Chapter 33: Lennox

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"I should've known it was you," I said, my voice failing to hide the spite in my voice. Lennox didn't even flinch when my gaze bore into his skull. My fists clenched on my sides. He smirked.

"Who else?" He asked taking three steps to his right. The door on both sides suddenly opened, and six men with large guns came pouring in. I glared at the man before me. A cynical grin covered his face.

"Who else would you think could plan all this devious scheme, Miss Ryce? Who else would do everything it takes to see AXION fail? To see him fail," the calm demeanor cracked, and the man who stood before me changed into a revenge crazed monster.

"You see, threatening the world's biggest boyband was the greatest cover up. I knew, Richard. He would do everything he could to ensure that his agency was the best. And a group of terrorists claiming to kill 5 of the world's most influential people would completely ensure that," 

"You'll never get away with this, Lennox," was the only thing I said.

"Oh that's the thing, my dear Scarlet, I already did,"

And before I could react, large hands gripped my sides as Michael, who had stood silently for most of the time, smirked at me holding a familiar looking syringe.

This is not good.

"Sleep well, My dear Scarlet. Because when you wake, the world as you know it, is about to change,"

And I felt the needle pierce through my skin, as a seering pain came as the acidic liquid entered my body, before everything turned black.


I felt a sickening feeling pass thorugh me when my eyes fleeted open.

I was in the alley. The same alley where I got mugged by my masked assailants.

But this time, it was silent. No sound was heard. Not even the roaring music from the club across.


And then, I felt it.

"AHHH!" I screamed out as a seering pain jabbed my lower abdomen. I felt my forehead trickling with sweat.

There was a distant cry. Unfamiliar.

I looked down at myself. There it was. Blood. I felt my breath rag.

I heard shoes scraping. Metals clunking to the ground. And then-

"Harry," her voice whispered through the darkness. And then the scene changed.

We were in a room. Lights blinking, monitors around, a control room. There, she stood.

"Scarlet," I felt breathless. She was here. At an arms length, smiling.

And it was gone, a cold expression crossed her features. Her voice robotic as she said,

"I hate you."

And distand wails of foot stompings and yells were heard as the door flew open, just as a gunshot fired.

I jerked awake from that.

"Harry!" the familiar voice of my best friend cried out just as a pair of muscular arms wrapped around my torso. I winced when I felt the stabbing pain on my stomach.

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