Chapter 5: Do Eyes Deceive?

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It's Simon Cowell. It's Simon frickin' Cowell!

Rouge found it very difficult to think clearly at that minute. It wasn't that she found the man attractive or anything, but everyone knows Simon Cowell. You'll be a fool not to. The guy was insanely rich and influential. He is also a big shot in the music industry. If you are a budding artist and Simon Cowell himself liked you, you'll surely turn out to be something big. That is one of the main reasons why he knew him.

If Rouge had never became an agent, not that she was complaining, mind you- she'll surely try getting in the music industry. Whether it is to be a DJ or something else, there was something that deeply draws her to thought of making a living out of music. 

Okay Roe, act cool; nonchalant. Okay what do I do do I shake his hand or something?! I'm freaking out!

Gosh, she thought, I really need to stop talking to myself.

"Hello," the man said, introducing himself. "I'm Simon Cowell. And you are the RED twins?" he asked as he stood from where he sat. Both girls nod. Simon Cowell focuses on Scarlet.

"And you are...?" his tone was not rude, just curious as he held out a hand. Scarlet politely smiles at him and shakes his outstretched hand.

 "Scarlet," she simply said.

 "Ah, I see..." he said with a pleasant smile. He turns to Rouge after.

"And you must be..." he extended his hand which Rouge gladly takes.

"Rouge," she introduces, copying Scarlet's actions.

"Very well. So, I came to talk to Mr. Stev-" Scy cut him off.

"It's Commander, sir," Simon raises an eyebrow at the interruption but does not comment.

"Oh I see... Well, I came to talk to your Commander here, and I asked for the best in the field, and of course he suggested you two-" Their uncle buts in.

"As you see girls, he needs you two to protect his clients who are currently receiving too many... death threats," he explained. In unison, the girls tilted their heads. This was new. They were never asked to be bodyguards.

"So, will you two be up for it?" Mr. Cowell asked, his eyes wary. Neither girls blamed him. They still looked young, after all. But they were sure their Commander had dispelled some of his hesitancy before they were called. 

The twins looked at each other before Scarlet asked, " Who is it again?"

Of course, no one pointed out that they were never told who it was they were going to babysit. Simon beamed at them, looking excited.

"Well, I think both of you would be happy to know that it's gonna be One Direction!" he said.

The two girls only became confused. They must be new.

"What's a Wand Infection?" Rouge asked. Simon's eyebrows rose in confusion before he turned to look at the Commander. Their uncle was trying not to laugh at what she had said.

" Well you see Mr. Cowell," he started, trying too sound serious, "-these girls were shut off from that kind of world when they were still at the age of eight. Of course they know of very known artists like Taylor Swift and Justin Bieber, considering they had helped them in the past, but they've been spies for long time and did not have time to discover what the young people nowadays call as hip. With that in mind, these two young women are probably two of our best agents here."

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