Chapter 42: Of Moonflowers, babies, and a Family Visit

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Christmas 84' blew 83 out of the water, not to say it wasn't one of the best Christmases I'd ever had. But in 84'? It was Mick and mine's favorite, our first really with Luna. SHE was the best Christmas present for my husband and I. Christmas Eve and Christmas, dressing her in ADORABLE Christmas themed outfits, cocoa, me singing Christmas Carols, Mick and I exchanging gifts, opening ones from our family. in short it was perfect, then came New Years. The start of 85': Sharing a long New Years Kiss with my husband, taking care of Luna and it hit me then, it hit me that it had been nearly or was 2 years since Mick had found me thanks to three of the most beautiful guardian Angels and my life had changed radically with in that time. I was lost, hurt.... mentally fragmented and Mick, Mick brought me back to life doing things, healing me because he WANTED to, not because there were strings attached or some such thing. I had a family, I'd found where I belonged at my moon's side and a band, that'd become my family and was thriving. And the start of a new year in 85' also meant that Tommy Carr-Lee was going on 5 months pregnant with his and Eric's twin boys and we discovered that Nikki was pregnant, beginning to show signs about a week before my 33rd birthday and where you will find our Family is January 20, 1985 when our family officially learned of Nikki's pregnancy for they would be visiting, minus Nikki which he was upset about though Mick and I would for sure understand....

"Did I tell you how beautiful you look?" Softly, my moon's words come to me as Luna is currently nursing from me. "—I can never get over that and today is your birthday, judging by the look in your eyes its already a good one."

I blush at Mick calling me beautiful and he is the only one whose gotten me to believe that and at last I respond quietly to the birthday remark, "You'd be right.... It's already a good birthday because I have YOU and our daughter, family is coming for a visit so they can finally well officially meet Luna. and our daughter Mick is a month old already, where DOES the time go?" I muse, Luna it seems is done feeding so carefully I burp her.

Mick and I carefully share a kiss but before anything else can be done or said the phone rings, my husband and I share a look.

"I'll get it." Mick gives me a quick kiss before he gets up as I adjust to Luna, holding her close to me with her curling up adorably on my chest and I murmur to Luna while Mick answers the phone, his look knowing and concerned both.

"Ya knows something Luna, I get the feeling that you will have another friend to play with, that our family is growing, its just a special day today all around and mommy wouldn't have it any other way." Luna coos, "—Its not just about me sweet girl, its about family. I love you." I kiss her little forehead and smooth her little curls back and about the time I do, I find Mick standing over me, "—Everything ok? Well as can be?"

"Our feelings are right and Nikki's having a rough go of it so far, he wants to talk to you."

"Absolutely I will my moon." Carefully Mick takes Luna and rocks her to sleep as I answer the phone and a very frantic Nikki, quickly I soothe him and calm him. Nikki tells me he's' scared. Scared about being a parent, being ill etc. and that he's sorry for missing my birthday so I tell him, "Nikki listens to me, its OK to be scared. I was scared shittless but like me you have a partner by your side that would move heaven and hell for you, to take care of you. I know you will be an amazing parent, you, and Vince both. No one does things perfectly, but you are not alone. All of us are here for you. Morning sickness sucks ass, I can't lie but it wont last forever and it will turn out more than worth it. As for my birthday, you worry about resting as much as you can, NOTHING is wrong with that. Mick and I understand. I promise." Nikki sobs, thanking me profusely and soon we hang up...

Time passes and Eric and a very pregnant Tommy Lee Arrive, Eric insisting on getting Tommy settled on the couch, Mick joins leaning against my husband. Luna is within easy reach nearby.

"Aw is that your daughter?! She's adorable!" Tommy exclaims, practically bouncing in place as Eric chuckles.

Mick smirks widely, "So drummer you're saying that I AM adorable then?"

Tommy huffs and replies with, "Whatever Mars-Man.... where's the Sixxter?"

"He's pregnant, just found out. His morning sickness is rough." I answer.

"All these babies!" Tommy burst into tears as Eric comforts him, kissing him and rubbing his baby bump but I DO know Tommy is happy for his fellow terror twin.

We all chat with one another before Luna makes her rounds with Tommy and Eric, Mick and I watching them very closely as they admire our precious little moonflower. And after a bit of this, Luna is placed back in her bassinet, Eric offers to help Mick with my birthday dinner...Mick insists that I relax with Tommy and soon it's just, me, him, and Luna.

"So, have you and Eric come up for any names for your boys?" I asked quietly not wanting to disturb my daughter. Tommy hmm's in thought, hands on his swollen stomach before he smiles.

"Yeah, Paul is a definite name for one, its both yours and Eric's real name. we've settled for Charles Paul Carr for one son, probably call him Charlie and our other son.... Well, I really loved the idea of James, Eric wants the middle name to be Thomas for me. Its SO fucking touching man. They don't let their poor mommy rest, they take after me...always on the move, but I love that, and I love the two of them so much. Foxxy is SUCH a sweetheart, he really balances me...grounds me, I've always needed that...yet he lets me, be well me. He's so excited to be a father." Tommy states dreamily, not that I blame him and then he adds on, "You have a good birthday, Paul?"

I find myself smiling, "Yeah, I am. It's already been such a special day, taking care of Luna...Mick taking care of ME, a day not just to celebrate me but our family. its so very, very special."

I've of course had many memorable birthdays these past four decades with Mick but my 33rd was in the top ones or among them. Our family growing, with a new addition.... Eric and Mick fixing my favorite dinner with cake, presents but really the best parts? Being with family whether it was spiritually or in person, taking care of my precious Luna, Mick, and I...always Mick, trading feeling worth celebrating, seeing everything thru my moon's eyes, that feeling of being whole, loved and oh so very happy. I remember every moment, I still haven't forgotten even after all these years and if that ain't changed by now, then it won't.

A/N: Family news, babies, and a birthday. Next chapter will see a time skip to Luna's first birthday, so stay tuned. 

When You Wish Upon a Fallen Mӧtley Star (A Paul Stanley x Mick Mars tale)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora