Chapter 7: The Lads

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Today is the day, Scarlet thought as she stared at her reflection in the mirror. She was more anxious than excited, really. Who wouldn't be? She and her sister were leaving their home of ten years, for who knows how long, to live with a bunch of strangers who were a bunch of guys.

They maybe famous and, as a typical teen girl would say, hot, but Scarlet had never really met them in person to really know if they were worth the trouble they apparently attract. What if they were a group of drunkards or perverts? Scarlet secretly thought she should stop judging people she had not met yet. Who knows? they can turn out to be nice people.

She woke up fairly early in the morning and took a quick shower. Knowing it was protocol for the first day, she wore her favourite cat suit (she even unpacked her boots from her bag earlier) so she could wear them now. Taking some time, Scarlet also decided that putting on some makeup will make her look more professional. She tied her hair into a tight bun, knowing that the wind will mess it up if she didn't.

When she was done, Scarlet found Rouge in front of the large mirror inside their room, trying to blowdry her soaking wet blonde hair.


The carpool arrived as scheduled and the twins stuffed all their bags into the vehiclr before turning to hop on their motor bikes. As planned, they will be following the car to their destination. Simultaneously, the girls started ignition at the same time the car started to pull out of the building.

Goodbye AXION, Scarlet could not help but think as they left the premises.


They followed the car as it pulled up to a driveway of a elegant three-storey house in the middle of a private complex. Figuring it was the place they will be staying in, both girls smoothly stopped and hopped off their bikes. They helped the driver, who was a nice old man, with their bags and thanked him after. When they were done, the girls turned just as the front door of the house opened and revealed a grinning Simon Cowell.

"Ah girls!" He seemed pleased, "-so glad that you can make it. Come, come, I must introduce you two to the boys," he said, gesturing for them to go inside. Sharing a look, the girls grabbed their bags and hauled them up the steps and into the large house.

The inside was surprisingly more beautiful than the outside. It had a grand staircase, a big chandelier at the foyer, a double door that was opened and lead to the dining area and probably the kitchen, and a very spacious living room. That was only the first floor, however, and the twins did not doubt it will still get grander as they explored it. As they entered the living room, albeit following Simon, the girls were met by five lads near their age sporting varying looks of disbelief. They had not doubted Simon ever told them we were their age, or girls.

Amused at the thought, Scarlet asked Mr. Cowell if her assumptions were correct. The man laughed breezily.

"Oh, it must have slip my mind!" he said, his expression sheepish as he answered her. "Pardon me."

"It's alright, sir," Rouge assured him, "Most people are often shocked by our presence, too."

Seeing the girls' track records, most people assumed they were older.

They, meaning the twins and Simon, had almost forgotten about the other occupant of the room when one of them, the boy with buzz cut hair, cleared his throat.

"Ah lads," Simon said, turning his attention to them."I forgot you were there." No one spoke, and Simon continued, "-these two lovely ladies are Agents Scarlet and Rouge Ryce. They were the new bodyguards I was telling you about." Turning back to the twins, he asked, "Ladies, I trust that you know the lads by now?"

Protecting... One Direction?Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora