Chapter 39: Our Little Moonflower Part 2 (Mick Mars)

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Paul has just given birth, raven curls still damp from sweat and he has NEVER looked more beautiful than he does in this moment, holding our precious and I do mean precious moon flower, our newborn daughter: Luna Winter Mars. I never could have imagined that I would have THIS, this moment.... a loving, beyond amazing partner and now I am a father. Its all so surreal, but I find I LOVE this feeling.... the sheer feeling especially now, as I 'hold' my newborn daughter's hand and her little eyes, MY eyes are focused on me...wide open with wonder, I cant get over it. Her making cooing noises, Paul looking on beaming and exhausted both as I continue to speak to her....

"---I can't believe you're HERE Luna. my precious moon flower. I can't get over how you look at me, reminding me so much of your mommy. I am a father, YOUR father something I can't believe I EVER thought I would never have. I love you so much." Choked up, my heart so full and light as Luna coos at me and I never wanna let her precious little hand go...

"You know you're a natural Mick with her, a wonderful father.... now, do you wanna hold our daughter? You've waited for a lifetime my moon." Paul gently rocks Luna.

"Thank you and I, I would love to.... she's so small, I feel like I'll break her." Unsure at the end.

"You WON'T break her Mick, I trust you." My husband's words dispel my nerves and gently he and I share a kiss as I then am handed Luna, this is priceless beyond measure as for the first time I hold my daughter in my arms, her little mitted hands I swear reaching for mine.

And of course, I meet her, loving how warm she my large hands, engulf hers as I admire the being, I had a hand in creating. Luna now starting to get I carefully rock her, soothing her.

"Shh, shh you're ok. It's ok sweetheart. I've got you, daddies gotcha." Luna gradually begins to calm, and then she starts yawning, and God is it adorable! My heart melting and she isn't the only one, as Paul is following suit. I speak to both my daughter and my husband, glancing at him carefully. "---Let's get you and mommy some sleep huh? You and mommy have more than earned it." Another little yawn from Luna and a bigger one from Paul who protests...

"Mick, w-what if s-she needs me? This is the first time I've gotten to take care of.... our child. What if you need me?" Paul cries, tears sliding down his cheeks breaking my heart. As carefully as I can, with Luna in my arms I join my husband in his hospital bed, him leaning carefully against me. Luna beginning to get upset...and so I soothe my husband and daughter both.

"Paul, I know baby, I know. If she needs you, then I will let you know, I promise. Same with me, if either of you need me, I will come running. Don't cry moonbeam, my beloved moonbeam. I've got you; I am gonna take care of you and Luna, always. You're doing amazing things right now, you're doing so wonderful with our daughter, never doubt that. but you and she both need rest, ok? I love you; I love're my worlds." Luna is calm, and in fact has closed her little eyes and is asleep. "Look Paul, she's...she's asleep." I say in wonder, misty eyed.

"I couldn't do this with out you....and just THANK YOU." Paul whispers adding on, "I know...its, its amazing. I can't wait for her to open her eyes again, to take care of her. I love you Mick." I carefully kiss my husband who moments later falls asleep and carefully I stand with my precious little bundle, loathe to part with my daughter as I carefully lay her in her bassinet, covering her with her little baby blanket, which is covered with moons, and I linger watching over her....

I whisper tearfully, "Sleep well Luna. Daddies here, ok? Here to watch over you and mommy. Sleep as much as you need, ok? I love you." With out waking her I kiss her little forehead before turning back to Paul, who looks so peaceful angel. I make sure that Luna is ok and where Paul can see, and I can easily reach our daughter before I finally lay in a provided cot and join my family in sleep......

I find myself waking up sometime later, with a back flaring up, but quickly it passes and the moment it does, Luna begins wailing...waving her fists in the air followed by Paul who quickly begins to panic...

"Oh god, is...she's ok right?!"

"Paul she's fine, I bet she needs to be fed.... First, I'll check her diaper just in case and get the burp cloth and all ready. I've got this...this is normal I promise you." My words seem to assure Paul, who is still anxious but much less so than before as quickly I check Luna murmuring to her, her wails reduced to fusing and she's dry for now and I take her in my arms, and I say to her, "Let's get you to mommy ok?" Cooing noises, "I bet some little girl is hungry." Squealing noises follow, Luna excited at said prospect. I chuckle amused. 

Paul has his gown pulled down and I help position Luna who at first seems a bit hesitant to latch on to a nipple, but she does and begins suckling quite greedily as I help hold her steady loving her little warmth, the way she has a tiny hand resting on Paul's heart...the way Paul looks, looking at her....

"I know Mick, I feel that way too." Paul says quietly so as not to disturb Luna. "I love this so much."

"You and she are so damn beautiful baby." I whisper.

Luna before long finishes her first feeding, Paul delicately burping her before having her settled back on his chest, feeling his warmth, me with my arms wrapped carefully around my family.

"Ya, know I dreamed about this so many times, and I thought that's all this would ever be, after losing our little moon angels...the pain, the agony of their loss and the PAIN I suffered for so many years, it was worth it in the end Mick. It brought me you, sent you to me...and together, we created Luna, the most beautiful...expression of OUR love. Sure, birth and labor were scary and painful.... but look what it brought us: HER. I just can't get over all this."

"God, do I know moonbeam...and those are true and beautiful words, straight from the heart. I can't believe I'm a father, that I am married and married to the other half of my soul which is you, Paul."

"I love you."

"I love you too, more than you will ever know." I reply, as we share a kiss before admiring our daughter, taking care of her.... just the three of us in our own little world, and a beautiful, truly beautiful world it is.

A/N: Family bonding, precious moments from Luna, loving moments between Paul and Mick. Much more to come, so stay tuned! Decided to make the next chapter the first of two parts related to The Mars Family's first evening together at home....

When You Wish Upon a Fallen Mӧtley Star (A Paul Stanley x Mick Mars tale)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora