Chapter 31: When You Wed a Mӧtley Alien Part 2 (Mick Mars)

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I am married.... MARRIED.... something I've always longed for deep down and never thought I would have. Paul changed EVERYTHING the moment I found him in the most unusual of ways. I will remember this day FOREVER, how could I not? When Paul was walking towards me, I swear he looked like an angel, otherworldly beautiful, my beloved moonbeam. The sight of him seared into my mind so firmly, his raven curls.... the sheer glow from him carrying our daughter, its everything to me and at this moment, US. Locked in an embrace of lips and limbs....

Paul and I reluctantly part for breath, him panting slightly.... those doe brown eyes shiny from tears, filled with such happiness and his cheeks flushed...for a moment I rest my forehead against his.

"I never thought I'd be this happy." Paul whispers, "But I AM and it's with you and because of you. I love you....and here..." Paul takes my hands and places them on his swollen stomach and Luna is kicking away, very much it feels like the same state Paul, and I are in. "---Luna, our daughter is as happy as we are...this is one of the best days of my life and it's because of YOU."

"I could argue that its YOU Paul...and Luna feels the happiness we both feel. Now let's get you off your feet and you and Luna taken care you trust me?" Feeling nervous on the last end.

"With my life, heart, mind, body and soul." Paul answers tearfully.

"I have a surprise or surprises for you...." Here I part enough to pull out a blind fold. "I promise I will make sure you and Luna both are safe."

"I know you will." I find I must kiss my new husband gently before tying a blindfold carefully around his eyes, and leading him down the aisle to cheers.....we don't walk far, but take our time since Paul is pregnant with our precious moonflower and the anticipation of Paul seeing what I have in store for our reception is building, everyone else is following behind and finally I stop Paul as we come to a clearing and I tell him...

"We're here and the surprise is what I have done for our reception. I had help of course, but I really wanted to make this special for you I am gonna take the blind fold off, but keep your eyes closed, ok? "Paul nods smile playing about his lips, making my heart leap. "I love you."

"I love you too Mick, so much." And with those words, I carefully take off the blind fold and tell my husband to open his eyes and when he does, they go as wide as they can go, tears spilling down his cheeks, and I am much the same way seeing his reaction. "The.... the wow.... a pavilion and a tent, the lights.... it's like a fairy tale, looks like everything is covered in stars. I love it." Paul carefully turns to me, reaching for my hand which I gladly give him mine. "You don't know truly how much this means to me my moon, I've never had anyone until you surprise me everyday in the best of ways and go above and beyond."

"I will always do so moonbeam for you and our children." I carefully lead Paul into the tent his eyes going wide once more and at last get him seated, everyone joining us much love and I continue to make sure Paul is comfortable and just take care of my beloved and at long last once everyone is seated, the food is brought in....a play on the meal I first made for Paul and for Paul I made except its chicken instead of steak...Paul groans in bliss as he eats, as I join him...speeches are made and its he and I and our Mӧtley family all at one table.

"Man, that was a beautiful wedding, I couldn't stop fucking happy for you both. Paul, you make Mick the happiest I have EVER seen him, you've brought out the best in each other and are starting a family." Vince remarks sniffling, Nikki I can tell is squeezing his hand gently.

"Totally fucking worth it, ruining my mascara." Nikki quips before adding on seriously, "and this location is stunning...and I gotta say Paul, you are a and Mick the heart and soul of our band."

Tommy and Eric whole heartedly agree while naturally managing to kiss, not that I blame them and Vince after a bit, takes Nikki's hand....and I know what's coming, Vince had asked me ahead of time and Paul as well....

"Nikki.... there's something I've wanted to do for a long time since the day we met at my audition and I gotta tell you that I love you, ALL parts of you, your're perfect to me, even if you love to piss me off sometimes...and I wanted to ask you...." Here Vince gets down on one knee, Nikki bawling at this point and to tell the truth I am in much the same state as them. "—Will you Nikki Sixx marry me? I wanna spend forever with you."

"Vinny...I...I.... you really.... I've never. "Nikki stammers before then saying voice much steadier, "Yes, I would love to marry you.... words I thought I'd never say." Vince places the ring on his finger, and they kiss, cheering and yes ribbing, but really everyone is happy for them.

"We're like all married dudes! Its awesome!" Tommy chimes in, Eric chuckling fondly and I have to say I very much agree with him.

"Babe, they are getting married...." Eric teases, whispering something in Tommy's ear causing him to blush...

The evening continues, Paul and I having our first dance as a married couple in the pavilion I had set up and the world once again disappears.... Until I decide to surprise him with something very special, I hope he will love, and of course I have him seated fussing over him, Him assuring me he and Luna both are fine.

"Paul my moonbeam, I have another surprise for you..." I gesture and Eric hands me a package which I give to Paul, him opening it eagerly eyes bright and shiny with tears." –A custom made leather jacket, with our portraits on the says 'Mr. and Mr. Mars, Forever 1313' underneath.

"This is perfect! I wanna wear it tonight. "Paul exclaims, beckoning me as we come into a kiss. "—And nothing but this..." He adds on lowly.

"Oh, I think I can arrange that." My voice low and heated, desire beginning to surge......

Our wedding day was truly magical and proved to both my husband and I and really everyone that fairy tales ARE very real. The reception didn't run too long, but it was enough to tire Paul out, who conked out not long after I surprised him with the leather jacket, so after thanking everyone profusely, I carefully...VERY carefully carried Paul up to our cabin, bringing him across the threshold, my back pain on ironically the back burner so to speak and into the bedroom, laying my world oh so carefully on the bed and I remember still to this day, my feelings....seeing him lying there looking like a moon goddess, the sight of his swollen DID stuff to me, still does thinking about it. I remember how no lie I fell more in love with him every passing moment....and Paul after a few minutes woke up and when his eyes landed on heart nearly stopped at how beautiful he looked. Still does by the way...and so where you will next find us is our wedding night and the official start of our honeymoon.

A/N: A beautiful and romantic wedding reception, a surprise proposal and so much more, stay tuned for the honeymoon chapters! 

When You Wish Upon a Fallen Mӧtley Star (A Paul Stanley x Mick Mars tale)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora