Chapter Thirteen: the nightmare which was past...

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This is the rough draft version of my story. You can view the edited version on my profile which is strictly for my followers only.


"No, please don't!" I cried. The figure just stood there.

"Shh! quiet, you'll wake the others..." he whispered in my ear.

"P-please..." I begged.


"Please no... I beg you..." I cried.

That was all I remember before I blacked out.


I wake up sweating on my bed. Why did I remember that all of a sudden? Why  did I remember that tragic past... I didn't know I was starting to cry when I felt hot liquid roll from me cheeks. Why did I see him again? Why did he bothered me in my dreams? What does it even mean? I was shaken out of my thoughts when I heard the door creak open. I looked to see Zayn, he still had that sleepy expression in his features. Oh God! I woke him up! He suddenly ran to me when he saw the tears that were spilling and engulfed me into a hug.

"You alright?" he mumbled in my hair. I just nodded. He pulled away and looked at me straight in the eyes.

"No you're not... why were you crying?" he asked in a bit of worry in his tone.

"It- It's... n-nothing..." I said nervously hoping he wouldn't notice. Don't get me wrong from the weeks we've stayed with them we all became awfully close, but I really worry that one day they would all just leave me there... alone.

"No, tell me..." he insisted.

"It's just a really bad dream..."

"What was it about?" he asked. Should I really tell him? I know we're friends and all, but what would he think of me when he learns about my past. I looked back into his eyes and see confusion, worry, care, and love... Wait, what?! why does his eyes hold love? I pondered at the fact if I should tell him or not...



Tell him...

No don't...



As I had a little discussion in my head, I heard a cough and see Zayn's eyes boring into my skull. So I decided... I'll tell him.

"Sorry.... Okay so, I once had a boyfriend..." I trailed off not knowing if I should tell him or not.

"Wait, didn't you say you never had one?" he asked confused.

"Well, okay I lied... You see when Scarlet and I was first out of training, I decided to go rouge..."


"Yeah, I think that's where they got my name..." I said chuckling.

"Okay... well after that I fell in love..."

"Okay you what?! who?!whe-" I cut him off.

"Okay, shiz listen okay? I'm not done yet!" I laughed. he nodded.

"Okay... I really thought he was the one, I really thought he was perfect, but-" I chocked on my tears.

"Shh... It's okay. I'm here... you don't have to tell me more if you can't..." he insisted. I shook my head before continuing.

"It's okay... you see..."

FLASHBACK-- (3 years ago)

I was in his flat, he said his boss called him because there was a problem with work. It was afternoon, I was bored so I decided to go in his study room to use his computer. I walked in and opened his monitor, and as it opened I was shocked in what I saw. It was a kind of plan... They were planning to control AXION. As I studied their plan, I found out about everything, about hacking the main system, their plan on kidnapping Master, and their plan on... me. They were using me, everything about us was a lie. He was using me because he knows how close I was to my Master, turns out they made a background check on the top spies of AXION, and they picked me.

As I was looking at the computer, I didn't even notice he was back. He saw that I already knew about the plan. That I knew everything...

the trust...

the promises...

the love...

was all part of their plan. And I was stupid enough to fall for all of it.

He got angry because I found out, so he locked me up at room. I stayed there for weeks, I didn't know what to do. I was crying my eyes out, I was alone. I thought I found love, but I was wrong. I gave up my life, my sister, my uncle, my parents. Then I realized I need to get out of here, I need to warn them, I need to save them... before it was too late. So I escaped. I found a window in the room, and snuck out.

I ran back to AXION, I told them everything, their plans, how they planned to use me, how they planned to take control. At first they didn't believe me, but eventually they did. We were prepared, so on the day of their assult, we beat them. But he escaped. They said to leave it because if he had eventually any brains left, he wouldn't even dare to come back. So I did. I forgot about him.


"W-what happened a-fter?" he asked.

"H-he r-raped me!" I cried. I felt a pair of strong hands hugged me.

"I'm sorry..." he mumbled in my ear. I pulled back.

"N-no it's n-not y-our fault..." I said reassuringly.

"I know... but I shouldn't have ask-" I cut him off by crashing his lips into mine. At first he was shocked but kissed back. I felt butterflies flutter in my stomach. It felt so right. I drapped my arms around his neck and he wrapped his around my waist. But wait! why did I kiss him? What was I thinking?! He probably thinks I'm weird or something... I decided to pull back and looked into his eyes. WHY?! Why did I even do that?!

"I-I'm sorry..." I said running out of my room, leaving him behind.



She kissed me...

She actually kissed me...

Does that mean she likes me back?

But she ran...

She didn't mean to...

It was just a spur of the moment...

But felt something...

Did she even feel it too?

But why did she run?

No she doesn't like me...

she was just depressed...

she didn't feel anything...

She doesn't like me back...

But one thing's for sure...

I was absolutely and undeniably...

In love with her.

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