Chapter 19-Chasing the Getaway Moon Part 3

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I can't BELIEVE this isn't a dream.... here I lay in bed, and I am not alone.... not lying here in pain, and it seems the sun is setting, which I gather is beautiful it doesn't COMPARE to whom I am lying next to, my head on his chest just listening to the sound of his heart: my lover, my MOON.... Mick. I find myself in tears.... This is all so new to me, if it wasn't for the fact that I am deliciously sore and my legs still feeling like jelly, I wouldn't have believed that last night happened. Mick and I had sex, no just sex...we made LOVE. Mick was tender, he kept asking me if I was ok.... He made sure I was. He took care of MY needs and I in turn did the same for him. he took time to be careful...not just abruptly enter me and thereby HURTING me....and FUCK.... bad memories have been triggered and I can feel myself shaking trying to hold back my sobs....and I am just now realizing that I feel fingers running thru my curls and a worried voice breaks thru....

"Paul.... PAUL...oh moonbeam you're shaking. Don't hold back, ok? Just let it out and tell me what's wrong." I only cling to Mick tighter, letting lose my sobs and then Mick says knowingly tone tinted with love for me and anger for 'the demon', "---Its...Its HIM.... what he did to you, oh Paul.... I imagine it hurts being triggered. And never be afraid to open to me, I've got you."

"---You.... You took time to make sure I was ok.... HE never.... i mean it was always very painful and humiliating, he took me by force.... really abrupt......and.... i shouldn't still be talking about him while...I..."

Mick cuts me off, tilting my face gently to where I am looking into those eyes, I love SO well, "—You never have to apologize Paul, NEVER. I want you to come to me, tell me ANYTHING and it KILLS me to hear what he did to you, and I can see too how much last night means to you. I love you; I love ALL of you."

"THANK YOU..." I whisper unable to say much more, "—I love you, my moon." I blush heavily as suddenly my stomach growls.

"I can tell you are sore...." I go to protest, but Mick tells me, "---Hey I've got you ok? Why don't I run you a bath and fix dinner? I made sure to have your favorite scent...ya know the one that smells like Moon Lilies."

"I LOVE You and.... not just for this....and you are SO right..." I whisper and next thing I know I feel those soft but thin and yet PERFECT lips upon my own and I melt, Mick is my ONE. He gets out of bed, not with out kissing me again and I can hear him in the bathroom, getting things ready and slowly, slowly, I disentangle my self from the covers and manage to sit on the edge of the bed and I wait....i don't wait long, before Mick helps me to the bathroom and thank god he does or I'd no lie be on the floor right now and upon entering the smell that is forever ingrained in my mind greets me and I inhale deeply and feel tears in my eyes as I take in the tub filled with bubbles and even some candles have been lit, its BEAUTIFUL.

Mick ever loving, ever HIM...helps me into the tub and I GROAN loudly as the hot water hits my sore muscles and I lean back and relax, closing my eyes for a moment and when I open them, I see my moonbeam....

"You just relax, ok? If you need me Paul, call for me....and I've got towels and some clothes laid out too."

"I love this.... it's never been like this before, ONLY with YOU. You love me, you spoil me....and this getaway, I mean I've had my triggers but still you are right by my side. For the first time in my life, I am having new and meaningful experiences....and there with you Mick. I love you."

Mick's eyes shine with the sheen of tears and his voice trembles, "I-I could say much the same. You changed everything in an instant and the only regret I have is not finding you sooner. I love you too." Mick leans down to kiss me, and he reluctantly leaves, but I am not alone, and neither is he.

I relax and I cry...and I cry some more, weeping and just releasing every emotion... and I think of the stress of the trial, seeing Gene and Vinny again...repairing my friendship with Eric and at the center of my thoughts is MICK. I lose track of time....and my soreness and worries for the moment fade away and I begin to wrinkle, and Mick reappears, helping me out of the tub and to dry off, stealing trading kisses and helping me dress and he leads me to the dining area, that has a view of the lake before us and I gasp as I take it in and we sit down, Mick pulling out my chair first and I gape at the food that is before me, feeling so TOUCHED.

"You...You made my version of what you made me our first night together?" Mick takes one of my hands in his.

"Yes, I did, it's something special to both of us and I only hope that I did your version justice."

"My Moon, I KNOW you did."

And with that we dug in, and I was right, he did do it justice and then some, and I kid you not I tasted the love in it. The whole time we eat, Mick and I can't take our eyes off one another, and I can feel myself blushing, conversation flows easily, and kisses are traded, and I really want it to last forever....

Eventually we do finish eating and I insist despite still being slightly yet oh so deliciously sore helping wash dishes and clean the kitchen and once that is done, Mick tells me to dress warmly and he does the same and then leads me outside, where I find a fire crackling merrily in a pit, sharpened sticks and Mick produces Marshmallows, Graham Crackers, and chocolate.

"I figured smores for dessert, if that's ok?" Mick's eyes are glowing as the sounds of the night echo or rather entwine with the crackling flames.

"It's more than ok my moon, its PERFECT. No fuckin' lie." I smirk while spearing a marshmallow, feeling amused and Mick's look is knowing, "---All we need now is our stage outfits and we're good to go."

"The show would be spectacular I am sure..." Mick muses, "I believe though you're thinking you're glad the terror twins aren't here, because if they were we'd be in some serious trouble. I still have nightmares from that time Tommy lit that poor roach on fire with a makeshift flame thrower." Mick laughs and to me it sounds like the sweetest of music, beautiful just like he is....

And I join in, feeling carefree and on top of the world, as we roast marshmallows and make our smores....

Romantic, passionate...sweet and fire, I was healing...ACTUALLY healing and moving on and it was all thanks to Mick and our Getaway strengthened Mick and I...our bond, our love especially with what will come about before long that will change our lives in the best of ways, though initially....i freaked, still I had my moon...I have him always and forever, even at this moment he is holding me, we hold each other as we tell our story...

And where you next find is a few days will have passed and we still be on our getaway....

A/N: A foreshadowing at the end there of things to come, and a romantic getaway just what Paul needs and Mick being the perfect partner for Paul.

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