Chapter 13-Road's End & A Date to Remember

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My first tour as a member of Mӧtley Crϋe, how the HELL could I ever forget it? Memorialized as it was in photos, the press etc..... However, the real reason or should I say reason was and IS: Mick Mars. Mick the man that has been at my side for 40 years now, still hard to believe at times. But ah yes, my first was more than just finding my way, finding a place...a band to belong, forging new bonds. It was heaven, it was hell...really it was everything. I grew more confident and Mick and I.... We're learning to become a couple, and THAT is the biggest reason or most special reason to me that tour in '83' was so memorable. I still struggled a lot, mentally and with panic attacks, not to mention Gene's trial hanging over my head and then there was that night after a show when a reminder of my past showed up in the form of Eric Carr aka the Fox on that date of August 15.1983....i passed out before reuniting with Eric and once I did see Eric, he told me that Gene had been in a 'relationship' with Vinny Vincent apparently since Vinny had joined Kiss. Moreover though, I still didn't trust Eric then...seeing him HURT and shook me to my core and Mick had it right that night that it would take me time to maybe trust Eric again and eventually I will tell you it did happen. However, where you will find Mick and I, along with the boys.... will be on September 30, 1983...the end of the road, the end of the tour and me panicking because I still had NO CLUE what I wanted to do as far as mine and Mick's first official date, though I will tell you.... something came to me.

Currently we're on our tour bus bound for home, Nikki and Vince disappeared to the back for 'private time' which ain't exactly a secret if you get my drift. Tommy is concerned or worried about me and we're in the middle of a poker game, Mick is in the bathroom...but I am a million miles away...and I find myself in tears.

"Paul, this is a stupid question.... but man.... are you ok? Mick'll be back in a minute, you need..."

I cut him off shakily, "I-I.... still don't have a CLUE what I wanna do for mine and Mick's first official date. And...I'm still not used to being able to DECIDE or any of this." This is good, opening to a friend...this is good....

"Mick would do anything for you, whatever you feel comfortable doing. But if you want advice.... maybe do something special to you." Tommy's words are wise, and very much true. And suddenly it hits me....

Something special.... I haven't cooked for someone in a long time and for Mick, I feel like trying. I think maybe a play on the dinner he fixed the first night I came to live with him. and maybe what has become my favorite flower, the moon lilies Mick has never failed to leave in my room...dessert, I will see what Mick thinks.... if I don't 'psych' myself out that is....

It is at this point Mick has come back, Tommy murmurs to Mick and next thing I know Mick is at myside, wiping away my tears....

"Paul.... to me."

I take a deep breath my voice small, "I-I was freaking out, because I still haven't or hadn't come up with anything for our first official date.... but Tommy had good advice and I wanted.... well, to do a play on the dinner you fixed our first night together, the moon lilies in a vase, dessert, maybe cocktails....and, you..." Another idea comes to me, "—Love the outdoors, maybe a blanket and we can gaze at the stars?" I hang my head until Mick tilts my head up.

"That all sounds PERFECT. So special.... I want this to be about not just me, but us. I love you."

"I love you too and thank you.... I'm still not used to being able to decide things and being listened to."

"Paul with me you'll always be listened to and being able to decide things...always." These words are breathed against my lips before he claims them and I get lost in him, as I always do......

Once we at last arrived home...early in the morning being dropped off by the guys....all Mick and I wanted was to crash, at first I try to sleep with out him in my room, growling in frustration that I can't sleep and then for the first time, I creep into Mick's room, whose eyes are knowing and light up seeing me....and so, I join my lover in bed...him spooning me and together we drift off...

I find myself waking up, the sun beginning to set, and Mick is very much still sleeping.... slowly, I slide out of his hold and linger a moment, whispering, "I love you my moon, this is one of the most special nights of my life." I linger a little longer before I head into my bathroom to tame my curls, at least somewhat....and then I head downstairs to the kitchen, where luckily Mick had it freshly stocked and I get started on dinner, my fingers remembering their old magic and my thoughts as ever on Mick....

The steak, I season with peppercorns.... crushed ones, roasted potatoes with rosemary, the mushrooms and onions sautéed and for dessert, chocolate mousse. I get lost until I hear a deep appreciative sniff and the most beautiful voice in the world exclaim, making me turn...

"Mmm, damn does that smell good!" Mick, my beloved moon as he pulls me down into a kiss and I find myself smiling into it, all that I have on my mind on the back burner. "Do you need me to do anything to help?" I love that, this...US and the fact that Mick is a considerate partner...

"I've got the food..." I trail off realizing I've forgotten the flowers, so I ask shy, "Um I forgot the moon lilies."

"I've got them Paul, don't worry.... i can set the table too, least I can do."

"Thank you." Grateful, emotional. Mick fetches the flowers and sets the table, surprising me as I notice he lights candles as well, my heart swells...and a few stray tears fall. He disappears for a few moments, and I quit panicking when he comes back and says...

"I am sorry I made you panic at all, I set things up outside...for star gazing." A spider-like hand reaches up and caresses my cheek, wiping away some tears. "Shh, don't cry moonbeam."

" the best night of my life." I whisper adding on, "I love you."

"I love you too Paul."

At last dinner is done, dessert included...Mick insisting on helping me serve up the food....

Conversation between us flows easily, kisses are traded...something I find I very much love and the romance is very much palpable.... there are no leftovers I can tell you now, and after Mick and I eat our fill, he tells me to leave the dishes...and takes me by the hand and leads me outside to the back yard, making me gasp in surprise....

A large blanket spread.... pillows, and a bucket with wine chilling.... night has fallen, and the stars are out, but right now...all I have eyes for, is my moon. I feel myself being helped to sit down...Mick following suit, gritting his teeth at the pain...

"Mick? God...we d-don't have to do this.... I know, your back is bothering you. I hate seeing you in pain." Nervous and stammering, Mick surprises me by taking my hands in his. Gaze serious, but his eyes are soft.

"The pain is already going away Paul.... You make me feel better. Besides.... all that matters here is US and me making you happy."

"I don't ever wanna lose this feeling."

"You won't, I'll be damned if I let that happen." Mick declares fiercely really.

"Just hold me and don't let me moon."

"Never moonbeam." Mick breathes these words across my lips, both of us leaning into one another and we feeling so very loved.

Sadly, VERY happiness, didn't last long at all. We'd be off tour a matter of DAYS before I was plunged back into hell, for the Demon's trial was upon us.....the nightmares came, I had to relive everything....what I had and didn't change was MICK, never once complaining when I'd wake up screaming, always there to comfort me and something that DID change, nothing bad....was Mick started to move me into his bedroom, or what became OUR bedroom, refusing to leave me. I had Vince, Tommy, and Nikki as well that were there for me....and then there was Eric, I was still working on my 'issues' if you will with him and he really earned my trust for he'd testify on my behalf, and we'd ultimately repair our friendship.

A/N: The end of the road and a romantic date.... next chapter the first of at least 3 parts of the Demon's trial, and at last Paul receiving justice. 

When You Wish Upon a Fallen Mӧtley Star (A Paul Stanley x Mick Mars tale)Where stories live. Discover now