ice skating-josh

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OKAY IN LOVE WITH STARCATCHER. here's a lil some some until I can spice it up.

Josh and I waited in the line to get our skates and i hummed along to the song on the loud speaker.

"You excited babe?" Josh asked and bumped my shoulder.

"Hell yeah! I love doing this." We laughed and moved up in the line. Josh wrapped an arm around me and pulled me close to plant a kiss on my forehead.

"Me too." His eyes darted around the outside of the rink and he was tapping his hand on his thigh.

"You sure you're okay? You look nervous."

"I'll be honest with you," josh started. "I have never skated before."

I looked at him, shocked, "there's nothing to be nervous about! I'll help you out and we'll be skating together in no time."

The people in front of us moved so I pulled josh up the counter as we asked for our skates. We then moved to a bench on the side to lace ourselves up and head to the ice.

"There's nothing to be scared about Josh. Just get on and think of it as walking." He hesitantly lifted his foot and as soon as josh got on he started slipping and waving his hands to find an anchor. I ran to save him and brought him to the wall.

"THAT WAS TERRIFYING." Josh yelled. The couple making out next to us gave him a dirty look.

"Josh all you have to do is stand and move your skates so I can guide you okay?" He nodded slowly and worked his feet once I pried him off the wall. We were finding a rhythm. My hand laced with his as we shimmied through the people.

"This is so much fun!" He told me after our second lap, "I wanna let go, I got it."

I looked at him confused, "are you sure?" Josh nodded so I let go of his hand and went to wait by the wall.

He wove through the people at top speed and I started to get worried but josh was his confident self. Once he got closer he picked up his speed even more towards me. "Shit!"

"Josh slow down!"

"I can't!"

"Jo-" His body slammed into mine and I fell right on my ass. The ice was melting around me so I fell right into a puddle, soaking all my clothes.

"Oh my god. Y/n are you okay?" He knelt down with one hand on the wall.

I couldn't help but laugh at what happened. "I'm fine josh I promise."

"How are you laughing?!" He questioned as he helped me up.

"Because falling's normal. Be glad you didn't ride over my fingers!" Josh's eyes got huge.

"L-let's go, crazy. You're freezing we should head home." I laughed at him again and kissed his cheek.

"Yeah let's go."

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