Chapter 29 Gone.

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"What do you mean she's gone?" I nearly shouted once I regained my ability to think. Zayn and I were in the limo now, after I had dropped my phone earlier, I all but ran to the vehicle with Zayn in tow. Forget the picnic, we have more important things to do.

"I don't know!" El said in a panicked voice. "Me and Dani were like arranging stuff for that surprise birthday party we were going to throw you girls when Scy left and told me she going to go on a quick jog. It's been four hours and she's still nowhere to be found!"

"Have you tried calling her phone?" I aske, bile rising from my throat. Oh god.

"Yes, ten times, no one answered. Louis and Niall's going around town trying to find her, as well as Liam and Dani,"

"Where's Harry?" I could almost hear her swallow.

"Rouge, Harry's in the hospital. Some one found him in the alley, badly beaten up. I'm going there in a few,"

Did he know what happened to my sister?" I asked. I could almost imagine her shaking her head. "No,"

"Alright. listen to me carefully El, and listen to me clearly. I think I got a clue on what's happening but I'm not entirely sure. I want you to do me a favour and go to the garage," I said, my voice unbelievingly calm.

"What? Why?" confusion was latched on her voice. I sighed.

"Just please, just do it," I said to her pleadingly and I heard running footstps followed by a click and the sound of metal sliding.

"Alright, It's open,"

"Okay good, do you see two identical motorcycles there?" I asked pressing something on my watch.

"What-oh. Yeah, I see it," and I could almost imagine El look wide eyed as it came to life. I heard the sound of engine purring. I nodded. "Good. Now I want you to stay out of it's way because it's coming to get me," and I heard her curse just as I heard something revved past her. I would've chuckled at the terrified squeal she made if not for the situation. "Great. Now I want you to call the lads and tell them to press that button on the bracelets I gave them," I turned to Zayn. 'You too,' I mouthed and he nodded fumbling with his bracelet. I checked my watch. 

20 miles left.

I got out of the car.

"Where are you going?" I heard Zayn asked as he attempted to follow me. I put up a hand, "El, are you still there?" I asked through the phone.

10 miles left.

I smiled as I caught sight of the my familiar bike. Gosh, I missed riding that.

"Yeah," I heard her reply in the background. My bike stopped in front of me. I placed my phone to my other ear, the device being held in between my ear and shoulder, and put on my biker gloves.

"Good. Now I want you to go to my room and get two bracelets with yours and Dani's names on them. Call Liam and the other lads and tell them to go back to the house and perform Operation Shutdown, they'll know what to do from then," I said remembering the time when I trained the guys on the protocols they need to follow in case a situation as bad as this was going to happen. "Get one of the lads to activate your  and Harry's bracelets too,"

"Alright. Anything else?" she asked. I hesitated. Look back at Zayn who was staring at me, I gulped glancing down at my bike.

"Whatever happens, keep them alive," and with that I ended the call without so much of a good bye. I latched one of my legs onto the bike. I placed my hands on the handlebars. I turned to Zayn who was looking at me with a faraway expression. "Stay safe," I told him as my engine purred to life.

And without a reply, I left, all the memories of our night together fading as the distance between us lenghten. I gripped my handles tightly. Hang on Scy,

I'm coming.


"Well, well, well, if it isn't one of the Red twins," a man in a blue work suit said as I pulled my bike to a stop. I sighed jumping out. He was grinning revealing his rotteh yellow teeth. I ignored him.

"Now's not the time Todd, we have a situation. Where's Jameson?"

"He's inside," he replied nodding towards the doors to the garage. I didn't bother to say thanks and ran. There's no time for that. I slammed the doors open.

"James, we have a situation. They got Scy," I rushed off when I saw the back of his seat facing me. The person slowly spun around and I was greeted by the familiar sight of striking blue eyes. I gasped.

"And it seems that they got you too," and the last thing I remembered was pressing my distress beacon just as something hit my head and everything went black.


"Yes darling?"

"I'm afraid," I whimpered just as a light flashed followed by the roars of thunder.

"Don't be," she soothed, "You're not alone,"

the end...

of the chapter! Ha!  It's not finished yet, don't get your panties in a twist. Sheez!

Anyways, that spiraled down quickly.

Didn't expect that didn't you? Because I didn't too! lol

Well, it was nice knowing you all! I'm going to try and fight off the angry mob outside my window now. Scy, Rouge and the lads send their love!

Question of the chapter: Who do you think captured the twins? I'll give you a hint. They had a past ;)

Comment your answer below, and if you got it right, I might

Now that's over and done with, what do you think should I do next? Kill off a twin? Defeat the bad guys? let them escape? let Scy and Roe live happily ever after in a land where unicorns exist? Name it. Oh and who could forget our curly haired weirdo... Poor Harry. A vote=a get well soon! Just saying ;)

Anyways, Vote, Comment, Fan, Whatever. Seriously.

Stay tuned! xx


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