Chapter 30: In the Darkness

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That was the first thing I saw when I had opened my eyes. Or at least as far I think I can.

And the next, a figure. An unconscious figure slumped on the far wall opposite me. Jameson. I tried to sit up.

"Oh good, you're awake," said an awfully familiar voice that had haunted my nightmares. And the door creaked open to reveal the person I loated the most.

"Hello sugarplum," he said giving me that crooked smile I had learn to hate those many years ago. I took in a deep breath.

"Craig," I all but whispered. I gulped diverting my eyes away from him. I heard him chuckle.

"What? Can't bear seeing me again, love?" he said and it took all my will power, and the chain tied to my wrist, for me not to pounce on him there and then. Instead,

"Don't call me that," I gritted out,

"Or you'll what, Sweetheart? Because as far as I know, I'm the one who has the upper hand here. What are you going to do, love?" 

"You lost the right to call me that ever since I realized you were nothing but a no good double crossing scam!" I hissed.

"You didn't seem to think that when we were together," he said making me fume.

"We were never together," I hissed out and I could've sworn I saw his eyes flash. Anger? Hurt? I didn't have the time to know because it was gone the moment it arrived.

"I don't know about that one, aren't we really? Well, considering you went all out defying your agency just to be with me," was what he said, and it took everything in me not to let him see me flinch.

"What do you want from me?" was what I whispered instead as my eyes cast to the ground, not wanting to see the smirk that most probably overtook his features.

"Oh that's the thing my lovely sugarplum, I am not the one who wants something from you," he told me finally just as I heard his footsteps walk away, the door slamming firmly shut behind him, leaving me, with an unconscious Jameson, haunted by my own thoughts.


"I see you have woken up," was what greeted me when I woke up in a clean white room. I whipped my head to the side. startled.

"Who are you?" I blurted out as I caught sight of a not so old man in a white lab coat. He gave me a gentle smile just as I felt a seering pain in my neck. I winced.

"Don't worry," he said in a velvety smooth voice. "I had just applied some anesthetics in your bloodstream, the pain should subdue any minute now," and I clutched my head feeling a little woozy.

"Where am I?" I asked a minute later. The man seemed to hesitate before speaking.

""You are in one of the secret underground research facilities owned by AXION," he told me making my eyebrows scrunch up in confusion.

"Secret Underground Research facility? How come I never heard of it?"

"Well,  consodering it is a secret, I would hope so not," he commented. I stared at him for a minute before asking.

"What is this for, then?" which he replied with an,

"excuse me?" I gestured to everything around me.

"This. I'll have you know, I am one of Mr. Reece's top agents, so I think it's only fair for me to know what kind of operations is going on in this facility,"

"They warned me you'd be nosy," he said at last, and I could've sworn he was trying to changing the subject. I rolled my eyes.

"Where am I, Michael?" I asked, crossing my arms, which caused him to involuntarily step back.

"H-how did you know my name?" and it took all my will not to roll my eyes at him.

"Well, considering the snazzy hairstyle of yours, and that nametag you're wearing, I'm thinking it's not that hard. Oh, and nice mug by the way," I sarcastically said gesturing at the blue and pink polka dot mug with a big 'M' stamped at the side. The man, Michael gulped following my sight.

"Oh and I know you're lying. This isn't an AXION facility, because if it was then I should have seen a single AXN anywhere on these walls. Now tell me the truth, who do you work for?" I asked him, close enough that I could hear his rapid breathing. And suddenly the doors of the room burst open revealing the person that had dreaded the most.

"Hello, Scarlet Ryce,"


"James, wake up," I harshly whispered as I tried my hardest to let the shoes I was wearing, loose. Stupid clasp-ons.

"Hmm? Five more minutes mum," I heard him mumble making roll my eyes. Who would have ever thought that this guy here is one of the best in the business?

"James Jameson, I swear to all that is good that if you don;t wake up I'm going to take away all you toys!" I said trying my best to sound like an angry mother.

"They're not toys, they're weapons. And I'm already twenty one, you're not the boss of me," I sighed. Yep, no one's going to believe it. 

Using my other foot, I successfully, with much struggle, managed to unclasp my shoe. If only I could figure out how to throw it. I sighed. This is hopeless.

"JAMES!" I screamed out from the top of my lungs which thankfully did the trick.

"W-what? Where am I? Rouge?" He managed to stutter out as he looked at our cold cemented cell.

"Lennox," and that was all the explanation it took to shut him up.


"Lennox," was what I barely whispered as he gave me his familiar maniacal grin.

"Miss me?"


And the plot thickens.

I know, I know. It's not the best chapter, but give me some credit aye? I don't really have time considering I'm preparing for this exam I'm going to take for the university of my choice. I'm trying my best to finish this book.

But anyways, who do you think is Lennox? Oh don't worry, you know him... but where? Well, I guess you need to stay tuned to find out then. ;)

Vote, Comment, Fan, whatever... seriously. I need you to give me a reason for me to continue writing this. Well, I'm off to bed then! Eventhough its two thirty in the afternoon. Can't have too much sleep. Bye!


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