Chapter 2: Good Things, Bad Things

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Scarlet Ryce woke up the next day feeling startled as she woke up in an unfamiliar (and uncharacteristically) white room. As she glanced around, her mind filled with questions pertaining to where she was at. As she tried to move her left arm, she felt a slight restraint on her arm. Only when she looked down did she realize a transparent tube was connected to the body part by a needle. What is this? And just like that, she remembered everything from last night.

The man.


Her twin sister crying.


Bodies being carried out of their house.

Her parents.

"No, no, no, no..." she whispered repeatedly. It can't be. That was when she lost it.

"NO!" Scarlet shouted, a sob escaping her lips. They're gone. They're really gone.

Because of the noise, a door forcefully opened as someone rushed in. Scarlet did not look up. She couldn't. She wouldn't.

Scarlet felt someone wrap their arms around her. She did not know who it was, nor did she care to find out. She clutched the gold pendant wrapped around her neck- the last gift her mother had given her.

"They're gone..." she finally said in a broken whisper as a fat tear escaped her eye.

Someone stroke her head soothingly.

Her vision faltered.


She woke up for the second time that day, only this time, she had come to accept the truth. It wasn't a dream. None of it ever was. Scarlet looked around the room she was in. The white bare walls, the machines, and a gray couch- she was in a hospitals, she knew, and she was completely alone.

Her parents were gone, and she knew no matter what she tried to do, they'll never come back to her and her sister. Speaking of-

"Where's my sister?" she asked just as the door to the room opened revealing a nurse in green scrubs. The nurse smiled at Scarlet sympathetically.

"She's in the waiting area with your... uh... uncle?" the nurse looked at the clipboard she had with her before nodding, "-Yes, your uncle!" Scarlet was confused now. What uncle?

"Want me to call them?" The nursed asked, smiling at the little girl. Scarlet just shrugged and then nodded. She had to know if her sister was alright. The nurse nodded back, before disappearing out of the room. Scarlet cannot wait to see her sister and this so-called-uncle.

The door slowly creak open, a blonde girl hidden behind it. Scarlet smiled in relief. She was alright.

"Sisi!" Roe yelled as she jumped on Scarlet's hospital bed, trapping her sister into one of her infamous hugs. Scarlet hugged her back. She wanted to forget everything that had happened, because right now, all that mattered she and her sister were alright. From the door, someone cleared their throat. Scarlet looked away from her sister to the door where a man in his early thirties was standing.

"Hello...?" she greeted, unsure. Who was he?

"Oh yes of course! Pardon for my intrusion, but my name is Mr. Richard Stevenson, and I'm your-"

"Uncle!" Roe finished excitedly. Oh, so he was the uncle the nurse was talking about.

"Yes..." He said, stressing the E. "-as your sister had said, I am your uncle and now, your legal guardian."

"Our, what?" Scarlet asked.

"Our gar-dee-an, sisi! He's going to take care of us while mum and dad are away!" Roe answered. Scarlet smiled at her sadly. If only.

"So," the uncle said, making their attention shift to him. "-Let's get into business, shall we?"

"What are you talking about?" Scarlet asked.

"As you may not have known, I am your mom's cousin, and your only relative left..." He smiled at Scarlet sadly. She shook her head, not needing his pity. "So now that you're my responsibility..." she waited for him to continue. Their uncle cleared his throat.

"I run his kind of agency, you see," he said.

"What kind of agency?"

"An agency sworn to protect their clients-"

"You mean like spies?" Scarlet asked making Roe excited.

"We're gonna be spies?!" She asked giddily. He nodded.

"Aren't we a bit too young for that?" Scarlet asked, unsure of what to think.

"Oh heavens, no! No one is ever too young to be a spy. Well, of course you won't be a field agent until you complete your training, but you'll be trained during the time. By me, of course..."

"And who knows? Maybe in 10 years you two will be the greatest spies on the job!" He said excitedly. "So what do you say... Deal?" He extended his hand. Scarlet turned to her sister, uncomfortable. Roe nodded, grinning. Scarlet sighed.

"Deal," she finally said, shaking his hand to seal the agreement. Her supposed uncle smiled at her before leaving the room, claiming to fill out the release forms.

"We're gonna be real spies!" Roe sang, making Scarlet smile.

Who would have thought that one bad event can lead to a good thing?

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