Chapter 20- Chasing the Getaway Moon Part 4

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A few days have passed since Mick brought me to this PARADISE, a beautiful Cabin, and a lake, surrounded by trees. So many precious and I do mean PRECIOUS memories have been made and here we are still on our getaway and now, now we are into October.... but that is not my point. What IS, is this: Mick and having sex for the first time, not just sex...making LOVE, exploring the depths of our feelings and love TOGETHER, him romancing me and vice versa. It's something that I will always, always carry with me in my heart and mind.

Which brings us to now: it getting to be evening...and judging by the slant of the light, the sun will set soon. Mick and I had a rather late night if you get my drift and he still asleep, I mean while am fixing dinner: Roasted Garlic Chicken, French green beans and roasted potatoes with Rosemary and for dessert, chocolate mousse which is in the fridge and I am also on the phone, the phone that is on the kitchen wall, I am checking in with Vince and Nikki, who miss Mick and I and are doing well, they are happy for he and I. Tommy was spending time with his mother, so I am talking to Eric.

Eric is very nervous and talks at about a 100 mph, but I catch the gist of it.

"So, you want to take Tommy out on an official date if I got that right?" I ask, shouldering the phone and working on dinner.

"Um yeah.... i mean we've been talking on the phone a lot, and I really...I mean..."

"You love him, don't you?" I finished for him.

"Yes, I do.... i don't know exactly when I fell for him.... but he I feel is made for me." Eric says voice much steadier before he then asks me, "I mean.... you're ok with all this?"

"Eric yes, I trust took time, but I DO. You're my friend, and if Tommy Lee makes you happy then go for it. And do things that have special meaning to him or just because if you want any first date advice, all that really matters is that you two are together." I feel tears in my eyes, because Eric reminds me so much of Mick and I, the parallels. We chat a wee bit longer, before I hang up and dinner is nearly ready when I SEE and FEEL my moon, my alien.

"MMM, smells so damn good in here.... you didn't have to do all this, but I really love and appreciate that you did." A gentle hand reaches up and caresses my cheek before pulling me down into a kiss and I smile into it, "Do you need me to help at all?"

"Nah, I got this."

"Sure? Cause I can help set the table and all, I insist."

I shake my head grinning, "I can never say 'no' to you, ok my moon if you insist." Mick smiles, one of his treasured smiles that he truly only smiles FOR ME as he works to set the table and I work to finishing up and working on our dinner, all the while he and I steal glances at one another, me blushing from the looks I am getting from Mick and before I know it, dinner is on the table and we dig in, Mick sitting as close to me as possible. "—Ya Know Mick? I can NEVER get over how you look at me."

Mick's eyes darken with tears, his tone husky..., "And I Paul, can never get over how you look at me. I feel TALL, SEEN when I am with you. You are the only one to every make me feel this way. I love your moonbeam."

"I love you too." Softly then I think to ask, "What do you think of the food?"

"I LOVE IT." Mick fairly beams, his eyes glowing with happiness and then I can feel myself frown and naturally my alien notices and voices the thought that has just entered my head, as I feel the onset of tears, "I know that look.... he made you cook what HE wanted and then wouldn't eat it to say the least, he hurt you." There is a slight growl in his tone that I know is directed towards Gene and I reach for Mick's hand, holding it like a lifeline as the tears fall.

I take a deep breath, "Yes...he DID. He always called it 'slop' and that I could never do anything I started to believe that and then came YOU. You changed all that Mick, I can SEE the love, the appreciation for when I cook...the point is, I found my passion for cooking again, for art, for life and its all because of you Mick Mars, cause of you. You saved my life, took me in.... you raised hell for me, I are my moon, my everything."

No more words are needed as Mick, and I lean into one another and share a sweet kiss.... we do end up finishing dinner, Mick thanking me repeatedly begging me to make it again and I promise to do so, he also insists on washing dishes which I reluctantly let him do and he asks me what I'd love to do next....

Softly I say, "I would love to cuddle on the couch with a blanket and you."

"Then we'll do that." Mick says in the same tone as me, and soon he and I are cuddle together on the couch underneath the softest flannel blanket, my head resting on Mick's chest, while he runs his fingers thru my curls, gently.... I just love the way he FEELS. "---So, Paul? I know it's only October, but I was wondering what you would like for Christmas. I mean I have somethings in mind for you."

I think for a moment and am very touched by his asking and at last I reply with, "Truly Mick YOU are enough of a gift, and you don't have to get me anything." Honest in my answer.

"You know I will anyway Paul, you deserve to be spoiled....and I want to make your first Christmas with me special."

I think again and say, "If you insist...a pizza stone. I miss making Pizza, and you haven't lived till you try mine. Maybe some new cookware as well."

"That sounds wonderful Paul." Spoiler alert, he would get me those things for Christmas...but my moon had other surprises in store for me as well. You will come to see.

Unlike that dream or nightmare or whatever the hell you wanna call it, the one where I had a panic attack afraid of surprising Mick for Christmas...or NOW, I know it wont be that way. I plan on MAKING him somethings, including a portrait of him...a painted one. And perhaps a special scrap book as well, of the amazing memories we've already made....and I know he loves nature and books, so yes I for sure have some ideas in mind now and I know no matter what that Mick will love them, although I find myself too wanting for the first time to go above and beyond for my love, my true Moon: Mick.

I wish we could have stayed at that cabin forever, but I can tell you I cherished each moment. It truly helped me to heal, to truly begin to move on. I felt then it was a turning point in my life, a good one and it's all thanks to my husband. I've always told Mick in the years since that I owed my life to that getaway, I owed my peace of mind and I owed my heart to my beloved moon.

Where you next find us is our first Christmas together, where I was truly happy...though it was tinged with the bitter-sweet because of the baby I'd lost and well you will see. If you are wondering, no I wouldn't be pregnant and speaking of which.... that would happen not exceptionally long from Christmas.......

A/N: Sadly, the last part of their much-needed getaway.... but there is so much more to come. Until next time my friends! 

When You Wish Upon a Fallen Mӧtley Star (A Paul Stanley x Mick Mars tale)Where stories live. Discover now