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Hola my lovelies! So I know I never really been great when it comes to updating but, I got so many things going on in my life right now. And you know what's my major problem right now? My future. I'm on a high pedestal, my loves, and if I make one wrong move I'll fall right off of it. My parents are pressuring me into taking something other than writing (it looks like anything will do for them just as long as I don't bury my nose inside various YA novels). 

But here's the thing. I don't want to. And you know why? Because writing is my last resort into staying sane. It helps me express everything that had been going on in my life and so on. It makes me feel like... I'm me. Not just another person whom our society expects to just lay low and do everything they want you to. I'm in love with writing, and not many of you may know for I still have countless of novels that still remain unshared in my notebooks, and I can't change that. I'm a writer. And I don't need anyone's judgment to tell me otherwise.

So I want to prove something to them [to my parents]. I want to show them I can do it. That I can finish a novel many would like. I'm going on a very long hiatus for this account. I'll be spending my time on my @MACollins account where I will finally make way to write my story entitled 'Twisted.', my first personal entry to this year's NaNoWriMo.

I'm not asking you to vote or support me, but if you're willing to waste your time on a girl you never even knew where came from, I will be really grateful. I'm going to momentarily stop writing fan fictions (although I'm truly grateful for the push it had given me) and focus on completing a story that I had entirely created myself.

So this had been me signing off, thank you readers for the support you had given.

'Til the next,


*This message will be posted to every fan fiction story I am currently working on. The contents are entirely the same so you don't need to read the others if you read multiple of my stories.

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