Chapter 24- 1984 & My 32nd Year

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I had nightmares last night, but I didn't wake up screaming.... i woke up crying, because I'd dreamed of the night Gene and I had our final 'fight' where he nearly beat me to death and I RAN and Mick found me, along with the men I have come to see as brothers: Nikki, Tommy, and Vince. The reason I had nightmares or what started it is my birthday, especially that fateful January 20th night of 83 last year...which means, that January 20th...1984 another 32nd and I truly never thought I'd live to see the day...

New Years was amazing and romantic, just Mick and I.... but now, now it's my birthday...January 20, and I find it hard to believe I am ALIVE and not knocking on death's door. Last night was rough, I had nightmares of what happened last year...and Mick KNEW and without words, comforted me as I sobbed into his chest.... which brings us to now: me waking up in bed alone, I look around and tears gather as I don't see Mick by my side, I look around next to my bed to find.... a bouquet of my favorite blue moon lilies and blue roses and a letter from my beloved, my jaw drops as the tears fall freely as I read my moon's words.

My Dearest Moonbeam (Paul),

I apologize for not being here when you woke, and I imagine I've made you cry and truly I am SORRY for that. And a year ago, fate brought me to you in what I wish to God were better circumstances...but, you are HERE with me, with ME and alive and you've come so far. You still have your days as I do mine, but like last matter what, I will always be there for you, and I know that you'd do the same for me. Today, is your birthday and though It doesn't erase the pain of the past and God believe me I would do anything to take away your pain, but my point is, is today is very special because it's YOU. Your birthday and I wanted to make good memories for you and with you. Hence the bouquet with your favorite flowers and believe me you that's a start.

I tell you and its true, you deserve to be spoiled and taken care of.... you moon beam deserve the fucking world; I want you to know.

All my Love,

Mick (Your Moon)

P.S. Happy Birthday Baby, never doubt that you are beautiful...ALL of you.

I clutch the letter sobbing, the sheet pooled around covering my lower half and yes Mick and I also made love last night, several times hence me currently being naked as well. But the point is I am in tears NOW because of how beautiful my lover's words are, because I can FEEL how much Mick loves me with each word, and I have truly NEVER known anyone like him because to me there fucking isn't. I manage to collect myself, delicately laying the letter putting it with the flowers and I lay back in bed and I wait, and I don't wait long before I look and see MICK. I aim a watery smile at him, and he knows and... wait, he made my favorite breakfast?!

"Morning, I am sorry for worrying you and not being here when you woke....and I can also tell you read my letter and love the flowers and too I made your favorite breakfast because I just wanted to celebrate YOU." Mick hands me the tray carefully AND kisses me slowly, sweetly at the same time before joining me in bed, him making sure to touch some part of me.

Finally, I find my voice, "My alien, you were so right...and I've never had anyone do the things you do for me everyday and today...." My voice cracks, "—Of all days, I just...I mean feel so loved, so special and this is all still new to me, and you don't know truly how much this means to me." I take in the breakfast: fruit, French toast, and my favorite heart threatening to burst.

"I love you, Paul. And I'd move the universe for you." Is Mick's reply. I eat breakfast. Mick and I talking, sharing kisses and bites of my food and afterwards together we shower, Mick eyeing me hungrily and so naturally that leads to you guessed it, us having sex in the shower and finally taking an ACTUAL shower and once dressed Mick and I head to our studio jamming since I wanted to for my birthday and working on rifts for a new Crϋe album and time passes in a blur yet last for the sweetest of eternities and I ask Mick....

"---I was wondering for dinner for my birthday, I wanted to use that Pizza stone you got me for Christmas and make pizza for my birthday."

A kiss that takes away my breath follows, and I know its Mick's way of saying 'yes' but of course he adds, "Today is all about you and Paul that sounds perfect..." Here Mick blushes and shyly asks me, "Can you teach me, like I make it with you?"

"I would love that." Softly and I am rewarded with one of Mick's priceless smiles that takes away my breath....and setting the instruments carefully in their places and hand in hand we head for the kitchen, me donning an apron and Mick donning one I'd had custom made that said, 'My Moon' on it.

We share a kiss, a long one before getting started Mick helping me gather ingredients for the pizza dough, flour flies before long...Mick and I laughing, so carefree and the dough does manage to get made and set and while its resting, Mick and I gather toppings and I make sauce, a spicy marinara since I know how much Mick loves it.

I opt for a margherita style pizza with of course my spicy marinara and Mick opts for what I'd call a meat lovers pizza, all I know is I am having the best birthday I have EVER had in my life and its all thanks to the man at my side....

The pizza's get made, I make a salad to go with it and we sit down to eat.... Mick's eyes rolling back in his head and making groaning noises which not gonna lie, turn me on.

"Damn this is good!! And this sauce.... fuck, I could bathe in this stuff."

I laugh, "Well I would be happy to arrange that for you."

Mick smirks before softening his gaze and there are tears in his eyes as he reaches for my hand and I too feel the tears gather, "Paul.... i am SO glad, no I have loved sharing such a special day with you, and I hope that you've enjoyed your birthday."

"This has been the best, most memorable, romantic birthday of my life!! For the first time, I loved celebrating especially since its with you Mick Mars, a year ago today.... i ran, nearly died but you and the guys found me, you saved my raised hell for me, got me justice and in all this you fell for ME and made me believe in love, like ACTUAL true love."

"I could say or argue much the same moonbeam, much the same." Mick whispers before adding, "Happy Birthday my beloved moonbeam." As we share a kiss.

Where you next find my husband (then lover) and I will be during rehearsals in May 1984, me exhibiting strange behaviors that I knew what they were, and it scared me so much at first.... but I had Mick to get me through it.

A/N: a romantic and perfect birthday for chapter will of course see a time skip and well you will see...

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