Chapter Seventeen: She thought I was Rouge...

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This is the rough draft version of my story. You can view the edited version on my profile which is strictly for my followers only.


“Scy, Scy, wake up were here…” I heard a voice whisper. I flutter my eyes open to see Niall at the door of the car. I tried to sit up, but was pulled back to a side. I turned my head to see Harry sleeping with his arm around me. Wait, how did we even arrive in this position? I looked back to the blonde lad and gave him a confused look, but he just shrugged and walked inside the house. Well thanks Ni! I tried to again free from his grip but yet again it didn’t work. I decided to just wake him up.

“Harry…” I whispered while tapping his shoulder. He just groaned and pulled me tighter. Great! How does he even manage to do that?! He’s in a FREAKIN’ CAR!!! Oh well, as they say if all else fails…

“HARRY WAKE UP YOU LAZY BUM!” I shouted into his ear. He jolted awake and quickly pulled away when he noticed our awkward contact. A blush crept up from his cheeks while looking down not making eye contact.

“What time is it?” he mumbled in his sexy morni- I mean his morning voice. Ugh!

“Um…” I looked at my phone. “4:30” I said. He just nodded and pulled open the car door to his side and hopping out. I followed after him. We walk into the house to see everyone in the living room doing their own stuff. (e.g. Niall is eating, Rouge and Liam were playing COD, Liam clearly losing, Louis on his phone smiling, and Zayn, was on his sketch pad) I coughed and everyone’s attention turned to us.

“FINALLY!” Louis said raising his hands. I looked at him confused.

“While you two were busy sleeping together… even how bad it sounds…” Liam said muttering the last part. I rolled my eyes. Of course this boys always have their dirty minds.

“We planned on going to a club…” Louis added.

“Who are coming?” I asked.

“You, me, the boys, Rouge and-” Liam was cut off.

“ELEANOR!” Louis shouted. Wow he really is in love isn’t he?

“Oh” was my reply.


I heard the front door open and close followed by some footsteps.

“BABE! I’M HOME!” A female voice yelled. Oh! That must be Eleanor. Everyone else was upstairs getting ready to go to the ‘club’. I don’t even know why they were that early though… It was still 5:30, we wouldn’t even be going there until 7. Although I know the perfect reason why they are all upstairs… SLEEP. Why? I practically hear their snoring from the living room. And trust me, it isn’t a pleasant sound. I heard a few more footsteps get closer. I turned around to be met by a tall, beautiful brunette girl. Oh so she’s Eleanor.

“Um… hi?” I said waving my hands at the girl.

“Hi Rouge! Nice hair dye, it looks good on you! So where are the others?” She asked. Wait, did she really think I was Rouge? Well yeah, we really do look alike asides from our hair colors.

“Um, I’m n-“ I was cut off by some shuffling from upstairs. I turned around and saw Louis at the stairwell with a big grin.

“El!” Louis shouted running towards past me to Eleanor. He wrapped his arms around her waist and spun her around. Wow, cliché much? And the next thing I knew is they had a full on make-out session. Wait, did they not know there are others around them? Some who can see them? Am I that invisible to them? I stared at them wide eye as I heard someone cough from my side. I turned to see Niall looking at me with a smile.

“Don’t worry this is normal…” Niall whispered into my ear. I looked at him in shock. Did he just say that that was normal? He chuckled.

“N-normal?” I asked. He nodded a smile not leaving his face. He finds this amusing doesn’t he.

“Ahem!” I heard someone cough. I turned to see Liam smirking at the two who were having a snog fest. Louis and El pulled apart from each other and looked at the ground embarrassed.

“Um…” Louis says before nudging El.

“Um… hi guys!” Eleanor suddenly perks up.

“Hi” we all said in unison.

“So… when can I meet Scarlet?” She asked. Niall and Harry looked at me. Oh yeah, I never told her I was Scarlet.

“Um… she is Scarlet” Niall pointed at me. I bursted-out laughing.

“You—thought—I—was—Rouge!” I said in between breaths pointing at Eleanor. The others just looked at me like I was crazy for a while before they all started laughing. After our laughter died down, El spoke up.

“I’m so sorry; I really thought you were Rouge! I forgot you were twins! OMG!” Eleanor squealed. We just laughed at her.

“Okay, okay… enough of this. Scarlet, I believe?” I nodded. “I also believe we have not been introduced properly…” She said in a fake posh accent. I laughed at her and nodded.

“My name is  Eleanor Calder, Louis’ girlfriend; you can call me El”

“My name is Scarlet Ryce, you can call me Scy”

“Ooh your Hazza’s Girlfriend!” Eleanor said with enthusiasm. I looked at Harry who was just looking at the ground, blushing. Why is he blushing?

“Um…” is all I managed to say. I don’t know what to say. I don’t even know if she knows we were only fake dating to be able to protect them without the paps being nosy and such.

“She doesn’t know…” Niall whispers into my ear. I nodded and shot him a look saying if it was ‘ok’ to tell. He just shrugged and walked out to where I assumed was the kitchen. That boy and his food!

“Don’t be shy, we four would be great friends! I can feel it!” four? Wait there’s another?

“Four?” I asked.

“Yeah, me, you, Rouge and Dani!” she said all giddy. I turned to see the Liam, Harry, Louis and Niall looking at me with guilty smiles. Guess they forgot to fill me in with all the details huh?

So where’s Rouge?!” El who was very hype, I might say, asked.

“She’s upstairs ‘getting ready’ I guess… but I believe that she was doing something else” I said air quoting. I know she wasn’t really getting ready, she was probably sleeping or doing those techie stuff she always seem to do.

“She’s sleeping…” Zayn said answering my suspicions as he walked into the living room. I nodded.

"And how did you know that?" I eyed him suspiciously putting my hands on my hips.

"I checked up on her" Zayn said shrugging. I just let it go.

“Oh... hi El!” he said when he noticed El in the living room.

“Hi Zaynie!…” she said.

“So what do you guys wanna do?” El asked.

“Um, I thought we were going to the club at 7?” I asked.

“Oh yeah! C’mon let’s wake up Rouge!” El said before dragging me to upstairs. Suddenly she stopped which caused me to bump into her. I looked at her with a confused expression.

“Why are we stopping?” I asked,

“Shhh!” she shushed me before entering Rouge’s bedroom quietly with me hot on her heels. As we entered, Eleanor went to Rouge’s bathroom and came out with a bucket. Wait what is she doing? And with no other hesitations, she threw the contents (water) to the sleeping figure. Rouge.


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