Chapter 34: The Invasion

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-3rd Person-

The silent night filled with undeniable purrs of vehicles as they came to a stop.

An auburn haired girl, no more than the age of eighteen, turned to the group of ragged men she came with.

"Prepare the guns, we're taking over tonight," and as grabbed the mask in her pocket and put it on, concealing everything but her fiery coloured hair.


"Lennox is a devious man. A crook. He had hated AXION ever since he got booted out of it. He had sworn his revenge on Mr. Stevenson ever since," Isla recountered to the five lads and two girls.

"Mr. Stevenson is the head of AXION, right?" Liam asked. Isla nodded.

"He is also Scarlet and Rouge's uncle,"

"Their what?" The lads chorused. Isla raised an eyebrow.

"Didn't they tell you? The girls are the last heirs to this agency. That's why Lennox wants to get his hands on them,"

"Of course!" Louis exclaimed like something dawned on him.

"Lennox doesn't only want to get the girls because they're AXION's greatest agents, he wants them because they achieved something even he couldn't. Nothing beats blood. Lennox are using the girls as bait," the others looked at him dumbfounded. Isla smiled at him.

"Then that means..." Niall trailed off.

"Lennox didn't come for the girls to kill them." Harry said, speaking for the first time. He looked at them, his eyes hard. "He wants to use them to achieve the one thing he wants to do since the start,

...To kill Mr. Stevenson."


Her feet padded softly against the compound's roof. She smirked. This was all too easy. Grabbing the small mirror she had pocketed from somewhere on her belt, Scarlet moved it against the moon's reflection, creating some sort of signal.

Hooks shot up to the sky and dropped to the building's side. Scarlet took a step back and waited, her arms crossed.

One by one, men started to climb, a rough estimate of twenty men more or less. Scarlet shook her head. They were too few, but according to Lennox, more was coming their way.

"Listen up," her voice boomed up from the rooftop. "You are all standing on what you all know is a normal office building. But don't he fooled, AXION is anything but ordinary. Tonight, we have one mission and one mission only. And that is to infiltrate one of the world's greatest spy agencies. Three of you are going to the command center. Hack into the system and lock all doors to everything. A general lockdown. Then I want atleast two men for every floor to scout the perimeter. Make sure no one is out. And if you have to, shoot to kill."


" basically-" Isla cut short. She quickly stood up, alarmed.

"What? What's happening?" Niall asked, worried. Everyone was looking at her now. She paled.

"It's the alarms," she said as the wailing sound grew louder. "They're shutting off the doors, hurry!" Isla ran to the door panel, she pushed as series of buttons. "Everyone, go out, now!"

Liam stumbled out first. Then Zayn. Louis. El. Dani. Harry.

"Niall, go!" Isla shouted to the frozen Irish.

"I'm not leaving without you!"

"You won't. Promise! I'll be right behind. Now go! I can't hold the doors any longer,"


"Now, Niall," and he crouched down and went. Isla pushed a button.

Please let me make it, was the only thing on her mind as she slipped out of the remaining gap.


Rouge coughed.

"James," she whispered. Nothing.

"James," she tried again. The man only hummed in response.

They were both tired.

"We need to get out of here,"

"H-how?" James croaked out.

"I got a plan,"


Short but, yeah. Love you guys!

Just a teaser of everything that is sure to come. Scarlet's going rouge. Sense the irony, there?

Anyways, thanks for everyone who stood by me. I wouldn't have made it here without you. Just a couple more chapters left, my loves! And then I'll restart the edited version, available only to those who follow.

Vote, Comment, and give me a Follow, maybe.

Love lots,


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