki and Vince crouch beside me, my brows furrowed, and my eyes widen in shock, even with a bruised face and eye that is swollen shut, it suddenly comes to me exactly who this is, and I feel my eyes widen. "We've found.... I've.... i know exactly who this is, its.... the lead singer of Kiss, Paul Stanley." Gasps.

"Man, you're right.... still, who the fuck did this to him? they really did a number on him...." I shrug off my jacket in hopes of warming Paul who still hasn't woken. Vince is now in tears and I ain't gonna lie, ain't far behind him.

"Come on let's get him off the ground and try and get him warmed till the ambulance comes." Nikki looks ready to kill yet is determined. And so it goes, my mind swirling with questions that I get the feeling I won't like the answer to...if they get answered. Nikki helps me, carry Paul who is thinner than I thought, or he should be, given his height and before long an ambulance comes and leaving no room for argument the guys and myself especially go with Paul....

Sometimes or a lot of times, I really fucking hate being the alien.... i really do......

A/N: Well, I couldn't resist and so here it is, the first chapter of a new story that I hope you enjoy! and in this story as you've read Gene will be a villain...

When You Wish Upon a Fallen Mӧtley Star (A Paul Stanley x Mick Mars tale)Where stories live. Discover now