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We stan Jake girls!!!

Also-my bestie is a swiftie-and I just wanted to we got any swifties in here???

August by Taylor Swift works with this btw 🦎

The hot July nights soon turned into breezy August evenings spent at the kiszka's house. We would sit in the backyard talking about nonsense and enjoy each other's company.

However, the brother I was closest with, Jake. Seemed to be occupied with his girlfriend all summer. We barely saw him and that did not help my growing crush on him.

"Y/n, we're going to the lake, you wanna come?" Sam asked me.

"Yeah sure." I responded, "you guys know if Jake's coming?"

Josh stuck his head out of the kitchen, "he should actually be there today."

We all acted surprised and packed up all the things for the afternoon at the lake. Once we were there, we set out the blanket and took out all the pointless food we brought.

Off in the distance, Jake and Betty (👀) were walking over hand in hand. My heart pained from jealousy just at the sight.

"Hey Jake!" Everyone yelled.

"Long time no see!" Danny joked.

As Jake got closer, he responded, "har har."

The couple sat down on one side of the blanket catching up with the guys. I stayed quiet in my corner, picking my nails.

"Well what are we waiting for?" Sam yelled. "Let's go swimming idiots!"

They all threw off their shirts and ran into the water. I laughed and shook my head, watching as Jake teased his brothers like a child. Betty was still there in her booty jean shorts and one of Jake's tshirts.

I wanted that shirt.

She awkwardly smiled at me and went over to the lake. She can't rip off her jean shorts and swim so what is she doing?

Betty sat on a rock by the edge and spoke with the boys which continued to make me jealous.

I snapped out of my pissy mood when Jake came out of the water and towards me. I subconsciously sat up straights and ran a hand through my hair.

"Hey y/n" he said and laid on the blanket.

I tried to focus on his face and not his abs, "heyyy."

I resorted into grabbing a handful of grapes and eating two at a time. Jake looked at me with a confused look. He slowly reached his hand up to my face and brushed my lower lip with a shaky finger. My heart was beating in my ears as we maintained eye contact tact when he pulled away.

I desperately tried to bring up a conversation to get rid of the awkward, "how are things with Betty?"

He shrugged and shook his head.

"What do you mean? You guys looked so happy on the way over here." I asked.

"Thats cuz we did it in the car." He replied bluntly.

"Oh..." I said and blushed.

Jake laughed, "yeah but we've been getting into a lot of arguments lately and I'm getting kind of sick of it you know?"

I nodded and encouraged him to go in for another little while. With time we had repositioned so that we were both lying on our stomach, face to face.

You could feel the tension pulling at our undeniable attraction and I was dying to kiss his lips.

"So yeah..that's what's been going on with me. How about you?" Jake asked.

"Oh, all good. The great part about not being in a relationship." I joked.

He caressed my cheek. "I've missed you though. I can live without my brothers but, time away from you is particularly hard."

I blushed and leaned into his palm. "Ive missed you too."

"We should just get out of here." He whispered.

I laughed, "we can't do that. We came here with them we have to leave with them."

"What-ever." He rolled his eyes and laughed with me.

As our laughing faded out we looked eachother in the eye and got closer and closer. Somehow being pulled together.

Jake grabbed the back of my head and pressed our lips together for a closed mouth kiss. We slowly increased momentum and had to take gasps for air.

Oh how I've been wanting this-suck it Betty.

A few seconds later, I heard leaves crunching under feet and broke apart from Jake when I realized what had just happened. When I looked up I saw Josh, Danny and Sam's shocked face and Betty looking me dead in the eye.

Ready to kill me.

Yalllllllll I don't even know if this makes sense or what it is or if you want another part??? Answer my questions plsss

Love ya Tysm for so many reads it's a dream come true. 💜

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