Chapter 38: Reconnaissance

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"Scarlet," Harry breathed out in relief as he caught sight of his grinning girlfriend.

"Miss me?" She amusedly asked. Harry shook his head.

"You don't know the half of it," he stated as he took a tentative step forward and hugged her. Scarlet hugged him back.

"I'm so sorry about the shoulder," Scarlet mumbled as she buried her face on his chest. Harry chuckled but then winced as the sudden movement gave him a jolt of pain.

"Yeah," he said, "That kind of hurt,"

Scarlet slowly pulled away with a grimace on her face.

"Sorry." She said, slightly flinching at the sight of the blood staining his shirt. "I'll get you cleaned up before you run out of blood."

"Don't worry about it. It was barely a scratch. No veins." Harry said.

"Scratch or not, it's still a wound. I'll go get some bandages," Scarlet left the room before he could respond. Harry shook his head with a smile and sat on one of the chairs. He noticed the old man looking at him. Harry gave him an awkward smile before turning away quickly. He could still feel his gaze lingering.

"You love her," Richard Stevenson finally said after a moment. "You truly do, don't you?" Harry did not respond. Mr. Stevenson sighed. "Rogue Ryce is still missing. Lennox still thinks Scarlet is in his control. You know what this means, don't you?" He did.

"I won't let her do it, sir." Harry's voice betrayed no emotion. At least he hope it didn't. Mr. Stevenson shook his head.

"I know you won't, lad. But who's to say she'll listen? Rogue is still her sister. And all will be damned if Scarlet does not do anything to save her." Harry knew it was a lost cause. Scarlet Ryce would never leave his sister behind. Not even if it means her very own death. And it scared him.

"I'm coming with her then," he said, resigned, as he turned to the old mentor. He'll be damned if he ever let Scarlet get hurt or brainwashed again. Richard Stevenson only pursed his lips and nodded.


"Look who I found," Scarlet announced as she made a reappearance inside the head mentor's office. Four sheepish-looking boy band members with two girlfriends were following her. The blonde one, Niall's, eyes widened when he caught sight of his still unconscious partner.

"Isla!" he exclaimed rushing to her side. Harry and Scarlet shared a grimace. It was a good thing Harry thought of moving the girl onto the couch inside the office and not on the floor. Niall would've never forgive them.

"Who did this to her?" Niall demanded, his eyes flashing dangerously.  Harry bit his lip, not wanting to say anything. Scarlet however, had different plans.

"I did," her voice was nonchalant. Everyone except for her, Harry, Mr. Stevenson and Niall gasped. The latter was only looking at her murderously.

"Why you-" Niall lunged, seemingly forgetting that the girl in front of him was a top secret agent. Scarlet only stepped sideward, missing the blonde by inches.

"Niall, stop!" the voice came from the couch behind him. Everyone smothered a gasp, including Scy, as Isla sat up, clutching her head. Niall momentarily forgot of his anger and ran to her side.

"Isla, oh my... are you alright?" he worriedly asked as he tried to cup her cheeks with his calloused hands. Isla shrugged his hands away.

"I'm fine, Ni. I just hit my head somewhere. It wasn't Scarlet's fault."

"But she-" Niall tried to say.

"It wasn't Scarlet's fault." Isla repeated, her voice hard. Niall bit his lip and nodded. Isla turned to Scarlet, "You alright now?" to others, it may seem like a stupid question, coming from a girl who just woke up from the blow on the head, but Scarlet understood what she meant. She nodded.

Protecting... One Direction?Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora