Chapter 30: When You Wed a Mӧtley Alien Part 1

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There are moments in my life, many of them and at the center of them was Mick and our children, THIS was especially true on our wedding day. Now there was a day to remember, and I remember very well though almost 40 years have passed. Every touch of my beloved moon, every then unborn daughter Luna, the surprises Mick had in store for was and is everything. How could I ever forget that much beloved date of September 22, 1984? Surrounded by a family, my family.... a family that found me...a family forged and on that day two souls joined as one for all time.

I never imagine I would be HERE, be's hard to believe that not so long ago, I was unwanted, unloved, a 'dirty secret', a supposed 'whore', the 'star child'....and I never thought I would receive justice, receive LOVE...actual true love, that anyone would see ME and not what I could be, a false was Mick, it was fate that he found me along with of course Nikki, Tommy and Vince...but Mick, was and IS the exception...I've never truly known anyone like him, someone willing to do whatever it takes, to fight for give me the world and deliver, just to LOVE me. And now at this moment, moving contentedly with in me is the greatest expression of our love, our daughter: Luna. Everything I have ever been thru, the sheer hell.... it led me HERE.... worth it.

"Hey Paul... you, ok? You're crying." I am just now aware of that and the fact that it's Eric addressing me.

"I-I didn't realize..." I sniffle, "I'm ok.... I'm gonna be ok. I promise.... just thinking about everything, and that I really miss Mick and I am nervous." I exhale raggedly, hands on my stomach...Luna still calmly moving reminding me so much of her father. Eric is helping me with my hair and make-up, and I am already wearing my dress, the guys are rotating between Mick and I...well, Tommy has just entered the room and I eye him expectantly, first he leans down to Kiss Eric and then says....

"Mick wanted me to tell you that he figured you were nervous and missed him. He said he really misses you and your daughter and..." Tommy trails off producing a bouquet but not just any bouquet: Moon Lilies. "—Mick wanted to surprise you with these, he said they meant a lot to you and were like your favorites." I take the bouquet, touch my core and my eyes narrow as I catch a flash of metal on his finger and now that I think about it, there is one on Eric's as well.

I clear my throat, teary eyed and exclaim softly, "Congratulations...I saw the rings. You guys are so good for each other, I am happy for you."

Tommy chuckles, blushing shyly glancing at Eric....

"We eloped, I just.... never wanted to be without Tommy. It felt right for us, he is my one." Eric says softly. Eric resumes fixing me up, working on my make-up.... time passes and I glance in the mirror startled at first, but then I realize its ME I see.... that I am beautiful, I am HAPPY, and I am so loved. I reach out and touch the image and thank my stars that its MICK that I am marrying that he is mine, my love....

Before I know it, its officially TIME.... Vince and Nikki, both walk me down the aisle first leading me carefully outside and I gasp, the trees...the lake, lanterns strung up.... a sparkling and tranquil paradise. Luna begins to kick me eagerly, seems I am not the only one eager to see Mick and the moment I catch sight of him, standing underneath an arbor made up entirely of moon lilies...the world disappears, and its just him and I...our eyes filled with tears, his eyes wide with surprise...awe, a mixture of emotions....a breeze comes thru lifting my curls, the bouquet in a free hand and at last, AT LAST....I reach Mick, handing my bouquet over to Sixx and my beloved moon places one hand on my stomach, Luna kicking away and the other caresses my cheek gently.

"Paul..." He breathes sounding choked up. "I thought...I mean you look like an angel moonbeam, so ethereal and no lie, you are GLOWING and Luna...Luna is experiencing this from your eyes, she's so happy.... I've really missed you, my love."

"She knew, eager to see you....and I know just how she feels. Time stopped when I first saw you.... i wanted it to last forever." I whisper.

"It will moonbeam, it will. I promise."

The officiant after some moments begins, but Mick and I only have eyes for each other...nothing else exists, I am aware of the sound of tears and when it comes time for the vows, I let my tears flow freely, Mick holding me and Luna in his embrace as best he can.... i exhale raggedly and start....

"Mick, I don't know where the hell to begin...but I am gonna try. For so long, TOO long I was the 'Starchild', at first it was my dream...I thought it was. I became a shell, only meant to be 'seen' and not heard, I was...beaten, raped by a monster for over 10 years.... i lost children...." I break down, Mick mouthing, 'I've got you; I've got you." Before I find my voice, "I lost hope, I lost my heart.... I thought there was no way out. Then there came that fateful January night, my birthday....i was beaten, out of it...left for dead and then came YOU and the guys......I was so broken, so broken even after I was saved....but, you....saved me in every way, you were always there, always no matter what....I'd never had that before, never had someone do things for me to make ME feel better, or just gave me a family Mick and now we're starting one of our own. I have NEVER known anyone like you Mick Mars.... every day since you came into my life, I am truly SEEN.... i am loved, every day I fall more in love, every day is the best adventure with you and now I know it will always, always be this way my beloved moon."

"Paul..." Mick sobs, "I wish to God, we'd met under better circumstances that I found you sooner. You turned my life around from the start, gave me a purpose, something to fight for, to live for, to die for. You deserved the world, you deserved everything.... still do. You were so unused to kindness, true kindness and somewhere along the way I fell in love with YOU. Something I've never truly felt or done. Like you, every day with you I learn something new, experience something new and if that hasn't changed by never will. You Paul are my soulmate, my true other half. I am so damn proud if you, how far you've come...seeing you smile, thrive and just because its YOU. And here we are, now and forever bound together.... we're starting a family....and what you sadly lost, they are with us even now. Never doubt what an amazing mother you are, an amazing person. I love you; I love you so much it hurts moonbeam, and I am proud, proud to be YOURS...your husband."

After a seeming eternity, we're pronounced husband and husband.... god, does this feel good! And we come together in a kiss, that Mick deepens to the sound of cheers and tears, tears of joy and the world once more disappears around us....

A/N: Mick and Paul are married!!! And next chapter is part 2 and I plan to have it pretty much pick up where this chapter leaves off, so stay tuned! 

When You Wish Upon a Fallen Mӧtley Star (A Paul Stanley x Mick Mars tale)Where stories live. Discover now