bad day-sam

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Just realized Sam does not have as many chapters as everyone else and that is NOT right. I'm sorry Sam girls.

Today was the worst. Absolutely terrible. And all I wanted all day was to be at home, in my bed, with my boyfriend. When I saw the door to our apartment my heart filled with relief. As I turned the key in the lock, the door cracked just the slightest bit, releasing the familiar smell of home.

I heard footsteps coming towards the entrance and eventually saw Sam racing at me and pulling me into a long hug with his chin rested on my head. "I missed you today."

"Me too" I laughed. He kissed my nose and ran his hands up my arms.

"You sounded upset when I called you earlier, you okay now?"  

I shrugged and say my bag down on the counter. "It's just been rough, and I'm tired."

"I know how to fix that." He whispered and pulled me by my arm.

We were laughing while he dragged me to our room.

"Why'd ya do that Sam? Huh?" I teased and fell onto the bed.

"Because-" he started and laid on his stomach. "Tell me everything."

I giggled when he had his head in his hands and was swinging his legs in the air. We stayed like this for a long time. And I told him every shitty detail of my shitty day. At the end he came up next to and squeezed me to his chest.

"I'm sorry you had a bad day. Tomorrow will be better, I promise."

"I have tomorrow off..."

"Yeah that's the point." We laughed again. His hand came up to meet mine as he played with my fingers and massaging my hair until I was sound asleep.

Sorry if I let you down but-this was my comfort write. I hope you all have a good rest of your day or a good day tomorrow!

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