Chapter 37: Not Much Longer Now

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-Diary Entry (November 25, 1984)-

Where the hell does the time go? whole pregnancy, has been to me nothing short of a miracle, wonderful......hasn't always been easy, with the morning sickness, my initial fears and the bigger I've gotten the harder it is for me to move around, and I must have help constantly now, being as I am 8 months pregnant. I've had Mick, my beloved moon with me thru it all.... none of this would have been possible without him, I couldn't have gotten thru any of this without him and too, I owe SO much to my little moons, my little guardian angels for sending Mick to me, for accepting him....and there's my precious little moon flower: Luna. only one more month till her arrival, not much longer now and I can't wait to meet her, hold her take care of her.... dreams can't come close at all. Luna is due around Christmas, and what a wonderful...AMAZING present, I couldn't ask for something so precious or more precious.

I am miserable though at the same time, my back is KILLING me...I stay sore and again it's hard for me to move and get around. And damn do I understand that much more what my husband goes through with HIS back. All of this is so beyond worth it though....

I try and do light exercises i.e. walking, taking walks with my husband though I get tired easily and I am in bedrest. Which thank God, doesn't mean our bedroom activities are restricted. And so, I was told by my doctor that a birth canal is under my 'parts', and after birth shrinks down to nothing.... Though the fun part is we've been stretching it to help make room for Luna. And speaking of Luna, as I write with one hand, the other on my very well swollen stomach...I can feel her move, calmly making me smile...... Though it initially freaked me out when I realized she wasn't moving as much as she did, but then on the heels of that.... she's running out of room, and she thank God is healthy and doing so well.

Overnight bags are ready for me, and for Luna...the car seat is in place, bassinets, and baby monitors everywhere in the house. So, we're prepared as we can be, Mick I believe is fixing dinner, my favorite pizza and he insisted on me resting upstairs. I have the best partner in him, truly I do....

And oh yeah, I can't forget that Mick and I aren't the only parents to be.... There is Tommy Lee and Eric aka the Fox Carr. Turns out Tommy is carrying twins, and God Nikki wouldn't stop bragging about his fellow terror twin having twins, Vince helped shut Nikki up though and let's say I didn't need the details. But Nikki, is happy for them...and was just teasing Tommy, those two are like brothers and we are ALL family. But poor Tommy is still having rough morning sickness, I believe he is about 3 months now. And Luna is kicking up a storm now, wanting attention....

-End of Entry-

I caress my very well-rounded stomach and speak to my daughter, and I feel the onset of tears, " sweet Luna. this, everyday feeling you move.... You are growing inside me; every day is new, and I know that won't change when you're born. I dread how much it will hurt, but it will bring me you, I just can't wait to see you. Daddy can't either. And I know that YOU know how very much you are loved, I know you can feel it, Luna. Daddy is the best, strongest, most perfect, and loving person I have ever known. I really feel like you'll look like him and I LOVE that, I could be wrong but either way you are beautiful. Ya knows I was once not so long ago scared shitless about my ear, see mommy doesn't have one on the right and I was worried about passing that to you....and thanks to daddy, I see that it doesn't will still be loved, you ARE, and you are perfect, never doubt that."

I look up and I see my heart: Mick, bearing a tray filled with favorite pizza, homemade of course, drinks and his eyes dark with the sheen of tears and so much love it takes away my breath.

"I heard you, Paul. Every word.... i just had to listen and if I may say so, you looked.... i mean, like an angel moonbeam, I love you."

I feel myself blush, "I love you too much." Mick does set the tray aside for the moment, kissing me and giving Luna affection, taking such amazing care of us both and no lie I only fall for him more. Before I can eat though, I must piss something awful and FINALLY I dig in, Mick helping me and eating himself and I groan in bliss, Luna I can tell is enjoying the food.

"I can tell you and Luna both are enjoying the pizza; I'd dare say our daughter is a little gourmet."

I swallow the bite of pizza before replying with, "We ARE...." I pause feeling emotional, "Mick, I can never truly express how much it means to me, everything you do for me and our daughter. The way you take care of me, love me, support are an amazing husband and already a beyond amazing father. I don't know what I would do without you.... and..." My voice cracks, "I d-dread the pain, b-but it will bring me her." In tears now. A gentle hand on my face....

"I know you do, but Paul I believe in you.... You can do this, you can, and I will be right there beside you and it will be so beyond worth it. You've baby waited so long for this, as have I. And I could argue that you do much the same for me, you always have. I love you; I love you and Luna."

We share a tearful kiss, just needing to feel one another before we resume eating, me eating till I am full and then Mick sets the tray aside once we're done and insists on massaging me all over and I don't complain, there is NOTHING like his touch....

"Ah yes...." I sigh blissfully, still feeling sore but much less than before as Mick finishes massaging me, then getting as close to me as he can get, and together our hands entwine over my well swollen stomach, where it seems Luna is moving gently. "I feel so much better than I did, still sore but much less than I was, thank you my moon."

"Least I could do moonbeam, there is nothing I love more than taking care of you and Luna."

And there is nothing I love more than YOU Mick, you, and our children.... ALL of them. I can't wait for Luna's arrival; it will be worth any pain. It will.

As it would turn out Luna would arrive a few weeks earlier than her Christmas Due Date, she would arrive December 13, 1984 two days after Sixx's birthday and speaking of Sixx....funny story, thing or whatever....he would conceive his and Vince's first child unknowns to us all on his birthday and we'd find out about February when we were due to go into the studio...and that is all I will say on that for now. Ok, one more thing Mick and I started a baby trend, and we saved Nikki from a fate he'd told me he had nightmares about, related to drugs...I know how he struggled with them back when I met him circa 83-84. All I knew is our family was thriving, I loved that...still do, and that one of my greatest dreams was coming true. I always wanted a big family, to be a part of one and to have one of my own, my alien, my moon at my everything at my side as he still very much today and at this moment....

A/N: Luna is almost here! She arrives in the next chapter!! 

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