Chapter Fourteen: I have some news...

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This is the rough draft version of my story. You can view the edited version on my profile which is strictly for my followers only.


I was woken up by a sudden beeping sound. I opened my eyes to see my phone lit up... Someone was calling me. Not bothering to look at the caller ID I answered it.

"Hello?" I grogily answered still sleepy.

"I see someone has been sleeping..." I hear someone chuckle from the other end.

"Oh Mr. Cowell, What a surprise! Nice to hear from you again..." I said.

"Okay, okay... Scarlet..." he laughed before changing into a serious tone.

"What may I help you with sir?" I asked as I got up from my bed.

"I just called to tell you to tell the boys to come see me... I have exciting news!"

"Oh! Okay Sir! That wouldn't be a problem..." I trailed off. "What time?"

"In a hour..." I looked at my clock, it was 8 am. WHO the bloody hell wakes up at 8AM?!

"Um... sure... I'll just try to wake them up..." I said unsurely.

"Okay... see you then" he said hanging up. I ran out of my room not bothering my look and ran to Rouge's door. I didn't bother knocking as I entered. I saw her fast asleep in her bed. I ran to her and shook her.

"ROUGE! GET UP!" I yelled.

"What?" she asked half sleepily.

"HURRY GET UP! WAKE THE OTHERS! WE NEED TO SEE SIMON!" I yelled. She shot up from her bed and I ran to the closest door, which happens to be Louis'.

"LOUIS GET UP!" I yelled.

No reply.


Still none.

"LOUIS GET UP! OR I WILL THROW ALL YOUR CARROTS IN THE TRASH!" I yelled again. THat should wake him. In three, two, one...

"I'M UP!" he yeeled. I laughed at his reaction.

"Get up, Simon needs to see you guys... you have a hour to get ready!" I said.

"What!" with that he shot up from bed to the bathroom.

Next was Niall...

Well this should be easy...

I opened his door and shouted. "NIALL! THE FOOD'S READY!" with that he got up with a huge smile.

"Get up lazy bum, Simon's gonna meet us in less than a hour... get ready!" I yelled before running to another room... Harry's.

I walk up to his bed and see him sleeping like a baby. I was about to open my mouth to yell at him when he spoke.

"Scarlet..." Wait, how did he know I was here? Oh wait he's still asleep.

"Scarlet... please..." Wait was he dreaming.

"Scarlet...I lov-" I decided to cut him off by shouting.

"HARRY! STOP DREAMING AND GET UP YOU LAZY BUM!" I said shaking him. he didn't even budge.

"No... don't hurt her! no! Scar..." he stopped and snored. What the HELL?

"HARRY GET UP OR I WILL PERSONALLY SHAVE YO CURLS!" I said in a 'gangsta' sort of way. He still didn't budge. Woah, talk about heavy sleeper. I looked at his clock and he only had 45 mins to get ready. So I decided to something... I pushed him off his bed with a loud thud.

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